
Sunday, April 2, 2017

This Week in Reading - April 2

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

You Are Here: An Owner's Manual for Dangerous Minds by Jenny Lawson - This is actually more of a coloring book than a book you read but I love Jenny Lawson's sketches and it was less than $10 on Amazon and I just couldn't resist!  (Purchased)

Serenity Harbor by RaeAnne Thayne - I love Thayne's books and I love visiting Haven Point.  I'm super excited about this one that's coming out this summer.  (Little Bird Publicity)


Reading:  Occult and Battery by Lena Gergory, Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and  A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell

Listening:  At Home by Bill Bryson.  I read this a few years ago but there's so much information I thought a reread through audio book would be good and I"m definitely enjoying it.  It's essentially the history of the home which is far more complicated than expecting.

Watching:  I'm enjoying Criminal Minds Beyond Borders a lot.  I do hope it gets a full season next year and that the fact that it's had 2 spring seasons doesn't mean it's on it's way out.  I've also been enjoying The Big Bang Theory and Elementary.  I'm hoping to binge on Victoria this week.  It looks amazing.

Off the Blog:

This week was volunteering heavy.  The book fair and picture coincided and it was crazy busy but really fun.  I had forgotten just how much I enjoyed school volunteering.  The Tornado scored big at book fair.  J went to lunch with him and then they went shopping and ended up with 16 books + 3 books for the teacher.  I think we're both so excited that reading on his own has finally started to click with him (thank you Mo Willems!) that it's easy to go more than a bit overboard.

I've been so tired all week.  My plan on Monday was to go to bed early for a few days and see if I felt better.  Which of course didn't happen at ALL except for one night and things were definitely no better that morning.  I listen to the Happier Podcast by Gretchen Rubin and she's always raving about going to bed super early but that's my reading time!  Plus who wants to go to bed early if they don't have to?  Of course we're all big night owls over here so that's probably not helping.  What's the regular bedtime for you guys?

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Reviews from the Children's Section:  Serafina and the Black Cloak
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Fandom Freebie - a little stuck here but hopefully I'll figure out something tomorrow!
Wednesday:  Somebody's Baby - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday:  Mrs. Pargeter's Public Relations - Mystery Review
Friday:  Linkup with Current Book
Saturday:  Occult and Battery - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review + Giveaway

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I haven't seen Big Bang Theory in forever. And score for the book fair! Glad the Tornado is turning into a reader. :) That's gotta be a great feeling!

    I am totally a night owl so I get that. I stay up way too late way too much!

    Have a great week ahead!

  2. I loved Criminal Minds and my husband is a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory. :)
    I hope you enjoy all the books and audiobooks you're currently reading and planning on reading.
    Have a great week. :)

  3. My husband pointed out You Are Here the other day. I hadn't known she was coming out with something else. Serenity Harbor sounds like it will be good.

    Sounds like you had an extra busy week! One of the volunteers at Mouse's book fair commented on my being "back again." She was right. We couldn't stay away. :-)

    I hope you find some time to rest this week! Have a great week, Katherine.

  4. I'm a morning person and since my son my bed time is so early, haha. Anywhere after 8.00pm really, haha. I'm pushing myself with reading in bed until at least 9.00pm these days though.
    Sounds like a great week though. Volunteering can be so great.

  5. Sounds like a busy week. I really enjoyed At Home too, though there were gross bits from what I remember. Hope you get some sleep this week.

  6. I am glad I found your blog. Just loved your Agatha Christie Project

  7. Sounds like T scored big at the book fair, I am glad he is liking to read and I hope it sticks, not enough male readers out there. Have a great week and happy reading!

    Week in Review

  8. Oh I just got Serenity Harbor too. I haven't read the rest though. Book fair's at school were my favorite :) I go to bed on the early side -between 9:30-10 most night but I am up by 5:30 most mornings. Hope you have a great week!

  9. Doesn't it feel wonderful to volunteer? I sure hope you can get some much needed rest this week, though. I've been binge watching the Great British Baking Show, and I had no ida there were so many different types of desserts and the technical expertise needed. Show is amazing! I finished reading No Man's Land by my boyfriend David Baldacci, and have moved on to a riveting spy novel called Ring of Fire by Brad Taylor. Hope your week is fab!

  10. What a score for your son! And it all benefits his school. We spent a lot last year. This year, my girls only found about 2-3 books each and the youngest picked up two fun items.

  11. I loved Occult and Battery. I've also been enjoying Criminal Minds: Beyond the Borders and The Big Bang Theory. Two great shows. Have a great week!

  12. I struggle with getting enough sleep. I SHOULD go to bed by 9:30, if I wanted to get 8 hours, but I never manage to do that. I do get to bed by 10:30. Now as to whether I can sleep... I enjoy audio books, so I think I may try the Bill Bryson book. He is so witty. Have a great week.

  13. I've always loved volunteering at book fairs. They're so much fun!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  14. I said yes to the Raeanne Thater book too because of how a few of you have enjoyed the series so far. Hope you get over your tiredness soon. My bedtime is anytime from 9 to 10 pm depending. I listen to Gretchen too, I bet she gets up early though.

  15. I have a hard time going to bed early, too. I lock myself in my bedroom at 8pm, but I usually read until midnight or later.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. I used to be a night owl when my kids were at home. Now they're all out of the nest and I go to bed between 9 and 10pm almost every night. It feels wonderful. The downside is I usually fall asleep before reading more than a chapter.

  17. I can't stay up late anymore. I used to be a night owl but lately I am in bed sometime between 9 and 10. I do read a little while before sleeping but not long at all. Your little guy really did do well at the book fair! Have a great week!

  18. The Book Fair sounds like fun! I miss doing those. That was one of the highlights for me when I was in school.

    I can never go to bed early, I've always been like that. LOL

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

  19. I've been meaning to read something by Jenny Lawson. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy all of your books. Have a great week.

  20. There is no regular bedtime for me, ha ha. The only day I hate myself is Mondays when I have to physically go to campus for a project meeting. I will be hating myself at 8:00 am tomorrow because it is almost 2:00 am right now! When Baz was in school what helped me was getting every last little thing ready for the next day that I could before I went to bed: backpack ready, lunch made, clothes laid out (shoes and undies, too); even the dishes set out on the table that were needed for breakfast. I figured this gave me almost an extra hour of sleep every morning. Ha ha. If I was only going to be taking Baz to school I showered at night, too. Have a wonderful new week. :)

  21. I like Jenny Lawson but hadn't heard of thit s one. Will check it out, wow, that is great your son is so into reading. I wish my granddaughter could get into a day care and get socialized, maybe get her more interested. But, that will come along one day. A+ to you for volunteering! Our son always loved it when I was at the school helping.
    Night owls, huh? My husband has lots of astronomy gear...telescopes, night vision and such so he is more a night owl than I am. I have to get into bed by 10:30 as the alarm yells at by 5:30.

  22. I've been having bad sleep issues and patterns this year. What I want to consider my normal bedtime to be is 9 to 9:30, but in reality it is often between 10:30 and 11:30 due to when I am able to leave work, what I have to do at home, my new announcement thingies I can't talk about yet, working on my bullet journal, working on a post, reading, or linking up and visiting and commenting. I will say that a cold room helps me cuddle down and go to sleep more quickly, which I am going to be pushing for after the move.

  23. LOL regular bedtime here is like 4am. Total night owl. That's awesome about the volunteering and having such a good time with it. :)

  24. The book fair sounds like so much fun and I'm glad you enjoyed volunteering!

    My reading time also happens at bed time so there isn't too much chance of me going to bed too early either although sometimes there's just no helping it - when you're falling asleep holding onto a book it's probably time to put it away lest you break your nose or something!! Ha ha.

    Hope you had a lovely week and a great weekend ahead!
