Sunday, April 10, 2022

Life with Leukemia, A Puppy, And Some Reading

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Strawberried Alive by Jenn McKinlay - I enjoy this series and I read a teaser in the last McKinlay book I read and it pulled me in immediately so I'm so excited about this one.  (Publisher)
Claws for Suspicion by Deborah Blake - I have really enjoyed this series so far so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the 3rd book. (Publisher)

Smile Beach Murder by Alicia Bessette - This is the first book in a new cozy series.  I haven't come across this author before but this looks really promising.  (Publisher)

Murder, She Wrote: Killer on the Court by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran - I have been enjoying this series - especially now that it's being written by a cozy mystery author.  Anytime spent with Jessica Fletcher is always entertaining.  (Publisher)


Reading:  We Wish You a Murderous Christmas by Vicki Delany and When Blood Lies by C.S. Harris

Listening:  Crime Rib by Leslie Budewitz

Will officially has less than a year left of treatment!  I sat down and counted weeks earlier this week and it looks like he will be finished mid January 2023.  There's always the chance that treatment could pause if he gets sick or has an adverse reaction or one of the other things that can happen.  Regardless, it feels amazing to know there is an end in sight even if it's still a little while.  We are planning some fun celebrations - a small trip soon after treatment ends and a bigger one towards the end of the year when we've got some time to adjust.  Our last trip was February 2020 when we went to Disney World right before everything changed.  Will is feeling pretty good this week other than some fatigue and he's gained a little bit of weight which is exciting.  

Rover is officially 50 pounds!  He'll be 6 months old on the 17th and is growing like a horse.  We are working really hard in obedience class though we have a long way to go.   

I missed last week because I got my vaccine booster and felt like I had been hit by a truck.  I didn't have a fever but I was absolutely exhausted.  Between that and crazy allergies I'm still feeling pretty tired but all in all it's been a good though unexciting week.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. It's great that an end to treatment can be seen, gives incentive and the planning for a holiday as well. Is the vaccine booster your 4th? We haven't gone to 4th yet but I can be sure it will come. I love the look of that Jenn McKinlay book. Take care, rest up. Rover looks adorable.

  2. I'm so happy you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    Funny, I snagged three of the four books you got from Berkley as well. Don't have room in my schedule for all four, although Smile Beach Murder looks promising.

  3. Hi Katherine! Claws for suspicion seems like a fun read. Wow! Rover has grown and he is a beautiful big boy.

    I'm sorry to hear your booster shot made you feel a bit under the truck. Hope you feel better!

    Have a good week and take care.

    Elza Reads

  4. I used to like Sebastian St. Cyr mysteries. Must look into them again.

  5. I'm glad there is an end in sight for Will! What an ordeal to go through, but to have him healthy and back to normal life will so extra satisfying for you all.

    I like cozies sometimes-- I'm reading a couple this month. I read Budewitz' Spice Shop series awhile ago. I read the first 2 of the CS Harris series. Not sure why I stopped. Maybe couldn't borrow it from somewhere.

    And your dog is getting so big! Literally overnight, it seems. That breed is a really good family dog, though, so Will must love him!

    1. Mia, thanks for mentioning my Spice Shop mysteries. The 6th, Peppermint Barked, will be out in July. It's Christmas in the Market -- what could go wrong? Enjoy the trip to Seattle with me, on the page!

  6. So glad that you are seeing an end of treatment soon! He is a tough kid and you are an amazing momma! Rover is getting so big!!! He is such a cutie.
    The booster kicked my butt too. I was considering the next one but I am not sure I can get it yet, however when the time comes I probably will.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Sending you all lots of love and hugs! Happy Reading! xx

  7. I am curious to see what you think of the new MSW book because a lot of people I know that loved the ones by Donald something, don't really like the tone in the new ones. I have yet to read a MSW book which is horrible since I love the show and watch it all the time on

    So glad that there is an end in sight for Will's treatment!! Rover is getting so big!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. I’m delighted that Will is doing well and you are confidently planning for the future.
    I feel like little puppies become big puppies too quickly! (Kids too)

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. That's great news that there's an end in sight. Wow, look at Rover!

  10. I'm glad you were able to get your booster and that things are going well for Will. Yay for the future plans. I love the CS Harris books.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. I'm glad to hear that Will is doing well. I hope he continues to improve and gets better. :) I hope you have a good week.

    My Sunday Post

  12. I think the sebastian St. Cry mysteries have caught my eye before, and what a cover on that book! I love the punny titles on cozies too! Glad to hear you guys have a light at the end of the tunnel treatment- wise. I hope this year goes really well and Will can celebrate soon!

    Hope you're feeling better.

  13. I'm so glad you have an end in sight for Will's treatment. I love seeing Rover growing! He's such a cutie.

  14. That is such exciting news that you are getting closer to the end of Will's treatment. I am glad that he has had a good week. Rover is such a cutie! I really need to get back to the Cupcake Bakery Mystery series. I hope that you have a great week!

  15. Such good news that Will's treatment plan is coming to a close, I can't imagine the stresses you must all have been under. I don't think I have ever read an American cosy mystery but looks like those three authors would be a good place as any to start.
    Charlotte Burt's Books

  16. How exciting to have an end in sight. It may be a ways out but it's a light at the end of the tunnel to focus on. So happy to hear that bit of good news!

  17. I'm happy to hear Will's treatment is almost over. That's great. Rover is looking adorable.

    I have many of those same cozies waiting for me. Hope you have a great week!

  18. So exciting to see an end date for treatment! Glad to hear Will has gained a bit too. Hope you feel better soon. I’m already hearing our allergy season could be rough this year. Guess we’ll find out if the temps ever warmup. I’m behind on the Harris series but it’s one I enjoy so I look forward to your review!

  19. Katherine, thanks for the shout-out for one of my Food Lovers' Village Mysteries. I hope you enjoy the trip to Montana with me, through the magic of audiobooks!

  20. When Blood Lies looks like a good book. I haven't read anything by Harris but hope to. I am glad to hear Will is doing well and hope that continues. Less than a year to go is such a nice feeling, I am sure. I hope you are feeling better after the booster shot. I was hit hard by mine last fall as well. Take care and happy reading!

  21. How wonderful to be able to see an end to Will's treatments!

  22. I read this way earlier, but somehow didn't comment. I'm happy to hear you got your booster, but am sorry you felt so awful afterwards. 😔
