
Saturday, May 27, 2017

52 Pins in 52 Weeks - May Edition

I absolutely love Pinterest! My current pin count is just under 10,500 and I have dozens of boards. I alternate between pinning from the tons of food and craft blogs (I have a different system for book blogs!) and pinning after mindlessly scrolling through the "Everything" option where I can see all the pins that have been pinned and repinned recently.

At the first of the year I make a board called 52 Pins in 52 Weeks and fill it with 52 pins that I want to do over the course of the year. I've tried to include a good mix of food, holiday, and craft pins and push myself to step a little out of my comfort zone. I pin my results on my 52 Pins in 52 Weeks Results board. Some pins are wins and some are most definitely fails but it's always interesting to attempt them!

 This year I hope you'll share your Pin Wins and Fails with me and link up below! The format is totally up to you. Just post about the pins you've tried over the month (it can be multiple posts) and link up here! The link up will the the last Saturday of every month and I can't wait to see what everyone is doing!

This month is a little light because I have 2 gardening pins going but aren't far enough along to declare success or failure yet.

Week 19

The PinKentucky Butter Cake from Cookies and Cups

The Basic Idea: A pound cake that you poke holes in the bottom of and pour a buttery delicious sauce onto and let soak into the cake leaving it moist and buttery and delicious.

My Result: I had pretty high hopes for this one because it's from one of my favorite food blogs and I was not disappointed.  It was pretty easy to make though there is the extra step of making the sauce and the flavor is amazing!  I was a little worried that it'd be too sweet because there's sugar in the cake and then sugar in the sauce but it really wasn't.  The butter and vanilla provided a nice counterbalance.  It's really good on it's own but I think would be fantastic with fresh fruit and a little whipped cream. When she says to really grease the pan she's not kidding!  I buttered mine quite a bit and while it didn't stick I did have to run a knife around all the edges to get it to release.  Mine browned a little more than I'd like but wasn't in the slightest bit dry.  I think I'd take a few minutes off the cooking time next time.

Week 20:

The Basic Idea:  A quick recipe for the Carolina mustard based barbecue sauce

My Results:  Years ago there was this barbecue place nearby that had the best Carolina sauce but the quality kind of went down hill and their hours got weird so I haven't been there in forever.  I do still miss the sauce though so I couldn't resist it.  This was really good - kind of like honey mustard with a bit more of a vinegar-y kick.  It's not quite as mustard-y and a little sweeter than what I wanted so the search is still on but I'm keeping this around for next time I need a quick sauce!  I used it on chicken but I think it'd be great on pork as well.

Week 21:

The Basic Idea: An easy and inexpensive way to get clean up an enameled pan with baking soda.

My Reality: One of my New Year's Resolutions was to take better care of my stuff and that includes some pans I've been horribly mistreating.  As you can see this pan was pretty bad (there was another one even worse but I'm not posting the picture because the house police would show up) and the burn marks have been there for awhile.  All I did was boil some water with some baking soda in it for a few minutes, gave it a quick scrub with a scrub brush and about 90% of the stains are gone.  For the pan that's way worse I've done this 2 times and given it a scrub with some baking soda with a little elbow grease and it's on its way back to life as well.  Is there anything baking soda can't do?

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. I love Cookies and Cups! Must try that cake. And awesome tip on the baking soda. Who knew?

  2. I've tried that baking soda trick and it works. Happy pinning!

  3. Hi Katherine,

    Baking Soda is definitely the all round panacea for most household problems and if the pundits are to be believed, add in vinegar and olive oil and the average household needs nothing more to survive the 'kitchen police'!

    I have never really considered a Pinterest account, although it does sound like fun, if a little too time consuming for me right now. Tell me, do you also have an Instagram account, (I don't have one of those either), or do you consider either one or the other to be sufficient?

    A great post for this month :)


  4. Must try that baking soda. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  5. I really find Pinterest addictive whenever I find myself on it and I should make better use of it for recipes. That Kentucky Butter Cake looks absolutely delicious and I will have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing these recipes. :)

  6. That cake looks divine! I could use a slice of cake. :) It looks like the baking soda did the trick. I never think to clean with baking soda so I should try it sometime.

  7. My laptop froze up and I couldn't upload any of my photos, so my 52 Pins post will be going up next Saturday. That will teach me to leave things until the last minute because if I had tried before Baz left for work yesterday, he ciukd have used his computer to get the pics off my camera.

    I could probably use a store bought pound cake for that recipe, right? For some reason pound cakes don't bake properly in my convection oven. Weird. I use the netting that oranges come in to clean my ceramic pans with dish soap squirted directly into the pan. If it is kind of burnt on I use some salt (the cheap table type) with the netting. I use the netting for everything. I haven't bought a dish scrubber in forever. :)

  8. I have a whole book on tips for using baking soda in creative ways but of course I always forget, so it's good to be reminded!

  9. Yum on the cake! I need to do the baking soda on my dutch ovens. It's SO easy to get them having that burned look.

  10. Baking soda is the best! Yea for having pans you can use when you have company again!

  11. Good for you to actually use your pins, afterall whats the use of pinning for the sake of pinning. I have found some really useful items/patterns/hints on pinterest. I do like your idea of 52 pins 52 weeks.

  12. Mine is finally up!
