
Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Linkups: A Bridge Across the Ocean

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is the most fun part/aspect of being a book blogger?

My Answer:
For me the most fun has been just interacting with the community of book bloggers.  It's so fun to be able to talk to a group of people who love reading just as much as I do.  I also got an email from one of my favorite authors asking me to review her newest book and that made my WEEK!  

This week's book has just about all of my favorite things rolled into one.  There's dual timelines - one present day and one in 1946.  There's mystery, history and ghosts!  Plus, I've seen some awesome reviews for it from some of my favorite bloggers.  So when I saw A Bridge Across the Ocean by Susan Meissner at the library I knew there was no way I was leaving it there.  So far it's been one of those books that I just want to sneak off and read just a little bit more.

The Beginning:
San Diego, California
Present Day

A friend's baby shower was the last place Brette Caslake expected to encounter a ghost.

My Thoughts:
I'm not sure I'd expect to see a ghost anywhere but a baby shower does seem like an especially unlikely place.

The 56:
You may think you can help them.  But it is dangerous, exhausting work, Brette.  And it is not your responsibility.  Remember that.  You owe them nothing.

My Thoughts:
This is a letter to Brette (MC) from an aunt.  The aunt is talking about her ability to see ghosts   Her tone surprises me.  It always seems like in books with ghosts people feel it's their duty to help ghosts but Brette's Aunt clearly does not share that sentiment!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I love that cover. Yes, other bloggers are the best. Love talking books with people.

  2. This one sounds promising. Will watch for your thoughts about it.

  3. That's my first time hearing about this book. But yes, it sounds good, keep going!

    I love how many book lovers blogging has introduced me to, and all the books too. So yes I totally get both your reasons.

  4. This has all the elements of a great book plot. I like the cover too. Sorry I haven't visited in a while. I have been so sick, no blogging for me until today!

  5. I have been noticing this book, and it looks like one I'd enjoy. I also love dual time lines. Here's mine: “IT’S ALWAYS THE HUSBAND”

  6. This sounds like a good one. This week I'm reading Into the Fire by Jeaniene Frost. Happy reading!

  7. I think I'd like this one a lot. :-) Lovely cover! Happy weekend!

  8. I would have to agree with you in that the best part of blogging is the awesome community. Nobody in my day to day life understands my obsession with books and reading. The book you are reading sounds wonderful. I will be looking forward to your review.

  9. Those emails from authors are awesome, aren't they? I agree, they make the whole week. :) And the community is pretty awesome too.

  10. Definitely keep reading - this sounds like my kind of book and I can totally understand the aunt's feelings - it could be come exhausting, life draining and just downright depressing dealing with ghost choice! Thanks for visiting my stop eaarlier!

  11. I'll keep reading. I like those snippets.

  12. Glad to hear you're enjoying your new read. Dual-timeline pieces can be great fun!

  13. Aw that's awesome about one of your favorite authors reaching out! Happy reading :)

  14. Ooh I think keep reading haha. Dual times, ghosts and history and mystery all sounds fun and a ghost at a baby shower is the last thing I thought too.
    Here's my Friday Reads

  15. While not my favorite WWII novel I certainly enjoyed it. I hope you will as well!

  16. Yes I say almost the same thing I just love interacting with the book community and other book bloggers. Happy blog hoping and have a great weekend. Here is my Blog hop answer.

  17. Hi Katherine,

    This wouldn't be a book which would necessarily have attracted my attention on the book shop shelves, however your post encouraged me to check out the full Goodreads synopsis and I am hooked enough to add it to my list now!

    My blog may be quite meagre in the regularity of new posts added and the number of unique visitors compared to some peoples'. However the core of faithful followers I have, are great to talk to and bounce new ideas and book recommendations off of and I like it that way!

    I also have a couple of publishers with whom I keep in regular contact and when an author contacts me direct that's just the icing on the cake, especially when they agree for me to publish a guest post on their behalf, which always makes for an interesting discussion.

    Long may it continue and thanks to everyone out there who visits Fiction Books from time to time :)


  18. I agree that the book bloggers are the best part of blogging. Book bloggers are always helpful.

    I enjoyed A BRIDGE ACROSS THE OCEAN. I got thrown off about the ghosts, but they don't play a large part in the book. It is a good read.

    Have a great week.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  19. Getting to know fellow bloggers is one of my favorite parts as well. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me
