Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Series I Want to Catch Up On

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a throwback and I'm picking 10 Series That I Want to Catch Up On.

1.  Secret, Book, and Scone Society by Ellery Adams - I really enjoyed the first two books of this series but for some reason it hasn't been a series I keep up with.  I need to fix that.

2.  Sebastian St. Cyr by C.S. Harris - I have really loved the most recent books but feel like I'm missing a little by not reading the first few books.

3.  Gaslight Mysteries by Victoria Thompson - Basically ditto above.

4.  Wescott Series by Mary Balogh - I picked up the first in this historical romance series and absolutely loved it and really want to continue with the rest of the books.

5.  Lady Darby Mysteries by Anna Lee Huber - I've loved the past few books but never read the earlier books.  There aren't that many that I've missed so I need to fix that.

Rockton/Casey Duncan Series by Kelley Armstrong - I loved the first book that I read earlier this year and it's been on my mind so I need to pick up book 2.

7.  Bookmobile Cat Mystery Series by Laurie Cass - I've read one book and enjoyed it and we aren't going to talk about how many books in this series I own.  Now I just need to read them!

8.  Amish Candy Shop Mysteries by Amanda Flowers - I really enjoyed another series by this cozy mystery author and I enjoyed the first book in the series so I need to continue it.

9.  Wrexford and Sloane Mysteries by Andrea Penrose - I liked the first book and am loving the second book that I'm currently listening to.  I waited over a year between book one and two and don't want to wait nearly as long between two and three.  

10. Krewe of Hunters series by Heather Graham - I've read most of the books in this series and always really enjoy them but there are a handful that I haven't gotten around to so I need to finish them up - especially as the series seems to have come to an end or is at least slowing down.


  1. This is a good TTT idea. I'm going to have to remember this one. And I love so many of these series: Sebastian St. Cyr, Thompson's Gaslight mysteries, Huber's Lady Darby books, and Armstrong's Rockton novels. Oh, and Andrea Penrose's, too. They're some of my favorite series. :D

  2. I rarely read series but I got the audiobooks of Bookmobile Cat Mysteries.

  3. You've got a bunch of good series listed here, Katherine! My favorite is the Kelley Armstrong series, but there are several others that I've had on my list for quite a while. I need to read faster (but I probably won't - ha!).

  4. I've read or want to read many of these. I love Sebastian St. Cyr, Gaslight mysteries, Wrexford & Sloane, Casey Duncan/Rockton books. I want to try the Lady Darby and maybe more of the Krewe of Hunters - at least those narrated by Luke Daniels.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. I've only read some of Heather Graham's series, but several of the others are series I one would like to read. The chances of me starting them are high because I am always starting new series--and then add them to my ever growing list of series to catch up on. LOL

  6. I don't dare think about the series I want to catch up on, although I will work on through the Louise Penny series, I have about another ten to go! However if I found a really good series I'd wade in for sure.

  7. It's a commitment to keep up with so many series! I keep a spreadsheet just so I don't forget any and fall behind.
