Saturday, December 11, 2021

Life with Leukemia and a Puppy (And Some Reading) - December 12

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Spirits and Sourdough by Bailey Cates - I enjoy supernatural cozies and enjoyed the last book in this series that I read.  (Publisher)

The Librarian Always Wings Twice by Marty Wingate - This cozy series involves a library full of classic mysteries.  I've enjoyed the previous two books in the series and am looking forward to this one.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Curse of Salem by Kay Hooper and Through the Wall by Patricia Wentworth

Listening:  Murder in the Bayou Boneyard by Ellen Byron

It has been a crazy busy week!  Rover is doing fantastic and is pretty much sleeping all night with no issues.  We are working on housebreaking and biting and he's doing great on the first and we are starting to make progress on the second.  He and Will are the best of friends and have spent a lot of time running around together.  At the end of the week Will has been having a lot of foot pain which is unfortunately pretty normal andit has kept him from running around as much.  Rover sits up very straigt and looks at him and it is the cutest thing.  

We've been keeping my dad's dog this weekend because they had to go out of town and that dynamic has been a bit exhausting.  Rover is enthusiastically convinced they should be besties but Cam has a somewhat different opinion of the whole situation. 

As well a foundation run by the absolute kindest man here in town did a Family Night for all the St Jude patients and their families.  They rented a skating ring/laser tag/arcade place and the kids had unlimited coins to play as many games as they wanted.  Santa arrived in a helicopter which was amazing and Will got to play two rounds of laser tag.  In the second round Santa and his elf joined in the fun along with a bunch of the kids and some of the nurses.  It was such fun.  Between cancer and Covid these kids have had such a rough couple of years and it was magic to see them get a bit of normalcy.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That laser tag evening sounds amazing! And Santa in a helicopter. How cool! Glad to hear the new dog is settling in nicely too! So cute.

    I like the idea of a cozy set in a library. I need to get back into cozies...

  2. That night out sounds wonderful! I want to know if Santa was on the winning or losing team for laser tags. Because it seems that beating Santa might put you on the naughty list.

  3. That sounds like a great event. It's got to have been so hard on all the kids and this sounds like just what they needed. Hope it goes well with Rover - I would love a dog (even on loan!)

  4. Your puppy is so cute! That is so cool about the laser tag night!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  5. What a wonderful game night for the kids! And the puppies sound like fun for Will. Enjoy your week and your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  6. Oh my gosh, the laser tag event looks like so much fun! Rover is adorable as well. Hope that you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  7. How wonderful that Will got to have so real fun. Rover looks devoted to Will already:) so sweet. Hope the coming week goes well for you.

  8. I love border collie's! My Grandmother had one when I was a kid.
    So glad you and your son had some Christmas magic!

  9. Oh great to see Will getting that extra treat time out. Fun I hope and not too much tiredness after. Love Rover, great he sleeps through. Helps! Those two cozies you received have great covers and titles.

  10. I am also reading Curse of Salem over the next couple weeks. I've always enjoyed that series with its touches of paranormal. I love seeing the puppy pics. I'm so glad Will got to enjoy a party like that. It's so hard to do anything these days.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Sounds like a great evening for Will - what fun! Rover is just the cutest. :)

  12. Sounds like an amazing event - glad Will was able to participate.

    Hope you have a great week!

  13. Family Night sounds wonderful! Those books are ones I want to read too. Hope you have a great week!

  14. What a fabulous activity for the kids! Absolutely magical.

    The two cozy series you mentioned both sound good. I hadn't heard of either, but now I'm definitely going to check them out.

  15. Glad that Rover is fitting in so well with the family - particularly that he and Will have bonded. And what a wonderful event for the St Jude's patients - we hear about all the terrible things people do to each other, and then a wonderful benefactor puts on an event for the children who are having such a tough time of it. Glad Will got to enjoy himself so much and I hope that coming week is a good one and Will's foot stops giving him so much trouble.

  16. I have a feeling Cam and Rover will be good friends in the future once Rover gets beyond his full of beans puppy phase. 😄 Will and Rover are so cute together. 🤗

    I'm so happy he got to have some kid normalcy time. Laser tag with Santa sounds like a hoot! 🎅

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞
