
Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas in Snow Angel Cove - Review

Snow Angel Cove by RaeAnne Thayne

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Eliza Hayward is not having a good day - first her job, the perfect opportunity for both her and her daughter, literally goes up in smoke and then she's hit by a car.  When Aidan Caine narrowly misses injuring a woman with his car and than learns of her job situation he desperately wants to help her and her little girl.  But could it be that Eliza may be just the person to help him reconnect with his family?

Genre: Romance

Why I Picked This Book: It looked Christmas-y and I was in the middle of a Christmas romance binge.  Also this is an author I've seen around and have been wanting to try.

My Impression:
Pro: Really what wasn't there to love?  The characters were wonderful, the setting was beautiful, the plot was sweet in the best possible way.  I liked that Aidan wasn't the typical geek stock character.  He wasn't socially awkward he was just reserved.  If he wanted to talk to people he had no problem doing so but he didn't often want to do so.  Aidan was just nice and the scenes with him and Maddie were adorable and I'm not a huge fan of kids in romance.  I liked that Maddie did read like a kid - an extremely good kid but a kid none the less.  Eliza's internal voice sounded realistic.  She was likable and easy to relate too.  The secondary characters - Jim and Sue, Aidan's family - were also great and really added to the warm Christmas-y feel.  While I didn't like how antagonistic the town and Eliza were towards Aidan I did like that the issues were dealt with and discussed.  In terms of heat this story barely registers though they are most definitely physically attracted to each other.  To me it really fit the characters who were both very cautious in their personal life.  This is a sweet romance in the very best sense of the word and not a hot romance.

Con:  I thought Eliza got a little too stuck on Aidan's secret and the fact he wanted to keep it from his family.  She likes to take care of her own problems and doesn't like to be pitied so it surprised me that she wasn't more understanding.  I also found it a little strange that Eliza just kind of gave up on the job at the inn and only talked to the owner maybe once after the fire.  It seemed a little contrived.  But I'm really nitpicking here.  These were really teeny tiny negatives and didn't diminish my enjoyment.

Overall: I've read a lot of Christmas romances in the last few weeks and so far this has been my favorite.  This is a warm and inviting story with people you can really root for.  This would be a great book to curl up with on a rainy (or even better, snowy) day!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely.  I'm looking forward to reading her past books and looking forward to seeing where the series goes.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  This was a wonderful Christmas romance.


  1. I don't read a lot of christmas novels, not sure why. I recently read a christmas novella by one fo my favourite authors and I enjoyed it.
    This sounds like a fun book, I like how you describe Aidan as reserved instead of socially awkward. And a beautifull setting is always a good thing!

    1. This was a lot of fun! This is the first year I've ever read a bunch of holiday themed books. It's been a lot of fun!

  2. Sounds like a really nice holiday read!

    1. It really was! A perfect read for a day indoors!

  3. I love this author and have this one to review, too.

    1. This is the first book but I've read by her but I loved it! Hope you enjoy it too!

  4. I've very much into the romance genre lately - Christmas books, but others, too. I;m glad that you liked this for the most part. I'm not always a big fan of kids in romances either.

    1. I've gobbling up the romances lately! I have a feeling I'm going to need some thrillers or something after New Years though!

  5. Oh, this sounds delightful. I've had god luck with most of the Christmas romances I picked out. I hope our streak continues!

    1. Oh I do too! We've definitely been on a festival streak!

  6. Christmas for the win! This one seems like the perfect Christmas time read. I'm all over finding some of those right now. I wonder why? Lol. Your rating and review is totally enticing. Maybe I should be adding this one to my TBR. Thanks! :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I've never been a seasonal reader until this year but I have to admit it's been a lot of fun. This is just a really sweet read!

  7. I think a reserved hero is sexy. Ooo I want to add this to my list! Maybe I will get it as a treat to read before the holiday :)

    1. I'm definitely fond of the reserved hero especially since Aidan reminded me a lot of my husband!

  8. I just started this book! I'm glad to hear you loved it. I'm really into Christmas romances this year.

    1. Oh I hope you love it too! It was so Christmas-y and sweet!

  9. So glad you loved this one! I did too, enough that I ended up buying a Kindle copy when it went down to $1.99. I have a feeling I'll want to re-read it someday. Anyway, your review is lovely and absolutely spot-on!

    1. I can see a reread as well! It was just a sweet and lovely story! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  10. My goodness, with all this positive talk about this author I have to get I have to get one of her books. It's been a while since I've read romance genre

    1. I was really surprised with how much I enjoyed this one. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of her books!

  11. I have yet to read a Christmas-y book this year. I'm such a Grinch when it comes to them, but I try to force myself to read at least ONE. This sounds cute and I like that Aiden isn't all awkward. That gets annoying.

    1. I did like what she did with Aidan. She made him a bit more compels than the average "geek". This is the first year I've ever done much holiday reading but I've actually enjoyed I it!

  12. I think a Christmas setting and a sweet romance go perfect together. It sounds like a lovely, heart-warming read and that's exactly what a Christmas romance should be. I'd buy it just for the cover, it's so cute!

    1. That's exactly what I thought! It was definitely my best Christmas romance yet!

  13. I just love Christmas romances. I have her on my author tbr pile :) I'll definitely have to check this out :)

    1. I really enjoyed this one! Just be prepared for low heat.

  14. I have been wanting to try this author, so I downloaded this one this week. I like the sound of it, and your review makes me want to move it up on my list.
