Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Most Anticipated Books For the First Half of 2023

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is my Most Anticipated Books for the First Half of 2023

1.  A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn - I really enjoy this series and I'm curious to see how it progresses after the events of the last book.

2.  An American in Scotland by Lucy Connelly - I haven't come across this author before but this one looks fantastic - and it is set in Scotland!

3.  The Raven Thief by Gigi Pandian - I liked the first book in this series and am hoping this upcoming book is even stronger.

4.  Identity by Nora Roberts - I love Roberts' romantic suspense titles and this one looks like a great read!

5.  A Fatal Illusion by Anna Lee Huber - I really enjoy this series so of course I have to pick up this newest book!

6.  Forget What You Know by Christina Dodd - This sounds absolutely bonkers and like a really fun read.

7.  The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner - This is a bit more supernatural than my usual reads but it looks like it could be absolutely amazing.

8.  Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murder by Jesse Q. Sutanto - This sounds like it could be really interesting.

9.  Wined and Dined in New Orleans by Ellen Byron - I enjoyed the first book in the series and this one sounds just as good.

10. Homecoming by Kate Morton - I'm so excited about this one!  I love Kate Morton's books and can't wait for this one.

What books are you looking forward to in the first half of this year?


  1. Great list - I am also lookong frward to Homecoming as well as Jane Harper's newest Exiles.

  2. The Christina Dodd book looks great. There are a few on this list that are on my wishlist.

  3. I of course have the Nora Roberts one in my sights and I must watch out for the Anna Lee Huber one too of course. A maybe on the Kate Morton one.

  4. A Fatal Illusion made my TTT list this week, too. I love that series! And I'm intrigued by both An American in Scotland and The London Seance Society. More to add to my list. :D

  5. Great list, I didn't know Nora Roberts has another new one coming out. I hope you enjoy all these books.

  6. Sinister Revenge has such a pretty cover! I need to catch up in that series. I also need to catch up on Anna Lee Huber's Verity series, although I want to read her other one as well. We have two of the same books on our lists: The London Séance Society and Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murder. I am really looking forward to both of those! I hope you enjoy all of these when you get to read them, Katherine!

  7. I'm looking forward to the new Kate Morton too!

  8. Awesome list! HOMECOMING is on my list this week as well. I'm always up for a new Morton book. I also adore the Veronica Speedwell series, although I'm a little bit behind in it. I just started Byron's PLANTATION SHUDDERS and I'm enjoying it. I'll have to check out her other series as well. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

  9. I am really excited to start reading A Sinister Revenge and Vera Wong. Great list!

  10. These all sound like books you will really enjoy. Happy reading! 📚✨
