
Monday, February 20, 2017

Ramblings from the Stacks - They'll all get read right?

My To-Read list on Goodreads is 1,923 books.  My Wish list on my library's digital site (for ebooks and audio books) is 1,396 books.  My To-Be-Checked-Out list on my library's website is 251 books.  My Wish List on is 345 books.  I don't even know how many books I actually own but it's a lot.  There's some overlap on these lists but not as much as their should be and there are some books that aren't on it at all either because I bought it before it made it on a list or it's an author whose back list I want to read and just haven't added all the books. For measurement;s sake I'm going with just these actual numbers and assuming the overlap balances out the ones that are left out all together.

All together there are 3,915 books that I really want to read at this specific moment in time.  Now on average I read about 130 books a year.  So if I keep my reading speed constant and don't add any books to my TBR and don't do any rereads then it will take me just over 30 years to read them all.

That's totally doable right?  I mean in 30 years I'll only be in my mid-60s and my reading time will probably increase as my dealings with small children decrease.  In fact I have decades worth of wiggle room to add books!

Every once in awhile I'll hear someone say casually that they "know they'll never get all the books to want to read read" and it's just shocking to me.  I mean how can you think that? I can feel my pulse increase when I even think about not getting to all those books I want to read.

Though if I'm being completely honest - I probably won't.

How many books are on your various TBR lists?  Do you expect to read them all?


  1. Well now that's a good question. Later today, after I have awakened more, I think I will do a count. I know it's less than yours because I culled my to-read list on Goodreads last year. But I will comment again later, let's compare!

  2. I don't actually have an official 'wish list'. However, I have one in my mind and I actually own a lot of books - a lot. Probably something like 500 or so in print and over 2,000 in e-book format. Now, I've already read at least 1/4 of these, but you see the problem. Like you, my reading is around 130 books a year. And I'm 2 decades older than you. I'm seriously trying not to purchase too many books and I regularly 'clear out' books. I do know that I'll never get to read all the books I want - seriously. I might if they would immediately stop printing new ones. However....not likely. LOL

  3. Whoa! I only have a little more than 600 on my Goodreads TBR. But I must be honest in admitting that I don't update it often. There are so many other books that I want to read that are just floating around in my brain. To be honest, I never really stress about not being able to read all the books I want to. I can't think like that. I just plan on reading as much as I can.

    On a different topic, do you like using paperback swap? I've never used it, but I'm thinking of giving it a try. Any advice?

  4. Now that's a lot of lists and a lot of books. Haha! I like to think when I'm old and grey I'll spend my time reading and whilst I won't be able to read all the books ever, I'll happily settle with those that I get to. For now, I make the most of my time, resources, and keeping my book wishing pretty minimal, because otherwise it totally overwhelms me!

  5. Perfect plan...don't add any more books to your TBR...EVER! Bwahahahahah!!!!

  6. My amount is so modest compared to yours, LOL. I'm at 2,141 for both Goodreads and the library's Kindle books but some overlap of course for the Kindle ones.

  7. This is mind boggling to think about isn't it?? Although having said that my TBR is... very small. I mean I know there's a TON of books I want to read but I fool myself by not having a humongous list on Goodreads or somewhere- but yeah I'll be reading til I croak basically. lol

  8. So many books, so little time...

  9. Wow! You're doing better than most of us because you at least have a total! (lol) My list is easily over a thousand, and I still keep adding via the library, bookstores, or freebies. I want to read them all, but I fear it will be near impossible before I'm gone. Still, theere's the fun of trying, right? (lol) Hugs....Great topic!

  10. But what about the future books you will be adding to your list as new ones come out? ;) I have more books that I even want to list...either I own them, or they are on my amazon wishlists, yes plural I have three different list on The must haves, maybes and ones I would like in

    Good luck with all that reading!

  11. Lol, @ your toppling tbr pile and combined wish lists! I have wish lists scribbled on backs of receipts, sometimes in a journal, or GR, or on my blog, but really I just want to remember the names of authors who've I enjoyed greatly, or whose name I just found on someone else's blog. Then I can scan through their books and see which ones I want to read.

    Hopefully this system will work in the far-flung future :) what with me being 20 years older than you, and having some memory glitches along the way! Enjoy whatever you read-- I have to remind myself all the time to be true to my moods, and not pick up a book just because it's the next shiny, new title out there, getting buzz...

  12. Those numbers would make me crazy...LOL. I don't count the books listed as TBR on Goodreads, or any other site, unless I actually own the books.

    Then I can project the manageability.

    Thanks for sharing...and enjoy speculating about the wish lists.

  13. I've given up the numbers at this point. They were making me anxious and books should never make me feel that way, right? That said, I know I'll probably never get to read all the books I own or want to read. That's ok. I'll just keep reading and not feel anxious :)

  14. Haha. Yes well... I am thinking of having a throw out of some of my actual books on my bookcase. My reading tastes have changed a bit. I have really cut back on buying books so that helps. And am trying to really prioritise to books I really want to read. Good luck. We are limited human beings, but so lucky we can read.

  15. I have no idea, but every once in awhile, I cull the list as my tastes change. I add and remove books every day but the pile remains about the same time. LOL

  16. Ha ha. The "worst" part is that great-sounding new books are constantly coming out, so there's no way anyone can really keep up! It's not such a bad problem to have, actually ... :)

  17. Too many to count. I like your thinking though :)

  18. I'm afraid to add all my wish lists and unread books together. I am sure I won't run out of reading material in my life time. Or in the after life, if there is such a thing. LOL

  19. I know that I won't get all of my books read. I am going to give it my best shot though.

  20. I'm in a similar boat, and I have fewer years ahead of me than you do... in 30 years, I'll be in my mid-80s! So I know that I probably will not ever have time to read everything I'd like to read. Periodically, I go through and prune my various want-to-read lists, and even my 2 bookcases full of as-yet-unread books. Like Kimba said, I cull the things I'm not as interested in anymore. I wish that made more of a dent in the number of books I want to read, though!

  21. Haha you did the math! I'm a little scared to actually count my TBR because I know it's ridiculous but that's okay, I'm glad there's always more books to read!
