Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Key - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads: The Key by Patricia Wentworth

Rating: Loved It!
Source: Purchased

Description:  Michael Harsch's long years of work were nearly at an end. The following day he was looking forward to handing over his precious formula to the government. But the next morning he was in no fit state to hand over the formula - he was dead. It looked like suicide, but Miss Silver knew it was murder.

Genre: Mystery - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:  I'm trying to read all the Miss Silver books this year and this was the next one on the list.

My Impression:  Oh how I love the relationship between Miss Silver and DI Frank Abbott and this book showcased that beautifully.  Abbott is so blasé and confident about everything but his total adoration of Miss Silver and his amusement at her ability to fluster or surprise his usually unflappable boss DCI Ernest Lamb is just a delight.  My only complaint in this book is that Miss Silver arrives later in the book but thankfully once she's there she takes the lead.

The mystery itself is a classic locked door in a way.  Michael Harsch is found dead in such a way that suicide seems like the only viable option.  However, Michael Harsch had also finished up a valuable project that could aid the war effort immensely so Major Grant Albany is dispatched to the area to stay with a relative and look into things a little closer.  What follows is a nicely paced small village mystery with a heaping helping of World War II era issues.  

I love the characters that Wentworth creates.  Each person in the village is so well drawn and vivid that I could almost picture the town.  There's a small touch of romance, a lot of gossip, and more then a few secrets.  While not the most fast paced and action packed it was a charming mystery that did keep me guessing.  The beauty with the Miss Silver books is that it is only a technical sense that they each contain Miss Silver but are really in no way related so if you find one that sounds intriguing you can jump in right there without having to go back to the beginning.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I can't wait to pick up the next one.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you love Miss Marple you really need to meet Miss Silver though I do recommend skipping the first book - it's good just not Wentworth's usual charm.


  1. I have only read one by Wentworth and didn’t know she had a series. I love a series. Great goal to read this series this year!

  2. Ooh I love a classic mystery! Thanks for stopping by my island mystery post. Maybe I need to do a locked door post next!

  3. That's funny, I was thinking about Miss Silver yesterday ! I'm currently reading a novel by Ngaio Marsh and I was thinking how Patricia Wentworth was better. I'm glad you loved it, great review :)

  4. This sounds so good. I have to check out this series.

  5. Does sound great and the fact you can step in at any book in the series is a bonus. Maybe one day!!
