
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cook it Up Challenge: The Complete Magnolia Bakery Cookbook

Today I'm linking up with 2 rather awesome linkups: Cook It Up!  A Cookbook Challenge hosted by Trish over at Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity and Beth from Beth Fish Reads.

Since Trish announced this cookbook challenge several months ago my copy of The Complete Magnolia Bakery Cookbook has been sitting on one of my cookbook shelves taunting me.  See I bought it (full price even!) several years ago in one of those one for you, one for me Christmas shopping trips.  I sat down and tabbed at least half the recipes because they look AMAZING.  It's like the recipes for every yummy bakery treat you've ever seen.  Seriously mouth watering stuff.

Except that I didn't use the cookbook ever.  Well, I did once right after I first got it.  I made chocolate chip cookies because that's the only sweet my family consistently eats.  Because they're weird.  I have hundreds on cookie recipes on Pinterest and pretty much all they want is chocolate chip cookies.  The fanciest I can get is browned butter (which makes a crazy amazing chocolate chip cookie by the way) before they revolt.  So we are chocolate chip cookie experts.  I have made Nigella Lawson's chocolate chip cookies, Back in the Day Bakery's chocolate chip cookies (a favorite), Cooks Illustrated chocolate chip cookies and at least a dozen of the various versions on Pinterest.  And Magnolia's cookies were ... okay.  They weren't bad, they just weren't memorable or even worth picking up another one.

So the cookbook got put on the shelf and ignored.  For years.  Until this challenge when I knew it was time to face it again.  Since I had bought the cookbook I had learned that the cupcake craze can be attributed to a character on Sex in the City eating a cupcake in front of Magnolia Bakery.  So obviously the logical thing to do was try their cupcakes!  I love cupcakes.  I have made them, bought them, compared them and ignored the meanies who talk about cupcakes being "so over".  I chose their popular vanilla cake recipe and their chocolate buttercream recipe.  I followed the recipes exactly.  The batter for the cupcakes tasted like vanilla heaven and the frosting was amazing light and silky.

And then I tried one.  And almost cried.  The flavor of the cake is amazing but the texture is dense and bready.  The frosting texture is sublime but the sugar/chocolate ratio is off and all I could taste is powdered sugar.  They weren't bad but they definitely weren't the best cupcakes I've ever made or even in the top 10.

Verdict: Toss.  3 just-okay recipes make this one not worth the shelf space for me.


  1. Oh no, that is so disappointing to look forward to something, especially a cool cookbook, and it doesn't work out. Well, I have been culling my cookbooks here and posted about that on Wednesday. I am with you, if it isn't going to get used it's outta here,!

    1. I hate getting rid of books but it definitely needs to be done! I tell myself it's so I Can get new ones I'll like better.

  2. Aww, bummer! My husband, the baker, has this cookbook. He seems to like it.

    1. I think part of the problem is that my family wouldn't eat most of the other baked goods so there's not much point to making them.

  3. Too bad! My daughter took this cookbook with her when she moved into her apartment last year. I don't miss it because she does most of the baking around here, but she loves it.

    1. There are a lot of yummy looking recipes in this one unfortunately it just didn't work for me.

  4. drat. Sorry this one didn't live up to its reputation.

    1. Oh me too! I think part of the problem was it just didn't fit the things my picky family eats!

  5. Give it a try, a second try and then be brave and toss it - I firmly believe that for all my books...

    1. Definitely! It goes against my nature to get rid of a book but sometimes it's just time.

  6. Aah - Magnolia! We used to stand in that line back when I was a single girl living in NYC. I would never actually try to make them at home (I'm not a baker), but I'm sorry the recipes didn't work out. Sometimes I feel like recipes that are made for professional kitchens don't work as well at home.

    1. It definitely could be a home kitchen issue. I'd love to visit Magnolia!

  7. I used to buy cookbooks but now I just get them from the library - after a year of scanning cookbooks there was only one I decided to buy. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. I've started borrowing from the library as well. I've bought a few but only after I've tested them.

  8. Thanks for the honest review! I am a cookbook-buying maniac.

  9. Well dang! I love cupcakes but am a disaster when it comes to making them.

    1. Mine aren't pretty but they're pretty tasty! I had the best luck early on with doctored up mixes.

  10. But it's such a pretty cover! Loved your story about your family and chocolate chip cookies. They really are the best cookie, if you had to pick only one to have, but I can see how you might want a little variety!

    1. Thanks! I definitely get bored with chocolate chip but I never get tired of them!

  11. Bummer. Cupcakes are great but not when they come out like that! The cover is very appealing though.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

    1. Isn't the cover pretty! I was definitely sad they didn't work out!

  12. What a shame, the cover sure looks sweet!
    Happy Cooking!
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  13. What a bummer!!!!!!!!! I admit that I cook cakes and cupcakes from a box because I can NEVER, no matter how many times I try, get the cakes to turn out moist and yummy. Seems like they're always too dry and dense.

    Ever used pudding in your cookies? Scott recently found a recipe (he's obsessed) that calls for a box of pudding. I hate to admit it to him, but they're almost as good as the tollhouse recipe.

    1. I've made some pretty good cupcakes with doctored mixes. It's the icing that the from scratch part really matters anyway! I definitely agree about the pudding in the cookies. I make some M&M cookies with pudding that are amazing!
