Sunday, October 8, 2023

This Week in Reading - October 8

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Double Grudge Donuts by Ginger Bolton - I really enjoyed the previous book in this series so I'm really looking forward to reading this one.  (Publisher)

A Midnight Puzzle by Gigi Pandian - This is another series I've really been enjoying and I'm looking forward to reading more about the adventures of Tempest.  (Publisher)

Public Anchovy #1 by Mindy Quigley - I've heard great things about this series so when I was offered this one I couldn't resist it!  (Publisher)

Coconut Drop Dead by Olivia Matthews - I loved the previous book in this series so of course I had to pick this one up! (Publisher)


  Sugar Plum Poisoned by Jenn McKinlay and Beer and Loathing by Ellie Alexander

Listening:  Killer Green Tomatoes by Lynn Cahoon

We are back from vacation and had such a wonderful time!  We did a Disney cruise to the Bahamas and then the Halloween party at Disney World and both were fantastic.  I was really impressed with how clean the ship felt and the service was absolutely wonderful.  Will had such a good time and got used to unlimited pizza and ice cream very very quickly!  The Halloween party was really fun and we focused on the rides  Will discovered that he really enjoyed roller coasters that don't have drops so we did Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 6 times and really I think he could have gone again.

It was so fun to be on vacation after so long and we enjoyed every minute of it.  We got back earlier this week and have been scrambling to get all the laundry and whatnot done before real life starts again on Monday.  I have a new round of obedience classes to teach starting Monday which I'm mostly excited for - especially puppy class - but not sure I'm quite ready to get back on a schedule.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. How fun! Sounds wonderful. I think I could get used to unlimited pizza too. :)

    Jenn McKinlay and Lynn Cahoon are two cozy authors I've thught of trying, so hope both are good!

  2. Sounds like a fabulous trip. I'm jealous. Of course, I'm a huge DisNerd, so you had me at Disney.

  3. It sounds like you had a great trip! I have always wanted to go on one of their cruises. I hope that you have a great week getting back to your normal schedule.

  4. So glad that you had a great time and it's just great seeing Will looking so great and having fun!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  5. I'm delighted that you all had such a wonderful holiday - yes... my grandsons could easily get used to pizzas on tap, too. The photo of Will having fun is a delight. I hope the coming week isn't too much of a bump back to earth:)).

  6. What a great thing for you to have such a fun holiday. I'm making pizza tonight! Routine is always comfortable once you get back in the swing and puppies make everything better.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. Your new books sound good. That Ginger Bolton series sounds good! I am glad to hear you had such a fun vacation :)

  8. Your vacation sounds amazing! I'm glad you had such a good time. :D

  9. What a perfect vacation!! So glad you were able to do that, especially after all you've been through.

  10. Hi Katherine, your vacation sounded awesome. I bet your hear was happy to see Will enjoying life like he should. Hope all has been well. I finally posted after 4 mths. a little update.

  11. Holiday sounds amazing and hopefully rejuvenating. Looks like a cozy book fest now.

  12. Sounds like you had a fabulous vacation. I'm with Will on the coasters! Hope you can ease back into life but a vacation that fun can make it hard :)
    Mary @Bookfan

  13. What a great trip! And well deserved/needed, I'm sure. I don't like *any* kind of rollercoaster, so kudos to Will for braving Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. :)

  14. I am glad you had such a good time on your vacation, Katherine. What fun! I hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week.

  15. I have never taken a cruise, but you make it look and sound like it's fantastic! Glad you had such a great time!

  16. Yay! I'm so happy Will had a great time, and that he enjoyed all-you-can-eat after all of his appetite woes during active treatment. The photo makes me smile big! 😊
