Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax - Mystery Review

 Goodreads:  The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax (Mrs. Pollifax #2) by Dorothy Gilman

Rating: Really Liked It
Source:  Purchased

Description:  When Emily Pollifax answers the phone that Sunday morning, she quickly forgets all about her Garden Club tea that afternoon. For the voice on the other end belonged to a man she had never seen, a man from the CIA who asked her if she could leave immediately on a mission that would take her halfway across the world! What could Mrs. Pollifax say but yes?

Genre: Mystery 

Why I Picked This Book:  I'm reading this series in order and this was the next one!

My Impression:  This story may have been even more bonkers then the first book and considering that one was completely bananas that's saying quite a bit.  I mean this in the best possible way as while it is not believable in the slightest it is quite a lot of fun.  Mrs. Pollifax is living her perfectly ordinary life after her perfectly extraordinary adventure in the first book when Mr. Carstairs calls once again and within 24 hours she finds herself on a plane to Turkey.  

I adore Mrs. Pollifax.  She's a very sensible woman who is seriously adaptable and has quite the sense of humor.  If I'm ever running from police and criminals in an unfamiliar country without my passport I definitely want her on my side!  There are some colorful characters and more then a few tight spots and it was really fun to see just how Mrs. Pollifax managed to get herself out of them.  I loved the addition of Colin and Sandor.  It was fun to see Colin kind of come into his own and Sandor is just pure fun.  And the ending was perfection.  I had to go back and read the last couple of pages twice just because I enjoyed them so much. 

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I can't wait to read book 3!

Would I Recommend this Book?  I would!  If you are able to enjoy an adventure story and put aside that it isn't remotely plausible then I think you would love it!


  1. Hi Katherine! I saw this book on your blog and immediately added it to my TBR and also to my Classics Club signup. Can't wait to read them myself! Your review makes me want to go out and buy it now, but I have more than enough for the holidays...!

    Wondrous Words Wednesday

  2. I love Emily Pollifax. Read these books long ago and have reread some of them. All I can say is just wait until you get on 'Safari' and in 'China' with Emily. Those two are my favorites along with the first book, but I love them all.

  3. It sounds totally like a lot of fun reading and while way out there, it makes for wonderful reading. Looks like lots of interesting country visits.

  4. Emily Pollifax is an engaging heroine and I have read five of these novels, there are about 14 in all. She travels to many countries and continents, and the first book is best to read first.

  5. It always makes me smile when I see someone else who has enjoyed these books as much as I have. Yes, there are a couple I don't care for, but overall, this series is wonderful, and this book is one of my favorites.
