
Saturday, May 25, 2024

TBR Tarot Reviews - Run!


At the end of 2022 Wendy over at Literary Feline posted about these fantastic TBR Tarot Cards she had picked up on Etsy and that sounded too good to resist so I immediately ordered my own set.  So when I'm not feeling strongly about what to read next I pull out my cards and pick a book based on the prompt.  Here is a book the fates chose for me recently.

Goodreads:  Run! by Patricia Wentworth

TBR Tarot Prompt:  Pick a book with a one word title

Blurb:  Lost on a foggy country road, James enters an old, dark house to get help—but finds trouble. First comes a frightened woman, urging him to flee. Next, someone starts shooting at them. Later, Miss Aspidistra Aspinall says she is after her late aunt’s diamonds, and “ruthless relations” are after her. James is rattled. If Aspidistra knows the assailant, why does she refuse to call the police?
Suspicion mounts when James runs into Aspidistra again, at his cousin Daphne’s of all places! Only now “Aspidistra” is Sally. And now James’ associate, Jackson, has been mistaken for James...and murdered. James wants answers. Who is Sally? What was she really doing in the house? And why, for all the fibs and danger, is he in love with her? James means to find out, even if it’s the death of him.

My Thoughts:  This was a fun read!  Completely bonkers but fun.  James stumbles upon a dangerous situation and in the small world of Patricia Wentworth novels, the woman who was also in the situation just happens to be friends with one of James' cousins.  James is very blunt and there were a couple of times where I couldn't help but laugh.  He gets accused of being a Scot with various adjectives throughout the book.  The premise is a bit far fetched and the romance is also pretty far fetched though they do work well together.  This was a fun read that I enjoyed from begining to end.  It's not the most believable but it was a good time.  My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)


  1. Interesting way to choose your next book. This one sounds good.

  2. Far fetched and fun are two totally want to haves in many a book I read.

  3. I read historical mysteries but haven't tried this author.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. This does sound like a fun read. Even more fun because of the Tarot prompt! :D
