
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands On But Still Haven't Read

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands On But Still Haven't Read.  This happens all the time and there are so many books that I just had to have but have never read.  Here are 10 off that list.

1.  To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey - I loved the previous book I read by this author so of course I had to pick this one up right away.  

2.  The Summer of Songbirds by Kristy Woodson Harvey - All of this author's books look fantastic and my method to read her seems to be just to buy all of her books until I finally pick one up.  I don't know why I'm stalling as all the books look really good.  

3.  The Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah - I've been wanting to read something by this author for years and I was so excited to see this book come up on an Audible sale - especially since I had heard great things abou tthe narrator.  

4.  You Can Run by Rebecca Zanetti - I love suspense and I've heard great things about this author so I was so excited to pick this one up.

5.  The Family You Make by Jill Shalvis - I love this author's books and was so excited to pick this one up.  Same old story...

6.  The Address by Fiona Davis - I've loved every book I've read by this author and this looks wonderful so of course I had to buy it!

7.  The Bridge Across the Ocean by Susan Meissner - I've had this one on my TBR for ages and was so excited when it came up on an Audible sale.

8.  Let Me Like by Clare Mackintosh - Ditto above!

9.  Nothing Venture by Patricia Wentworth - I was so excited when I found a copy of this mystery as Wentworth books can be hard to find - especially in paperback.  Still haven't read it.

10. A Darkness Absolute by Kelley Armstrong - So I haven't had this one for that long but I was so excited to get it after I read the first Casey Duncan book.  

What books were you excited to get but haven't read yet?


  1. The Family You Make was the first I read from Shalvis and I really enjoyed it. The Winter Garden is one of my favorites from Kristin Hannah! Tough read at times, but so, so good!

  2. ok I have read the Shalvis, Zanetti and Armstrong books. I totally agree with your post title.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I will suggest that you definitely try #1 and #10. I've read them both and they are great - very different from each other, but great. :-)

  4. I love that Kelley Armstrong series! It's one of my favs. And I'm very far behind on Shalvis's books...though I'm still excited to read them all. ;D

  5. So many great authors on your list. I'm like that - I get excited to get a book, but then it takes forever before I read it. I hope you get to read these.

  6. I've read #6, 7, and 8 — all enjoyable. I've also had The Winter Garden on my TBR stack for too long.

  7. You've picked up some great books. I hope to read Kristy Woodson Harvey one at some point. I liked Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah on audio so hope you do. Some of her later books have been not to my liking but I did like this one. And of course Jill Shalvis gives us a book we can feel safe and warm with.

  8. Great list! I love the Rockton series. I also enjoy Meissner's books. I've read most of them, I believe. THE WINTER GARDEN isn't my favorite of Hannah's novels, but I liked it well enough. I hope you enjoy all these when you get to them!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  9. I love the cover of the Ivey book. 📘
