Sunday, April 18, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - April 18

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

This has been a good week!  Will has been feeling pretty good which meant there was lots of time with him trying to get caught up with school and just playing different games and having fun.  He's definitely feeling more like himself then he has really since last summer and it's been fun to see.  We even had Jason's brother and his wife over for dinner and a few rounds of rather cutthroat Uno.  It turns out we are all crazy competitive but Will loved it and it was a lot of fun.  The only negative is that his reaction to some of the medicines is somewhat extreme and they are wanting to do more genetic testing and a few other things to make sure that he is getting enough chemo but not risking toxicity.  Leukemia is a stubborn, aggressive and sneaky cancer and there is the constant concern of it coming back but we are all trying not to borrow trouble.  

With all the time with Will I haven't had much extra reading time but I have been taking a few minutes at night after everyone's asleep for yoga and to read a chapter or two of a quiet book and it's been lovely.  Other then that nothing else is going on and having some non-exciting weeks have been rather nice!


Reading The Readaholics and the Poirot Puzzle by Laura DiSilverio and Murder on Wall Street by Victoria Thompson

Listening: The Pearl Sister by Lucinda Riley

Watching:  Not much - I miss TV and getting into a really good show but it just hasn't been happening lately.  I have watched a few of the Hallmark Movie & Mysteries mysteries which I've been enjoying.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Cutthroat Uno haha we've had a few games like that ourself. It's funny how crazy that game can get. We had a game that would not END. Anyway glad to hear that Will had a good week. I hope that continues and this one is good as well. Stay safe and be well this week. :)

  2. Glad that your son had a good week. Hope the progress is upward for the future.

  3. Having family over and a competitive game of cards sounds like a great reprieve. Hope all the chemo works out, may the coming week be low key too and you get some time for you.

  4. I haven't played Uno in a long time, I bet that was fun! I am so glad that Will has been feeling better and can get in some playing and school work time!! I have been enjoying the new Hallmark mysteries that have been coming on! :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  5. How lovely to see Will responding so well to his treatment and I hope that it continues that way as long as possible. Uno is one of those games where it's best if there are a larger number of players, anyway:). Glad you were all able to have such fun together and I hope the coming week is a peaceful, kind one, Katherine.

  6. Katherine glad you are managing to care for yourself through all of Will challenges. Glad he had a good week too.

  7. As someone who had breast cancer and is currently NED (no evidence of disease) I understand how hard it is to try and not borrow trouble. Im glad to hear Will had a good week, I hope this turns into will have good months! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of Murder on Wall Street.

  8. It's great that Will has been feeling more like himself! Cutthroat Uno sounds like a terrific evening. I continue to keep Will and your family in my prayers. I'm glad you're finding a little time to take care of yourself, too.

  9. I'm so glad you've had some quiet and more comfortable weeks. It may not seem exciting but it's great.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. I’m glad to hear Will is doing pretty well and that you’ve been able to experience some normality.
    Take care x

  11. I always forget the rules of Uno. Don't play it often enough. But yea for Will feeling so much better!

    The Readoholics and the Poirot puzzle seems like fun. Hope you get a bit more time for reading this week.

    Elza Reads

  12. Glad he's feeling better and that you've been able to spend time with him. Hopefully things just continue to get better and you get some reading time!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  13. I've been thinking of you all and glad this was a good week. I am glad you were able to enjoy a chapter or two to feed your soul :)

  14. I'm glad things are going better for Will and for you all. I also enjoy the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

  15. So glad to hear Will is doing better. I always enjoyed the Hallmark mysteries, but haven't seen them in awhile. I should get back to watching them. Have a great week!

  16. Glad it was a good week! GFY with the end of day yoga and reading.

  17. Hahaha, cutthroat Uno. I’m glad Will has been having fun. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  18. I'm so glad Will is feeling better. That's a tough treatment plan and he's such a trooper.

    I thought my Kindle died and I was so sad but turned out I could restart it and get a reboot - it works!! Didn't realize how much I missed reading on it until I was balancing a book and trying to find light to see it in the hoouse!

  19. So glad that Will is feeling pretty good. It is wonderful that he is able to enjoy a game of competitive Uno!

    Also glad you have been able to get a few minutes of yoga and reading time in, too.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers.

  20. I'm the one in my family who doesn't mind losing games. If the winner is a good sport, seeing how happy they are is just as good as winning myself. 😁

    I am so happy Will is feeling more like himself. This is so wonderful to hear. 🤗

    I hope your week is grand. 🌞

  21. I am so glad that Will is feeling more like himself. It has been a while since I played Uno with a group but it sounds like you had a lot of fun! I hope that this is another good week for you, Katherine.

  22. Yay for some good company and for some fun.
