Saturday, November 24, 2018

This Week in Reading - November 25

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Christmas on the Island by Jenny Colgan - I read the first book and loved it so I'm really excited to get this one.  I just got the 2nd one on audio so I'm going to listen to that one very soon in order to be ready for this one!  (Blog Tour)


Reading:  Yule Be Dead by Lorraine Bartlett and Gayle Leeson and The Christmas Star by Donna VanLiere

Listening:  The Child by Fiona Barton

Watching:  We are finishing a newish season of The Great British Bake-Off.  Netflix just added the next series of it so I think we'll probably start that next.  Or maybe Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime or Hill House on Netflix.  The options are endless.

Off the Blog:

I'm finally starting to actually feel better!  My energy is not quite 100% and I still find myself short of breath far too easily but I feel like me again.  This has been so frustrating and I'm relatively young, in good health and fairly active.  I can't imagine having pneumonia if you're not all three.  It would be a long term recovery process.  As it is I've been down for almost a month.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving.  The usual fare with some new faces.  J's brother and his wife have an exchange student from Korea living with him so this was his first Thanksgiving ever.  It was fun to introduce him to all of our traditional food.  As well Eleanor brought the little one down (her husband had to work) and it was so fun to spend some time with him.  I hope all those in the States had a lovely Thanksgiving and those who aren't had a lovely week!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Manuscript for Murder - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Books about Family and Friendship
Wednesday:  Christmas Novellas - 2 Mysteries + 1 Fiction
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog
Friday:  Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Glad you're feeling better! And that you had a nice Thanksgiving with family too. :)

    I keep hearing the Great british Bake Off is pretty good! We've never watched it.

    Christmas on the Island look so cheery!

  2. Oh, it's good that you're feeling better. Pneumonia is no fun, and I was fairly young when I got it...years ago.

    I enjoyed The Child, and I like the look of Christmas on the Island.

    Have a great week.

  3. I do hope you love the audio version of the Mure setting as much as I did. Good to hear you are feeling somewhat better, nothing like illness like that to make one appreciate good health.

  4. I think I'm going to start that Jenny Colgan series soon, she is my sisters favourite author.

  5. I am glad you are feeling better and I hope you were okay for Thanksgiving. The Christmas on the Island looks interesting.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  6. So glad to hear that you are breathing better and recovering and also that your Thanksgiving was filled with good things! I want to try that series by Jenny Colgan. Sounds like a good one. Lately, I've been reading a lot of women's friendship type books and enjoying them very much.

  7. Glad you are feeling better now! Make sure to keep resting for a little more you don't want to relapse.
    I want to watch Hill House with my husband but we can never seem to stay awake long enough. I am currently binge watching Dawsons Creek (no idea why) and Christmas Movies! :)

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

  8. Glad to hear your feeling better. Pneumonia can really drag it out of you and last for a long time. I hope this week is much better for you.


  9. Glad your feeling better!! Sounds like you have a nice Thanksgiving. Have a great week!

  10. Glad to hear you're feeling better. And it sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving food always looks so tasty.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  11. I want to get Netfilx just so I can watch Bake Off whenever I want. I usually have to wait for episodes on TV. I’m glad you’re feeling better and had a great Thanksgiving. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  12. Thank goodness your pneumonia has all but cleared up! ThatTh what put my mother in the hospital, so yeah, if you're not healthy to begin with it's scary. I still had a bad upper respiratory thing going on, so the first week she was in the hospital I had to wear a mask and could only wave to her from the doorway. I asked if she already had pneumonia why they felt I was a risk and they said that there are several different strains going around. Yikes. 😷

    It must have been nice to have the grandbaby around for the holiday. 💜

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  13. So glad to hear you're feeling better. I hope you're at 100% very soon. Enjoy the Colgan audio. I've loved listening to the series - something about hearing the accent makes the experience that much better.

  14. Glad your feeling better and had a good Thanksgiving!

    Have a great week!
    Weekend Review

  15. Hope your recovery continues to progress! Jack Ryan is a good series to watch. Have a great week of reading.

  16. Yikes! A month of extra rest sounds frustrating - glad you're feeling better. And so happy you felt well in time for Thanksgiving :)

  17. I'm so happy you were feeling better so you could enjoy your holiday with family. Hopefully it gave you an extra buffer of rest too. Enjoy your reading this week. Anne - Books of My Heart

  18. I'm glad you're starting to feel better now. It sounds like a long and frustrating process to go through.

  19. Katherine, I'm so glad you're feeling better! You're right, pneumonia can really knock you down for a long time. I'm also happy that your Thanksgiving was a joyous one.

    Every time I see a Jenny Colgan book, I remember that I want to try her... but I keep forgetting. Where's the best place to start?

  20. I'm glad you are feeling better. The Jenny Colgan book looks really good. Have a great week!

  21. How nice to hear you are finally feeling better. It took me several months when I had it. But I also worked while sick so that didn't help in my recovery. Don't push yourself too hard:)

  22. Pneumonia is no joke. I'm glad there is improvement in your health. How fun for the exchange student to experience an American turkey day. Ours was really chill and loved the time we had off. I so needed it.

  23. I am glad that you are starting to feel just a bit better. Pneumonia is serious stuff for older folks and those with health problems (and really anyone). I am glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving.
