Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings.

1.  Murder on the Christmas Express by Alexandra Benedict - If Santa leaves this book under the tree I'm grabbing a blanket and a cup of coffee and spending the rest of the day on the couch reading this.  Or that's what I would like to do!

2.  Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa - One of my favorite books this year was What You're Looking for is in the Library and this looks similar so I'm hoping to enjoy this as much.

3.  Dark Corners by Megan Goldin - This sounds like a spooky thriller and I've read good things about this author's books.

4.  In the Hall with the Knife by Diane Peterfreund - This is a Clue themed mystery series and it sounds really fun.  

5.  The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle by Jennifer Ryan - The Chillbury Ladies Choir is one of my absolute favorite books and this one sounds really wonderful as well.

6.  Homecoming by Kate Morton - I love Morton's books and this premise of this one really caught my attention.  

7.  A Late Phoenix by Catherine Aird - I've been reading Catherine Aird's Inspector Sloan series and this is the next book in the series.  

8.  At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities by Heather Webber - I have loved every book I've read by this author and this is her most recent book.  

9.  Miss Pinkerton by Mary Roberts Rinehart - I'm reading through this author's books and this is one I haven't read.  

10. The Grace of Wild Things by Heather Fawcett - This book looks wonderful and whimsical and like another book I want to snuggle up with and recover from all the holiday craziness.

What books would you like Santa to leave?  


  1. Japanese bookstore novels and novels featuring cats are popular these days.

    Harvee at https://bookdilettante.blogspot.com/

  2. I thought Days at the Morisaki Bookshop was a good one. Haven't read any of the others, but I hope you get them all!

  3. I'm not familiar with these books, but they do sound really good.

  4. Homecoming was good, I love Kate's books!

  5. Lovely list, may at least some of them be under the tree. I did get What You Wish For is in the Library from the library but had to return it before I could read it. Probably need to get it out again. I have Homecoming on my shelf to read, maybe 2024 will be when I read it.

  6. I hope Santa comes through for you and brings you some fun bookish goodies to enjoy!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
