
Saturday, December 6, 2014

This Week in Reading - December 7

It's Sunday Post time which means time to link up with the awesome Kimba over at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer to talk about all that's been going on this past week and what's coming up.

What I Got:

Nothing from NetGalley!  After my ridiculous haul last week I've been staying away for a few days!  That doesn't mean my week was entirely silent though.

A Duty to the Dead by Charles Todd - This is the first in the Bess Crawford series which I've been curious about for awhile.  I'm looking forward to this one! (paperbackswap)

A Rant of Ravens by Christine Goff - This is a cozy mystery that I received for review.  I'm not sure I've read a bird watching cozy before so it sounds fun.  (from publisher)


Reading: Murder on the Half Shelf by Lorna Barrett and The Christmas Bouquet by Sherryl Woods.

Listening:  I'm still listening to Secrets of the Grave by Tami Hoag and I like it but I got a little restless with it.  I picked up Ghost Moon by Heather Graham when I was at the library and have been listening to it.  I love the story but it's abridged so I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I keep wondering what they've left out.  It has made me want to do a binge of Graham's books though!  Maybe after Christmas?

Watching:  I'm so excited about The Librarians tonight and I really enjoyed The Taste this past week.  I love watching the 4 chefs interact and really I could just listen to Nigella Lawson talk for hours.  I'm watching a lot of Criminal Minds while I'm cooking or doing stuff around the house and it's making me a bit jumpy!  The other night the dog wouldn't leave a corner of the yard that was really dark and I had to go get her.  I was convinced there was a serial killer lurking back there.  I'm thinking my next Netflix binge show needs to be a little happier!

Off the Blog:

The word for this week is behind.  I'm so behind!  I'm behind on my reading.  I'm behind on my blog visiting.  I'm behind on my comment answering.  I still haven't put out Christmas decorations or packed up the fall stuff.  I've bought precisely 1 Christmas present.  I'm pretty sure I was abducted by aliens this week as that's the only thing that can explain why I'm behind on everything.

Other than that not much is going on.  The Tornado is so excited about the Christmas season followed shortly by his birthday. The others are preparing for finals and are focusing on getting through this semester.

On the Blog:

What Happened This Week:

Monday: Christmas at Carriage Hill - Review
Wednesday: We'll Always Have Paris - Blog Tour Review
Thursday: Merry Christmas, Baby - Review + Giveaway

Coming Up Next Week:

Monday: Snow Angel Cove - Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - New to Me Authors in 2014
Wednesday: 2015 Reading Challenges
Thursday: If the Shoe Kills - Review
Friday: Friday linkups featuring whatever book I'm reading then!
Saturday: Epic Tomatoes - Review


  1. You may be behind but you have sure been busy. Don't worry as this the time of year to be behind. You'll get there.

    1. Thank you! I made a to-do list so I'm feeling a little less overwhelmed!

  2. Agh I missed The Librarians, forgot it was on and we were out at the mall. And we survived! I hope it was good... our Christmas stuff isn't out yet either, there's always tomorrow. :)

    Enjoy the books this week!

    1. Congratulations on surviving the mall! I'm to chicken to attempt it right now! Hope you were able to watch The Librarians! It was a lot of fun!

  3. Urrggh, your keyword behind applies to me too. I've made lists of reminders on my phone of things I need to do, asap, preferably yesterday! And it makes me tired as it's so long. Need to starting ticking them off today.
    The Librarians sounds interestesting, don't think it's on here so must google around to see if I can find it online. Have a good week :)

    1. The Librarians was fun! I hope you are able to find it! I'm trying to make the first of many to do lists. We will survive!

  4. I feel like I've been "behind" since September... both in life and in all the blogging things. The word "advance" pretty much no longer applies to any ARCs I have. In most cases I've been able to post reviews the week after release, but my goal for the new year is to get back to reviewing BEFORE release. You know, like it's supposed to happen. Sometimes real life just gets in the way, and this fall was one of those times. :)

    Kim @ kimberlyfaye reads

    1. You moved recently so you have an excuse! I think I was behind for a year after I moved! What is this reviewing before the book is published thing you speak of? One day we will be caught up!

  5. You look quite active for someone who's behind on schedule ;) Don't worry, a blog doesn't have to be upgraded everyday, we can be patient. Have a great week !

    1. Thanks! I'm making some to-do list so I'm starting to feel a little less overwhelmed.

  6. I've read a few books in this series and like them. I can relate to you feeling behind--I'm in the same boat.

    My Sunday post:

    1. I'm looking forward to reading this series! I'm hoping to get caught up or at least not too overwhelmed!

  7. I also missed The Librarians and enjoyed all of the made for TV movies with Noah Wileyl I am also behind the eight ball preparing for Christmas, but don't despair. We women always get it done!

    1. It's a fun show! I hope you catch it next time they show it. I keep telling myself it will all get done but I don't quite believe it yet!

  8. It's fun to start a new (to you) series. I don't generally pick up books with the word "dead" in the title. I am weird, I guess. I keep forgetting to watch TV. I did watch the Peter Pan Live on Demand on Friday b/c I forgot Thursday. Gak! I thought it was horrible.

    1. I was planning on watching Peter Pan Live but I have heard it's pretty bad so I'm not sure.

  9. I am right there with you on being behind in everything! I finally did a little Christmas decorating yesterday, but we don't have our tree yet. I still have to finish my shopping - only bought 3 presents so far and have a ton to still get! Oh will eventually get done...

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm getting caught up but not as fast as I'd like! One day!

  10. I haven't done a Weekend Cooking post in a long time. I miss that. Off now to visit your post there.

    1. I love Weekend Cooking! It's fun to mix food and books!

  11. First off, congrats on no new Netgalley books! *high-five* Love when I don't add to my NG TBR. Lol.
    2014 is like a really weird year. I thought I was going to be ahead for Christmas. I was thinking about it at least. And now we're a week in and I need to seriously get my shit together before everyone gets hugs and nothing else. We can do it. Next SS we'll both be saying how we got everything done this week. ;)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I'm copying your optimistic attitude! All will get done eventually! If not I like your hugs idea!

  12. I feel very behind, too! I finally packed up the fall decorations and got out some Christmas stuff yesterday, but the shopping has got me worried. This is the week! Good luck catching up :)

  13. You say you are behind, but it looks like you did some posts and accomplished many things...but the feeling has more to do with expectations, doesn't it?

    I also watch more TV and movies this time of year...that takes me away from reading. Glad you mentioned The Librarians...I want to check it out.


    1. I think part of the problem is I feel disorganized. Tonight is to-do list night! Hope you enjoy The Librarians!

  14. I haven't read any recent Tami Hoag, but I've read a lot of her older books and I always liked them. She's one of the authors I would like to catch up with again sometime. I'm not sure yet if I'll be watching The Librarians but I'm planning to watch The Red Tent tonight.

    1. I haven't heard of The Red Tent but I will have to find out more! I am enjoying the Tami Hoag book. I'm definitely looking forward to trying more by her.

  15. I've been trying to stay away from Netgalley but I haven't been very successful :) I, too, have fallen very behind on everything.

    I have my DVR set to record The Librarians. It looks very good. I'm behind on Criminal Minds. I have the last three episodes to watch on my DVR.

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm behind on Criminal Minds too but I've been really enjoying the older ones. NetGalley is an addictive place!

  16. I'm always behind. I think it's the hazard of all word lovers. LOl
    I'm going to go check out Murder on the Half Shell. I love a fun cozy and have got to see what the cover art looks like.

    Here's my Sunday Post -

    1. I do agree! It's hard to be bored when you love reading! I like the Murder in the Half Shelf series even though this wasn't my favorite of it.

  17. I very behind with everything, too, Katherine. I'm hoping to get more done this next week. I'll be interested in how you like the Charles Todd book. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to trying out the Todd series. It's been on my TBR for far to long!

  18. Alien abduction, I may have to borrow that excuse. :D

    YAY for no NetGalley. I can not say the same, sigh. I may be an addict. Yah, it's a shocker I know. :P

    Charles Todd is on my list of authors to try. I hope you like it.

    Now, go fix a mug of tea and READ! Forget the holidays. :P

    1. You are more than welcome to borrow it! Sometimes it's the only thing to explain why I've gotten so little done!

  19. I can't wait for the Librarians tonight too!! I hope it is as good as the movies. I have been so busy out of no where this week too. I just now raked the leaves in my yard and that should've been done last month... I even only just now put the grills in the garage for the winter. AYE!!

    1. It's crazy how fast time is going! So much to get done and so little time! I enjoyed The Librarians! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where the series goes

  20. I got tons from NetGalley after a lot of heartbreaking declines so I'm staying away from it as much as I can :) Have a great week ♥


  21. You have me curious about The Librarians. I have never heard of it before. Is it a show?

    1. Up until recently it's been a series of TV movies but they're turning it into a show. I'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes!

  22. I recorded The Librarians and will probably watch it tomorrow. Hope it's good! I'm contemplating first watching the 3 big episode it's a spinoff from. Hope you get caught up on everything!

    1. In getting there slowly but surely! We watched the movies when they were first shown on TV and enjoyed them! I'm hoping the show will be as fun.

  23. It's such a busy time of the year it's hard to stay on top of things sometimes.
    Hope you have a good week and I'm shocked that you have nothing from NetGalley this week. ;-) Just kidding.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

    1. I'm kind of shocked myself but I think it's because I've already gotten everything!

  24. Hey, at least you do have one Christmas present, Katherine! I have none. And the only decorations we have is the advent candles... I'm sure we'll be ready for Christmas somehow anyway, though :)
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I still feel behind but I don't feel alone! We will get it all done! Or atleast that's what I tell myself!

  25. I hope you can get some things done this week so you feel less behind, it must be annoying to feel behind on everything. Or maybe you do a little easier on yourself some things? It's okay to do a little less blog visiting some weeks :).

    1. Thanks! I tell myself those things but I can't always make myself believe them! I'm trying to break everything down into manageable chunks. It'll get done eventually!

  26. Duty to dead looks good. Hope that you enjoy and have a good week.

  27. I've been trying to catch up this week but the time went by so fast. I love hearing about the Tornado and I would be excited too - Christmas and a birthday. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. He's so excited he can barely stand it! It's exhausting but so fun!

  28. I'm just barely managing to stay on track after being behind on everything for weeks! I hate when that happens!

    Have a lovely week and I hope you enjoy your books! =)

    1. Oh me too! I like feeling in control of all my stuff! We will get through it !

  29. I can so relate to being behind! I didn't even get Saturday and Sunday's posts up! I'm starting to catch up on Christmas shopping, and I just got another project turned in, but I'm nowhere near ready to pack and leave by Friday.

    Can't wait to see your thoughts on the Bess Crawford series. I'm curious about it too.

    Have a wonderful week and I hope you feel caught up (or at least less behind) by the end of it!

    1. I am glad I don't have to travel anytime soon. I think I'd come unglued! Good luck with it all!
