It's Friday so it's time for The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rosce City Reader and, The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.
Book Blogger Hop Question:
You can go trick or treating with any fictional character (book or film). Who would you go with?
My Answer:
I'm going to say Lily Ivory from the book I just read - A Haunting is Brewing. Not only is she a born witch so she could cast spells to get us the best candy but she owns a vintage clothing store that sounds amazing so my costume would be fantastic!
In real life however I will be trick or treating with a 4 year old Jango Fet. We're all Star Wars all the time around here.
Today's book is a short story collection called Even in Death from Kristy Feltenberger Gillespie. The author contacted me several weeks ago about this collection and another full length book. I've only read the first story but no far I'm really enjoying it.
Book Beginning:
From the story "A Fine Winter Day"
"My twin sister Corinne enters our bedroom clutching five gift boxes overflowing with khaki pants and bulky sweaters."
Page 56:
From the story "The Collector"
"That evening, Mom returns this trash to the bookcase in my new room. And I realize as I look around the room, we've been organizing useless junk this entire time. Susie was right, Mom doesn't own collectibles, she owns a landfill."
Happy Halloween!