Saturday, September 28, 2024

TBR Tarot - You Can Run


At the end of 2022 Wendy over at Literary Feline posted about these fantastic TBR Tarot Cards she had picked up on Etsy and that sounded too good to resist so I immediately ordered my own set.  So when I'm not feeling strongly about what to read next I pull out my cards and pick a book based on the prompt.  Here is a book the fates chose for me recently.

Prompt:  Choose a Book With a Title That Starts With "You"

Goodreads:  You Can Run (Laurel Snow #1) by Rebecca Zanetti

Blurb:  Laurel Snow wouldn’t call hunting a serial killer a vacation, but with a pile of dead bodies unearthed near her Genesis Valley, WA, hometown, she’ll take what she can get. Yet something about this case stirs her in unexpected ways. Like the startling connection she feels to Dr. Abigail Caine, a fiercely intelligent witness with a disturbing knack for making Laurel feel like she has something on her. Then there’s Laurel’s attraction to Huck Rivers, the fish and wildlife officer guiding her to the crime scene—and into the wilderness…
A former soldier and a trained sniper, Huck’s thirst for blood is rivaled only by his fierce pursuit of Laurel. He’s been burned by love, wounded by the government, and betrayed before, and to say he has trust issues is the ultimate understatement. Plus, he might be closer to this killer than anybody knows…

Once in the heart of darkness with Huck, Laurel must negotiate her distracting desire for him, her complex rapport with Abigail—and her mission to find a serial killer among a growing list of suspects and a danger that’s far too close to home. So close in fact, Laurel fears she will never find her way back to the woman she once was…

My Thoughts:  Well this was a fun book!  There's murder and putting together a team, and a good dog.  Throw in some family secrets and what's not to love!   I liked Laurel as a main character.  She's more than a little intelligent and very good at her job even if she lacks some people skills. Even better I could believe that Laurel has the job that she has in the book.  It always drives me nuts when a main character is in a job with some authority or responsibility but they have all the confidence and skill of an overly-emotional 12 year old.  The mystery and the pacing kept me hooked from beginning to end.  I really liked that the mystery was wrapped up well but there are a few little bits left open ended for the next book.  I'm already looking forward to reading it.  This author has been on my To Read List for quite some time and I'm glad the bookish fates picked this one out for me!  It was a fun grab your popcorn type of book.  My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)


  1. Seems the tarot cards picked a good book for you.

  2. How fun are these cards! It adds a nice dose of serendipity to the book-choosing process, I think.

  3. Laurel does sound like a great character. And there's a good dog, too? I think I would like this one. :D

  4. The 4th one is coming at the end of October and I have that one. This series is a wild one.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. I love those Tarot prompts. And I'm glad this one turned out to be such a good read! I've read a few books by Rebecca Zanetti and enjoyed them. I'll have to look for this one. :D

  6. Such a fun way to choose your next book. This is an author I haven't read yet, but I want to. Her books sound good.

  7. I love your Tarot cards picks. I have read Rebecca Zanetti at some point in the past and did enjoy her too.

  8. What a fun way to choose your book... and I'm glad it was a success!

  9. That's fun! I have had pretty good luck with Zanetti's books but haven't tried this series yet.
