
Sunday, May 28, 2017

This Week in Reading - May 28

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Lowcountry Bonfire by Susan M. Boyer - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series and one I always look forward to revisiting.  This one involves a missing person but one who seems to have gone missing on his own accord.  What looks like a pretty simple case to Nate and Liz quickly turns into more dangerous than they were expecting.  I'm excited to check back in with Liz and Nate and who doesn't love spending some time in Charleston? (NetGalley)

The Cafe by the Sea by Jenny Colgan - After I read and loved The Bookshop on the Corner last year there was no way I was turning down this newest book involving a Cafe by the Sea and a woman who has come home and trying to find her footing again which is one of my favorite things!  (Blog Tour)


Reading:  A Bridge Across the Ocean by Susan Meissner and Until You by Denise Grover Swank

Listening:  First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones

Watching:  J and I started watching Life in Pieces on Netflix and are enjoying it.  We also watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie the other night.  I didn't like the other movies but I forgot how much I really enjoyed the first one.

Off the Blog:

School is over!  The Tornado had such a great year that I'm sad to see it end.   I am looking forward to some lazy days though.  Next week we will start on semi-summer routine but for now it's lots of playing games and sleeping later.  I'm going to start setting aside some reading time every day and he has his school accounts for these online math games that he really likes.  He's also gotten obsessed with a show called The Odd Squad on PBS where they solve puzzles through math so I'm going to see if there are any games connected to them.  We have a workbook that has different puzzles featuring the Mo Willems characters that I want to encourage him to do and I want him to have some time to play on his own.  He needs to get better at entertaining himself without electronics.

Monday  J and I went to estate sale in a lovely home where the woman had very similar taste to me and actually owned several things that I already own which was a little strange.  I did find several things I love that I don't already own so it was a good morning.  Estate sales are always a little strange.  I know they take a tremendous weight off the family's shoulders but walking through someone else's home always feels a little weird.

We are taking it easy this weekend at home and accomplishing some DIY tasks we've been wanting to do.  I finally got vegetables in the ground.  I'm hoping it's not too late and I got the biggest plants they had so fingers crossed!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Dying Breath - Paranormal Romantic Suspense Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Most Anticipated Books for the 2nd Half of 2017
Wednesday:  Antique House Murders - Cozy Mystery Reviews
Thursday:  TBD
Friday: Linkup with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!  


  1. Lowcountry Bonfire does look good. I just saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean today with family, a bunch of us went, but I didn't think it was very good. :) And the first one I do think was the most fun. Yay for summer vacation and school being out!

    Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend.

  2. I just finished Cafe by the Sea and loved it, I think because it was set way up in islands of the coast of Scotland, it all just appealed. Hope you like it too. Enjoy the semi summer routine!

  3. The Jenny Colgan books are on my lists of books to read. And it's fab getting asked to join a blog tour for a book that you are already highly anticipating. Love the sound of The Odd Squad, there are just so many fun ways to learn nowadays. Enjoy easing into your summer routine!

  4. I need to read a Jenny Colgan book they are looks so good. I also really want to read Darynda Jones series it just looks like something I will like. Have a great week.

  5. I also just planted my balcony tomatoes last week :) they seem happy enough :D have a great week!

  6. I want to do veggies so bad but I just haven't had time and the weather has been so strange. Might grab a few of those tomatoes in the pots already and see if I can grown them instead. Also can't plant my garden because I am waiting on a guy to come and fix our fence.

    I am looking forward to the lazy days of summer too. Kids aren't out until the end of June but once softball is over I think things will go back to normal.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  7. I need to check out that cozy series... it sounds like fun! I think the next book in the Country Club Murders came out last week, so I need to get that one, too. Have a good week and enjoy the more laid-back summer pace!

  8. You always have such good books and I "borrow" many titles from you each weekend :) You got me hooked on the Lowcountry series last year and I read the first two, then lost track of it as I am constantly doing with series. Now I'm going to keep an eye out for book #3. It's a fun cozy and of course I love the location. I have The Deep End ready to go in a day or so when I finish my current book. You were one of those who recommended that one, too.

    Enjoy the week with your summer activities!

  9. The younger of the two girls I babysit loved The Odd Squad. It's a great show. I hope you saw my comment on your 52 Pins post. Mine will post next Saturday because I had some technical difficulties. Heh. Enjoy the holiday weekend and have a wonderful week.

  10. I do love the sound of The Cafe by the Sea...which reminds me that I want to read The Bookshop on the Corner.

    I just downloaded Watching the that series!

    Maybe I'll pick up on Life in Pieces on Netflix. I stopped watching it on TV as some of the characters really annoyed me. LOL.


  11. I think the Pirates movies have gone downhill a bit more with each new one. I am nervous to watch the newest release! the first movie was so great!

  12. I hope you all have a great summer vacation. It sounds like you have great ideas for you and the Tornado. I really like the cover and sound of Lowcountry Barbecue. I hope your plants grow well.

    Have a great week, Katherine.

  13. Yay for school being over, we still have a month to go! Haven't watched a Pirates movie in years, might check it out, have a great week!

  14. A friend and I used to visit estate sales all the time because we did find such unusual things. Haven't done it in a while though. I loved school as a kid, but when my son was young, I couldn't wait for every year to be over. lol Whew! He's 34 now, and we laugh about those days. Hope weekend is relaxing. Hugs...

  15. Sounds like a pretty good week! I've been to a few estate sales and definitely had that thought, too. Cool you found some things :)

  16. Its been a while since I went to an estate sale but I agree with you on being at one. Hope you and the tornado have a terrific summer break. I hope the Colgan book is a good one. It's on my wish list!

  17. Summer break starts so early anymore. I miss those grade school summers when we were really able to spend a bit more time just having fun. I love estate sales but I don't go to them very often. I have got some really great pieces at them in the past. Have a great week!

  18. It sounds like you have fun plans for the summer. Schools out! LOL I like estate sales but feel awkward too. Enjoy the holiday weekend and your new books:)

    My Sunday Post

  19. I wish you luck with your vegetables, it's too late for us. The heat is already a bit too strong so, no veggies for us this year. Estate sales are odd, as you said, walking through someone's home. But good deals can be found it doesn't help the family.

  20. I've never been to an estate sale but you wouldn't know it from looking at my house - seems like I've been estate sale shopping from our families' homes for all of my adult years. It would be weird just to walk through someone's house picking out which of their things you want but how cool to find one that you know has things that will work with what you have.

  21. The first Pirates movie was definitely the best. I didn't care for the follow-ups either. I am glad the Tornado had such a good school year. It must be a relief to see it come to an end--but also a bit sad. Mouse loves the Odd Squad! I need to start thinking seriously about work Mouse can do over the summer to keep her skills sharp and prepare her for first grade. We have flashcards and I was thinking of getting a work book series. It'd be easy if they did stuff like that in her "summer camp" program while I'm working, but mostly we'll have to work on it when I get home from work. It'll keep us in practice for the school year when we have homework to do. Haha Mouse will be taking dance this summer instead of soccer--it'll keep us indoors when the heat strikes. She's looking forward to giving ballet another try.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  22. One of these days I'm going to try Jenny Colgan! I agree, the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie was the best. Isn't it lovely to see the summer stretching ahead of you? I miss that; now that Robin has graduated (and isn't coming home this summer), summer doesn't quite have the same magic as it did when it was a welcome change from school routines. I'm glad the Tornado had a good year, and wish you all a great summer!
