Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Reading Goals I Still Want to Accomplish

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Reading Goals I Still Want to Accomplish Before the End of the Year.  

1.  Read 200 Books - I'm on track to finish this one without too much trouble.

2.  Finish 2022 ARCs - Only one left.  I should be able to get this done but it keeps falling down the reading list.

3.  Finish 2023 ARCs - I think I'm on track to get this done but I'm not 100% confident.

4.  Finish my Classic Mystery List - I've only got 3 books left on the list of 10 so I think it should be doable.

5.  Finish/Catch Up on 10 Series - I've finished 5 series and only have 1 book left in 3 other series.  I need to go through my books and see what other series where I only have a few books left.

6.  Keep reading books I'm excited to read instead of them gathering dust on my TBR.

7.  Read more books off my own shelves - I've discovered I'm pretty dreadful at reading books that are already on my own shelves.  I've done a lot better about reading new releases or library books but struggle with reading books I already own.

8.  Use my TBR Tarot cards more often - I really enjoy finding books based of the prompts I get from the cards and I need to make more time to do this.

9.  Make progress on some of the long running series I'm reading - There are so many huge series that I really enjoy but don't make much progress in them because I don't really focus on them.

10.  Clean out my TBR - both physical and virtual.

What goals do you want to accomplish this year?


  1. You have the first part of the battle complete with identifying what you want to do. For #7 I track how many books I own that I read each month and shoot for 3. Often these are freebies which also work for Thrifty Thursday. For #9 I've started a new meme for myself called Sunday Series Satisfaction, where I read those series I want to progress reading. Nothing works all the time but it's a bit of a push for me.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Wow, you're rocking your 2023 reading goals! I'm also on track to read 200 books this year. Good job, us :)

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  3. Love all your goals and many of them I could own as well. What is it with us that when a book is safely purchased it gets overridden by library/review books/recently published. You are doing really well with your goals.

  4. You are making great progress with your reading goals this year, Katherine!

  5. You are doing great! I don't think I've read any super long series in a while, except for the Discworld books and I've been reading them in individual story arcs, so that satisfies my need for completion as I go. I think I will be able to finish my 2024 ARCs, but it will be close. Ha ha. Kudos on working on your back ARCs! 📚
