
Monday, May 27, 2024

TBR Tarot Reviews - Of Literature and Lattes

At the end of 2022 Wendy over at Literary Feline posted about these fantastic TBR Tarot Cards she had picked up on Etsy and that sounded too good to resist so I immediately ordered my own set.  So when I'm not feeling strongly about what to read next I pull out my cards and pick a book based on the prompt.  Here is a book the fates chose for me recently.

Goodreads:  Of Literature and Lattes by Katherine Reay

TBR Tarot Prompt:  Pick a Book with And in the Title

Blurb: After fleeing her hometown three years earlier, Alyssa Harrison never planned to return. Then the Silicon Valley start-up she worked for collapsed and turned her world upside down. She is broke, under FBI investigation, and without a place to go. Having exhausted every option, she comes home to Winsome, Illinois, to regroup then move on as quickly as possible. Yet, as friends and family welcome her back, Alyssa begins to see a place for herself in this small Midwestern community.

Jeremy Mitchell moved from Seattle to Winsome to be near his daughter and to open the coffee shop he’s been dreaming of for years. Problem is, the business is bleeding money—and he’s not quite sure why. When he meets Alyssa, he senses an immediate connection, but what he needs most is someone to help him save his floundering business. After asking for her help, he wonders if something might grow between them—but forces beyond their control soon complicate their already complex lives, and the future they both hoped for is not at all what they anticipated.

My Thoughts:  The Printed Letter Bookshop was one of my favorite books of 2019 and I meant to read more from this author immediately.  But of course I didn't so I was thrilled when I realized this book fit into the prompt.  Overall, I really enjoyed it.  It took a bit to warm up to Alyssa and Jeremy as they both have some baggage that makes them prickly and has them making questionable decisions.  The community of Winsome is so warm and interesting and I really enjoyed spending time with these characters.  There were times that Jeremy especially drove me bonkers but by the end I was smiling and sad to see the last of these characters. My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)


  1. I also read this and see from my review that I took a while to get into it but enjoyed it in the end.

  2. What a beautiful cover! I like the premise.

  3. Sounds like a fun read! I also love the idea of the TBR tarot cards. I might have to order myself some :)
