Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday Linkups - Yule Be Dead

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This week's book is Yule Be Dead by Lorraine Bartlett with Gayle Leeson.  Not only did I enjoy the first couple of the books in this series years ago but I've really enjoyed what I've read from Gayle Leeson.  Plus I do love a good cozy pun and this is a Christmas cozy pun!

My Beginning:
For several seconds after her former mother-in-law had ended their call, Katie Bonner stared at her phone.

My Thoughts:
Yeah that doesn't sound good.  I know from previous books that Katie is a widow so it seems strange that she's hearing from her ex-mother-in-law.

The 56:
"She'll be gone in a couple of days, and I'll make it up to you. I promise."

My Thoughts: 
More mother-in-law fun!  I'm really curious to see more of what's going on here.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Are you a fan of cozy mystery title puns?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Books from the Backlog - Lafayette in the Somewhat United States

Today I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.  I really enjoy the chance to feature a book that's been hiding in the piles of books for far too long!  Today's book is Lafayatte in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell.  

Blurb On August 16, 1824, an elderly French gentlemen sailed into New York Harbor and giddy Americans were there to welcome him. Or, rather, to welcome him back. It had been thirty years since the Revolutionary War hero the Marquis de Lafayette had last set foot in the United States, and he was so beloved that 80,000 people showed up to cheer for him. The entire population of New York at the time was 120,000.

Lafayette's arrival in 1824 coincided with one of the most contentious presidential elections in American history, Congress had just fought its first epic battle over slavery, and the threat of a Civil War loomed. But Lafayette, belonging to neither North nor South, to no political party or faction, was a walking, talking reminder of the sacrifices and bravery of the revolutionary generation and what they wanted this country to be. His return was not just a reunion with his beloved Americans, it was a reunion for Americans with their own astonishing singular past.

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States is a humorous and insightful portrait of the famed Frenchman, the impact he had on our young country, and his ongoing relationship with some of the instrumental Americans of the time, including George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and many more. 

Why This Needs to Come Off the Shelf: I've had this one on a shelf for a couple of years ever since I saw Vowell live.  I've been very hit or miss with her books but I'm curious about this one.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christmas Novellas - 2 Mysteries + 1 Fiction

Santa Puppy by Lynn Cahoon - There have been several novellas in the Tourist Trap series this year.  And while I'm anxiously awaiting a full length novel the novellas are a nice little taste while I'm waiting.  Honestly, this wasn't my favorite.  I'm not sure if it was because I was reading while somewhat distracted or the book itself was somewhat disjointed.  The mystery takes place off page - the death before the book even starts and there's a discovery we only learn about 2nd hand.  I also didn't love the ending.  There was a sweet moment or two but it wasn't the more tied with a bow, unicorns and rainbows kind of endings that I want from a Christmas book.  As well I really enjoyed her Halloween novella so my expectations were very high.  This wasn't a favorite but it was enjoyable.  If you're a long time reader of the series than I'd pick it up.  If you haven't read anything in this series I'd start with something else.  Rating: Just Okay

A Christmas Revelation by Anne Perry - It's been years since I've read Anne Perry and honestly when I did read her I wasn't really a fan.  This one was a pleasant surprise.  The story of former brothel owner turned charity hospital accountant Squeaky and street urchin Worm was surprisingly sweet - especially considering that the plot of the book involved stolen gold, suspected murder, and lots of time spent running around less than desirable areas.  With all that it's hard to believe that this book is at all Christmas-y and yet it is.  Between the developing relationship between Squeaky and Worm to all the talk of the Christmas celebration at the hospital it had just the right Christmasy feel without taking the edge off the mystery.  Rating:  Good

The Christmas Star by Doona VanLiere - This was the most Christmas-y of Christmas-y reads.  There's love, forgiveness, faith and all kinds of Christmas spirit.  Did I know how this was going to work out within 20 pages?  Yes.  Did I care?  Not in the slightest.  I loved Gabe and Amy and Maggie.  I loved all the characters at Glory's Place.  I did really enjoy seeing the characters from the previous book but if you haven't read it you don't need too.  This is Hallmark with a little more heart and happy tears and busy body characters and was a true delight.  Rating:  Very Good

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Friends and Family

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is all about platonic relationships in books.  While I do love a good romance books with strong friendships and family bonds call to me just as much.  Here are some of my favorites.

1.  Six Cats a Slayin' by Miranda James - This was an entertaining cozy mystery but what really made it special was the relationship between Charlie and his children as well and Charlie and his friends.

2.  Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy - I loved seeing more of the relationship between Marilla and Matthew in this prequel to one of my favorite series of all time.

3.  Spiderweb for Two by Elizabeth Enright - The Melendy family series is one of my absolute favorite series and this book really focuses on the relationship between Randy and Oliver - the two youngest siblings which I really enjoyed.

4.  The Next Always by Nora Roberts -  I'm in the middle of rereading this trilogy and am really enjoying both the friendships and the strong family bonds that are really central to all three stories.

5.  Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart - I love this series and my favorite thing is the bonds that are developing between the three sisters.

6.   Lost and Found Sisters by Jill Shalvis - I love the friendships that Shalvis writes but I really enjoyed the relationship between the two sisters especially considering one wasn't really there!

7.  Secrets of the Tulip Sisters by Susan Mallery - Apparently I'm a sucker for sister relationships because this is another sister book.  I really enjoyed watching the relationship develop from completely estranged to close as the book progressed.

8.  The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith - I love love love the friendship and partnership that develops between Robin and Striker.  It's a bit gruff but it's so genuine.  One of the reasons I haven't continued with the series is because I'm afraid romance is going to be added to the mix and mess everything up!

9.  A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas - I love the relationship between Charlotte Holmes and Mrs. Watson.  Not only is their partnership entertaining but they seem to really enjoy each other's company and are true friends.

10. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - Is there any relationship sweeter than the one between Anne and Matthew?  And while the bond between Anne and Marilla isn't quite as smooth or instant it's no less deep and heartwarming.

What are some of your favorite friend and family relationships?

Monday, November 26, 2018

Murder, She Wrote: Manuscript for Murder - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating: Good
Source: Publisher

Jessica Fletcher has had plenty to worry about over her storied career, both as a bestselling novelist and amateur sleuth. But she never had any reason to worry about her longtime publisher, Lane Barfield, who also happens to be a trusted friend. When mounting evidence of financial malfeasance leads to an FBI investigation of Lane, Jessica can't believe what she's reading.

So when Barfield turns up dead, Jessica takes on the task of proving Barfield's innocence--she can't fathom someone she's known and trusted for so long cheating her. Sure enough, Jessica's lone wolf investigation turns up several oddities and inconsistencies in Barfield's murder. Jessica knows something is being covered up, but what exactly? The trail she takes to answer that question reveals something far more nefarious afoot, involving shadowy characters from the heights of power in Washington. At the heart of Jessica's investigation lies a manuscript Barfield had intended to bring out after all other publishers had turned it down. The problem is that manuscript has disappeared, all traces of its submission and very existence having been wiped off the books.

With her own life now in jeopardy, Jessica refuses to back off and sets her sights on learning the contents of that manuscript and what about it may have led to several murders. Every step she takes brings her closer to the truth of what lies in the pages, as well as the person who penned them.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:
  I thoroughly enjoyed the previous book so I was excited to get a chance to read this one!

My Impression:
  One of my happiest bookish discoveries this year was the previous book in the series (find my review here).  I've never been sold on books that are based on TV shows or movies so my expectations were a bit low.  It was such a pleasant surprise when I discovered that not only does this series gives me a Jessica Fletcher that feels so accurate I can easily picture Angela Lansbury in the middle of the book but a well done and entertaining mystery.

I really loved the premise of this one.  Not only is there research into fraud but Jessica, PI Harry McGraw (played by the amazing Jerry Orbach if you're a fan of the show), and NYPD lieutenant Artie Gelber are tracking down the true author of a manuscript AND are busy solving murders.   It was such a fun mystery and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  I couldn't wait for Jessica, Harry and Artie to figure everything out.  It did get much more intrigue-y than I expected and while I don’t expect Murder, She Wrote to be completely believable this one strained it a bit farther than I really liked.  However, it was still an enjoyable read and one that kept me hooked from beginning to end.  

This does have a slightly more modern feel to it than the original TV show but not in a way that is jarring and the characters are so true to the original that it feels like spending time with old friends.  Like the show you can jump in anywhere in the series without any problem.  This is a very entertaining read and I'm so glad that I've finally discovered just how enjoyable this series is!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?
  Absolutely!  I'm hoping to go back and read some of the 46 books I've missed and will be picking up all the new ones.  I've really enjoyed Jon Land's interpretation of this beloved series.

Would I Recommend this Book?
  If you enjoy mysteries or have enjoyed an episode of Murder, She Wrote don't hesitate to pick this one up!  You won't regret it.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *

Saturday, November 24, 2018

This Week in Reading - November 25

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Christmas on the Island by Jenny Colgan - I read the first book and loved it so I'm really excited to get this one.  I just got the 2nd one on audio so I'm going to listen to that one very soon in order to be ready for this one!  (Blog Tour)


Reading:  Yule Be Dead by Lorraine Bartlett and Gayle Leeson and The Christmas Star by Donna VanLiere

Listening:  The Child by Fiona Barton

Watching:  We are finishing a newish season of The Great British Bake-Off.  Netflix just added the next series of it so I think we'll probably start that next.  Or maybe Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime or Hill House on Netflix.  The options are endless.

Off the Blog:

I'm finally starting to actually feel better!  My energy is not quite 100% and I still find myself short of breath far too easily but I feel like me again.  This has been so frustrating and I'm relatively young, in good health and fairly active.  I can't imagine having pneumonia if you're not all three.  It would be a long term recovery process.  As it is I've been down for almost a month.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving.  The usual fare with some new faces.  J's brother and his wife have an exchange student from Korea living with him so this was his first Thanksgiving ever.  It was fun to introduce him to all of our traditional food.  As well Eleanor brought the little one down (her husband had to work) and it was so fun to spend some time with him.  I hope all those in the States had a lovely Thanksgiving and those who aren't had a lovely week!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Manuscript for Murder - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Books about Family and Friendship
Wednesday:  Christmas Novellas - 2 Mysteries + 1 Fiction
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog
Friday:  Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!

A Vintage Death - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley

Description:  As the new owner of a music box store in Keepsake Cove, a quaint town full of collectible shops on Maryland's Eastern Shore, Callie Reed is eager to get more involved in her community. So she volunteers to plan the fall street decorations and welcome a visiting author who's come for a special book signing. But the celebratory mood is cut short when the local B&B owner is found dead, killed with a pair of vintage scissors.

Suspicion is cast on the victim's estranged wife, Dorothy, who owns Keepsake Cove's vintage sewing shop. Callie is sure Dorothy is innocent, and the visiting author agrees. Together, they begin their own investigation, only to discover that many people in Keepsake Cove have secrets. Secrets that are worth killing to keep.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:

My Impression: 
I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series about a little Maryland town filled with curio shops of all different times.  I really loved catching up with Callie, Tabitha, and Brian.  Callie has really come into her own since the beginning of her first book and it's nice to see her have a bit more backbone when it comes to dealing with her ex.  Her relationship with Brian is also really sweet and I'm glad to see them together.  I loved the addition of thriller writer, Lyssa Hammond.  She and Callie really made a fun team as they tried to solve the murder and I liked the added depth we got for her character.  Never have more people had reason to kill a murder victim than Clifford Ashby.  He's such an awful little man and as we learn more and more about him that impression doesn't get better.  The mystery was one that really kept me guessing and it could have gone so many ways!  I would have liked a little more backstory when the reveal itself actually happens.  I had a clear understanding as to the whos, whats, and whys but I just wanted a little more.

This is a really fun series with characters I really enjoy getting to know and a solid mystery.  I really enjoy the music box store setting and Tabitha's ever changing costumes.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?
Absolutely!  I'm a little worried as the Midnight Ink imprint has gone out of business so I'm afraid this will be the end of the series but I'll still read anything that Mary Ellen Hughes writes.

Would I Recommend this Book?
  Definitely!  This is a fun cozy series that you could start here though I highly recommend the first book as well.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *

Friday, November 23, 2018

Wrangler's Rescue - Contemporary Romance Review

Rating: Good
Source: Blog Tour

One week ago, Cyrus Cahill told Ashley Jo “AJ” Somerfield that he’d be back in her arms by the weekend. He just needed to buy a bull for his ranch, and then they’d pick up where they left off after that romantic ride through the foothills. But now he’s gone missing and everyone—even the sheriff—believes he’s dead.

Everyone…but AJ. She suspects foul play and she won’t rest until Cyrus is back home in Gilt Edge, right where he belongs. Because Cyrus isn’t the kind of cowboy who breaks a promise. And since she’s not the kind of woman who gives up on her man, AJ will risk anything to help bring him home…even her own life.

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:
I've really enjoyed the previous books in the Cahill series and was really excited to read the conclusion.  

My Impression:
  I've been reading the Cahill series for quite some time.  Was this my favorite?  No not really.  Did I read this in one sitting while staying up to 3AM?  Absolutely.  We don't get much of Cyrus in this one so the focus is mostly on AJ who is incredibly emotional for most of it though has gorgeous moments of toughness.  The suspense angle was a bit over the top and some of the story lines bordered on soap opera.  However, Daniels keeps the pace going at such a perfect rate that I became completely lost in the story.  While AJ's frequent high emotions annoyed me at times I did grow to like her and her determination to find Cyrus.  I also liked seeing a bit more of the Cahills.  There's not so many mentions that it'd be confusing if you're new to the series but it was nice to check in with them and I especially enjoyed seeing Billie Dee's storyline resolve.   This was a fun escapist read with characters that I've really come to love.  It strains believability more than a little but if you can get past that I think you'll really enjoy this one.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

Connect with B.J.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Apollo to the Moon - Nonfiction Review

About Apollo to the Moon

• Hardcover: 304 pages
• Publisher: National Geographic (October 30, 2018)

A celebration of the 50th anniversary of NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, this narrative uses 50 key artifacts from the Smithsonian archives to tell the story of the groundbreaking space exploration program. Bold photographs, fascinating graphics, and engaging stories commemorate the 20th century's most important space endeavor: NASA's Apollo program to reach the moon. From the lunar rover and an emergency oxygen mask to space food and moon rocks, it's a carefully curated array of objects--complete with intriguing back stories and profiles of key participants. This book showcases the historic space exploration program that landed humans on the moon, advanced the world's capabilities for space travel, and revolutionized our sense of humanity's place in the universe. Each historic accomplishment is symbolized by a different object, from a Russian stamp honoring Yuri Gagarin and plastic astronaut action figures to the Apollo 11 command module, piloted by Michael Collins as Armstrong and Aldrin made the first moonwalk, together with the monumental art inspired by these moon missions. Throughout, Apollo to the Moon also tells the story of people who made the journey possible: the heroic astronauts as well as their supporters, including President John F. Kennedy, newsman Walter Cronkite, and NASA scientists such as Margaret Hamilton.

My Thoughts:  I live in the town that the space program built.  Most of our schools are named after either astronauts or shuttles.  My husband is an aerospace engineer, my mother works for the US Space and Rocket Center and we all drive past a Saturn V on a daily basis.  The NASA channel is included with every cable package available and you can get a license plate with a Saturn V on it.  With the space program being so much a part of my day to day life I figured there wasn't much this book could teach me but I was so wrong!  This isn't one of those read from cover to cover books.  Instead it's delight to pick up and flip through.  It's stuffed full of interesting pictures and fascinating tidbits some obscure and some more common knowledge.  This is a book that will live on my coffee table and will probably show up under the tree for a number of people on my gift list.  This is an interesting book and perfect for experts and newbies of all ages.  Rating: Very Good

Purchase Links

National Geographic | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

My Classic Movie Essentials - Princess Bride + Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

This wasn't the movie I originally intended to talk about today but I was so saddened to hear of the death of William Goldman that I just had to focus on two of his movies that happen to be two of my favorite movies all time.  Goldman was a brilliant screenwriter and a master of dialogue.  I think these two movies show that incredibly well with both quotable lines and a timeless appeal.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) - 

Butch Cassidy - Paul Newman
Sundance Kid - Robert Redford
Etta Place - Katharine Ross

Plot: Two outlaws rob trains and escape to South America when the law gets too close.

What Makes It Essential:  Have there ever been two more charming outlaws than Paul Newman and Robert Redford?  Newman is so wonderfully glib and quick thinking and Redford's more stoic silence with occasional biting comment is the perfect compliment.  The dialogue is hilarious and there are so many moments that beg to be rewatched scattered throughout the film - Butch and Sundance standing on the edge of a cliff and their reunion with Woodcock while robbing trains comes to mind.  While it's technically a Western and an action movie it also has comedy, drama, friendship, and even a touch of romance.  And where else can you watch Paul Newman riding a bike while "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" plays?    

The Princess Bride (1987)

Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts - Cary Elwes
Buttercup - Robin Wright
Prince Humperdinck - Chris Sarandon
Inigo Montoya - Mandy Patinkin
Fezzik - Andre the Giant
Vizzini - Wallace Shawn
Miracle Max - Billy Crystal
Valerie - Carol King

Plot: Heartbroken by the loss at sea of her first low Buttercup agrees to marry a rather shady prince.  Kidnapping, sword fights, poisons and hazardous forests all cause much chaos and hilarity.

What Makes It Essential:  Pretty much everything.  The casting, the script, the cinematography - just everything.  I listened to Cary Elwes' book, As You Wish, earlier this year and I was pleased but not in the least bit surprised by how genuinely enthusiastic everyone connected with the film really is.  This was truly a labor of love and I think it shows in the finished product.  This is probably one of the most quotable movies of all time and one we reference here on a pretty regular basis.  I know there are people who don't love this movie but to be honest I just don't understand them!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - My Favorite Cookbooks

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl is a Thanksgiving freebie.  Since for Thanksgiving is all about the food I thought I'd list my favorite cookbooks.  To change things up a bit I thought I'd do 8 I love and 2 I'm currently testing out.

1.  The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! Simple Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives by Ree Drummond - These aren't the healthiest recipes but they're reliable, always tasty, and use a minimum of processed ingredients.  I've really enjoyed this newest cookbook which has recipes that come together quickly.

2.  Southern Living: 30 Years of Our Best Recipes - Southern Living cookbooks have always been a fixture in my life and this 30 year cookbook is one of the best.  Weirdly enough the 40 year cookbook isn't nearly as good.  This one has some interesting pages about food trends through the years and really good recipes.

3.  The Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook: More Than 100 Recipes from the Best Little Bakery in the South by Cheryl Day, Griffith Day, and Amy Paige Condon - This isn't my most used cookbook but when I need some kind yummy baked good.  The Mexican Chocolate Shortbread Cookies alone are worth the price of the cookbook.

4.  The Best Recipe by Cooks Illustrated - Cooks Illustrated always has crazy long descriptions which are entertaining and their recipes are always reliable and so many have become family staples.
5.  Nigella Kitchen: Recipes from the Heart of the Home by Nigella Lawson - I love Nigella Lawson's recipe  and this cookbook is the best it has so many recipes!

6.  Cooking with Mary Berry by Mary Berry - I love Mary Berry and while I have adjusted to her no longer being on The Great British Bake-Off I still miss her.  So it makes it better that I can use her recipes.  It doesn't hurt that they're simple, easy to follow, and always tasty.

7.  Barefoot Contessa at Home: Everyday Recipes You'll Make Over and Over Again by Ina Garten - I love the Barefoot Contessa recipes but sometimes they can be a little complicated.  These are slightly more simple and incredibly delicious.

8.  Bobby Flay's Burgers, Fries and Shakes by Bobby Flay - Another book that isn't exactly healthy but is so so good.  I love all the different burger combinations and it makes burger night a lot more fun.

And the 2 I'm testing:

1.  The New Midwestern Table by Amy Thielen - So I'm not midwestern at all but I'm not really a huge southern food fan and this cookbook jumped out at me at the library.  The recipes are all family friendly but don't involve a lot of processed ingredients (I'm not a fan of cream of anything soup) and it isn't casserole heavy (my husband has some 70s childhood related trauma when it comes to casseroles).  The Corn Soup with Maple-Lacquered Bacon and the Rosemary-Infused Brown Butter Chicken Breasts are especially calling my name.

2.  Magnolia Table by Joanna Gaines - To be honest I wasn't 100% sure who Joanna Gaines was until shortly before this cookbook came out.  I've watched their show a few times and enjoy it but I can't say I'm a huge fan - it's not like I don't like her but I'm not obsessed.  I am obsessed with the chocolate chip cookies in this book though.  I had serious misgivings as the recipes was light on butter and heavy on sugar but they're so good!  So now I want to try some of the savory recipes.  There's a White Cheddar Bisque recipe and a Chicken Spaghetti recipe that I'm hoping to try soon.

What are some of your favorite cookbooks?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ramblings from the Stacks - Bookish Pet Peeves

Today I want to talk about bookish pet peeves.  And I don't mean plot pet peeves (though the big three are love triangles, secret children, and massive coincidences that solve the mystery) I mean pet peeves involving an actual physical book.  I've been getting a lot of books from the library lately and I used to basically live in this little used bookstore right off campus in college so I have lots of experience with used books.  99% of the time that's fine.  Sure the spines might be a little more floppy, the edges of the page might be a bit yellow and there may be a crinkle or two but that doesn't keep me from enjoying the book.  However, every once in awhile something happens that makes me pledge to either switch to strictly ebooks or only buy new books.  Here are a few examples:

1.  A Strong Smell - I don't mean a good old book smell I mean a not book related knock you over kind of smell.  I once got a really hard to find Agatha Christie reference book off of the used books on Amazon.  I was so excited when the package arrived that I ripped it open and then almost immediately fell over.  I swear the cigarette smoke smell just about jumped out and punched me in the nose.  The book lived in the garage with a fan on it for about a month before I gave up and ended up finding another copy.  I also somehow brought home a book from a used bookstore that I'm pretty sure spent most of its life in some kind of restaurant that used a lot of onions.  These books just weren't readable.

2.  Writing That Obscures the Text - I don't really love writing in a book but it drives me crazy when it's over the text or words are crossed out.  A few weeks ago I checked out a book from the library and ALL the cuss words were scribbled out.  I don't require profanity in my books but the scribbling out was so distracting that I ended up returning the book essentially unread.

3.  Underlining/Highlighting Text - This is pretty similar to my issue above but I find underlined or highlighted text so distracting!  I end up completely pulled out of the story and end up focusing on what was underlined and the possible reasons why.  

4.  Massive Mass Market Paperbacks - I don't seem to see this as much anymore but I always hate those massive paperbacks that are as thick as they are all tall.  They're impossible to hold (I have teeny tiny hands though so maybe it's just me) and are just so unwieldy I end up giving up on them.  Paperbacks should have a page limit before they have to transition to trade paperback size.

5.  A Loose Binding - Now I don't mind a broken spine.  In fact I've bought books where the spine is so broken you can't even read the title anymore.  However, when I go to turn a page and the page comes out in my hand I'm officially done.  Interestingly enough, this particular pet peeve seems to be genetic as the Tornado loses his mind when this happens with a library book!  No matter how much he's been wanting to read the book he can't continue to read it.

What are your bookish pet peeves?

Saturday, November 17, 2018

This Week in Reading - November 18

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Untouchable by Jayne Ann Krentz - I've been loving Krentz's romantic suspense so there was no way I could resist this one!  I'm looking forward to giving it a try!  (NetGalley)

Yule Be Dead by Lorraine Bartlett and Gayle Leeson - I've enjoyed the previous books in the series and I've also enjoyed books by Gayle Leeson so I'm super excited about this one.  (Publisher)

Just Plain Murder by Laura Bradford - This series has been on my TBR since the beginning so I'm excited to give this one a try.



Reading:  A Vintage Death by Mary Ellen Hughes and Death of a Neighborhood Scrooge by Laura Levine

Listening:  The Child by Fiona Barton

Watching:  I've watched pretty much the entire series of The Voice in the last couple of days and am still watching Hallmark movies in mass quantities.

Off the Blog:

Thanks for all the well wishes last week.  I'm feeling a little better but not better enough so I'm on a new antibiotic and some super duper cough syrup that I think has more warning stickers on it than an actual bottle of arsenic.  This whole pneumonia thing is pretty persistent but my main issue right now is my super low energy.  I feel okay and then do something fairly small and am suddenly exhausted.  I'm not a fan of this.

Other than that we're getting ready for Thanksgiving.  Years ago we started doing Thanksgiving dinner on Friday so no one has to have 2 meals in 1 day.  It's much more relaxed and it gives me a little more time for prep work which will come in handy this year.  I'm thinking for Thanksgiving we may have Costco appetizers and watch Christmas movies.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from the Stacks - Bookish Pet Peeves
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Thanksgiving Freebie
Wednesday:  Classic Movie Essential
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Wrangler's Rescue - Contemporary Romance Review
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!