Saturday, July 13, 2024

And Then There Were None - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads:  And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Rating: Loved It! (5 Stars)
Source:   Purchased

Description:  "Ten . . ."
Ten strangers are lured to an isolated island mansion off the Devon coast by a mysterious "U.N. Owen."

"Nine . . ."
At dinner a recorded message accuses each of them in turn of having a guilty secret, and by the end of the night one of the guests is dead.

"Eight . . ."
Stranded by a violent storm, and haunted by a nursery rhyme counting down one by one . . . one by one they begin to die.

"Seven . . ."
Who among them is the killer and will any of them survive?

Genre: Mystery - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:  This was the June read for the Read Christie Challenge this year.  I'm pretty sure next month's is Taken at the Flood.

My Impression:   This is one of my favorite Christie mysteries and everytime I reread it I'm pleasantly reminded of why.  Christie is spot on here with complex characters, an isolated setting, and lots of twists and turns.  I remember the end and yet it never fails to give me a little thrill at the end.

Like Murder on the Orient Express, I feel like I notice something a little different or pick up on a new clue everytime I read this mystery.  Each character has some serious baggage and there is just enough of their backstory to flesh them out without getting confusing or overdone.  

This is a quick entertaining read that I always thoroughly enjoy and I enjoy it everytime I pick up the book.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  I'm already looking forward to July's Read Christie Challenge book.

Would I Recommend this Book? Yes!  If you've never read Christie this is a fantastic book to start with.


  1. I read the Agatha Christie canon when I was a teenager and then reread them for my teenaged children. But your lovely review has me wanting me to revisit them, again:)).

  2. I reread this again about a year ago.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. This was the very first mystery by Agatha Christie that I ever read, and it made me a fan of hers for life. :D

  4. I am totally onboard as to loving this one. I've read it several times and I agree that you notice new things each time as well as the same with the Orient Express book. Probably because there are many characters. Might be time to read this one again. It's interesting that this book has inspired so many authors to use the theme of 'isolated on an island, etc.'

  5. I remember liking this book though I can't remember the plot. One of these days, I'll pick up Christie again.

  6. It's hard to believe, but this is the only Agatha Christie book I've read. I loved it, so I just need to dive in and read more.

  7. It is always amazing when we reread books, we notice more and different things each time.
