Saturday, January 21, 2023

Life with Leukemia, a Puppy and Some Reading - January 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Bride Wore White by Amanda Quick - I love the Burning Cove series and this looks like a great read! (Publisher)

The Summer Skies by Jenny Colgan - Colgan is another favorite author and I'm looking forward to reading this one! (Publisher)


Reading: Six Sweets Under by Sarah Fox and Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village by Maureen Johnson and Jay Cooper

Listening: Circle of Influence by Annette Dashofy

Will and I went to read with cats which was really fun.  I'm trying to find outings that he will enjoy as well as trying to figure out a schedule to help transition into a the non-cancer treatment world.  It's a bit scary and a bit exciting for all of us.  We head to Memphis this week for week 120 of the 3rd and final phase of treatment.  He'll get his last IV chemo as well as a spinal tap, bone marrow test and CT scan.  And if all the test results come out the way we expect he'll also get his port removed.  Getting the port removed is a huge step in return to normalcy as that means a fever is no longer a medical emergency and he can take advil or tylenol for minor aches and pain since we don't have worry about possibly missing an infection because those are masking a fever.

Obedience classes are going well and I'm loving working with a new group of dogs.  We've got such a fun group this class cycle and such an interesting variety of breeds.  Rover is doing well in his scent work classes and we are having a good time in rally classes though he and I both need a nap after class because that's hard!

I've been prepping for heading up to Memphis and working on school planning for Will post-treatment.  Between that and dog classes and all the allergy medicine that I had to take for the cat reading afternoon it's been a fun but low-key busy week!

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Good luck with everything! That's exciting and I hope it all goes great. It has been a long road for you guys, I can only imagine, glad you are having good news. :)

    Hope you have a nice week :)

  2. Six Sweets Under looks like a fun read. I hope you enjoy your books!

    My Sunday Post.

  3. Hope all goes well with your trip to Memphis! It must be very exciting that the end is near and I hope the transition into everything after cancer treatments goes smoothly. I am so excited for you all!

    I hope Six Sweets Under is good I enjoyed the first in her Literary Pub series last year and I am curious to read more from her.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  4. That is such a beautiful photo of Will. Everything sure sounds positive and good news on your side Katherine. Yea!!

    I'm just sitting here, thinking how much your life has changed the last couple of years. Glad to hear you are enjoying the doggy training so much! I sometimes think Anna needs to go back! She's 8 months now and gosh, she's busy. But a whole lot of fun. Elza strongly disagrees with that of course!

    Have a great week and I'll hold thumbs that all works out well.

    Elza Reads

  5. Now that's cause for celebration! You all handled this with such strength and grace. Will is amazing! It will be so nice to plan activites with him and find a new normalcy.

    Thanks for the heads up on Mrs Wilson. Turns out I saw it awhile back and I loved how it all came together!

  6. Will is looking good! I hope everything goes well in Memphis

    Wishing you a great reading week

  7. All the very best for Will - who is looking so much better in the photo! I hope everything goes smoothly for him. And here's hoping you have a happy, book-filled week, Katherine:).

  8. That's such exciting news about Will. I just finished reading Six Sweet Under and really enjoyed it. I hope you do too

  9. I'm so glad to hear such good news about Will! I used to love Amanda Quick, she was one of the first adult romance authors I read as a teen. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  10. You have a lot happening and changes coming. While that is good stuff, don't forget to take care of yourself.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Good luck this week! I hope all goes well and it's only good news ahead. :D

  12. Well that sure sounds like a busy enough time for me. Oh my getting so close to the end of treatments. Of course feeling jealous of The Summer Skies. I must see if I can get it in my pre Order wish list yet.

  13. I am so excited for Will and your family. All of you have been through so much and to see the end in sight has to be the best feeling. Will is one tough kid. I hope that this week goes well.

  14. I can only imagine you have such a mix of overwhelming feelings as you approach a post-Cancer life for Will. I'm so excited for you all <3 The reading with Cats sounds so interesting, but difficult with those allergies !

    I hope y'all have a great week!

  15. Rooting for Will and the whole transition!!!!!

  16. Maybe you should suggest the shelter also do reading with dogs. That's what we have here. That way you won't have to take so much medicine. 📚🐕

    I'm looking forward to reading the post about Will's last treatment! I'm so happy for all of you. 🤗

    Is Will interested in dog obedience or maybe junior handling once Rover calms down a bit more? It seems like dog shows would be a great activity for the both of you. 🐶

    Have a wonderful week. ☀

  17. Sending you all the best for the time in Memphis. Hard to believe, I bet, that you're at this point. Will looks great (and like he's grown a lot!). Have a good week, Katherine.
    Mary @Bookfan

  18. I hope everything goes well in Memphis, Will's numbers are perfect, and the port can come out! It's so exciting that he's almost done with this final phase. I'm delighted for you all.

    I hope you enjoy the new Amanda Quick novel! I got it, too, last week. Can't wait to read it!

  19. Good luck in Memphis!


  20. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you and Will that all goes beautifully.

  21. I hope all goes well for Will. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
