
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Loved Less/More Than I Thought I Would

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Ten Books I Loved Less/More Than I Thought I Would.  It's always such an amazing feeling to go into a book expecting to like it okay and end up being blown away and on the opposite end it is such a disappointment to expect to love a book and end up feeling meh at best about it.  Here are five books that blew me away and 5 that were pretty epic disappointments.


1.  Cinder by Marissa Meyer - Everyone I knew had raved about this book - even people who typically didn't read YA or sci-fi type reads.  I absolutely loved the cover so I decided to give it a try and I absolutely loved it!  I read Scarlet right after and then took a break but I'm dying to pick up Cinder.

2.  The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - I'm a big Doctor Who fan but I'd been hesitant to read any of Gaiman's books because his episodes of Doctor Who were frequently my least favorite.  I found a gorgeous copy of this at a bookstore and couldn't pass it up and I'm so glad I didn't!  It was so weirdly wonderful!

3. Before the Fall by Noah Hawley - I really had no plans to read this book.  I don't like disaster books, I don't like books where children are in peril, and I don't enjoy books about media frenzy.  BUT when I was offered a copy by someone who had read and really enjoyed it I just couldn't turn it down and I ended up really enjoying it.  It was so cleverly done that I was mad with curiosity to see how everything played out.

4. Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan - I expected to like this book - it has the world bookstore in the title so how could I not.  But instead of the book about books that I expected this ended up being a fast paced treasure hunt that was just so fun to read!  The audio is awesome!

5.  The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown - I almost passed on this book when I was offered it for a blog tour.  It seemed high on the angst-y scale but I decided to give it a chance since one of the story lines takes place in 1920s Paris.  I'm so glad I took the risk because I loved this book.  I loved the characters, I loved both story lines, and I just didn't want to put it down.  One of my favorite reads of 2016.


1. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll - I wanted to love this one!  I love middle grade fiction and I really like the Disney movie.  I was prepared for there to be lots of nonsense but it kind of felt like it was ALL nonsense - especially Through the Looking Glass.

2.  Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places by Colin Dickey - You know when a book sounds so you that you absolutely must have it right that minute?  This was one of those.  Ghosts?  History?  Traveling around and full of random trivia?  Sold, sold and more sold.  I was so sold I bought this new in hardback and bumped it to the top of my TBR.  I just knew I would love it.  Except I didn't.  I really really didn't.  I made it about 100 pages before I DNF'd it.

3. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon - This was a really good story with interesting characters and it was totally not for me.  I could see the value in the book itself I'm just not a fan of YA romance.

4.  Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris - I've always been hit and miss with David Sedaris but I had listened to When You Are Engulfed in Flames and laughed until I cried so I figured I couldn't lose with another audio book from him.  The best I can say about this one is that some of it was kind of funny.

5.  Good Mourning by Elizabeth Meyer - I wanted to like this.  I've read several books about the death industry so I was intrigued by this one that focused on a funeral home in New York.  I ended up being mostly irritated.  The author comes from an extremely wealthy family and she never let the reader forget how privileged she was.  She was getting up to go to work at *gasp* 8AM when her friends were just getting home from a night out.  The horror!  The sacrifice!  Who goes to work at 8AM on a Tuesday?  Oh wait - pretty much everyone.  As well she spent a lot of time complaining that people thought about money when planning a funeral.  She was appalled by how cheap they were.  Now I don't know about you but I have participated in planning a couple of funerals and while no one wants to think about money the reality is most of us do not have an unlimited budget.  I read this at least 2 years ago and I'm still getting mad about it!

So what books have you loved more or less than you thought you would?


  1. I enjoyed Cinder so much more than I thought I would too. I have Before the Fall and I hope I enjoy it too. Great list!

  2. Cinder probably should have been on my list too, now that I think about it. I expected to like the series, but I didn't expect to love it. At that point I read a lot less sci-fi and wasn't sure about fairy tale retellings - that series kind of won me over on both genres and I try them more easily now!

  3. I was surprised how much I loved The Lunar Chronicles considering how much hype there was. I really thought there'd be no way it'd live up to it. But I'm glad it did!

  4. I am SO with you on both CINDER and EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING. The cover of CINDER totally put me off, but when I finally read it I LOVED it (and the rest of the series). As for EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, I couldn't understand what all the buzz was about. It had a cheap ending, IMHO.

    I might have to give BEFORE THE FALL another go. I only got through a chapter or so before I put it down, even though it definitely sounded like the kind of book I like. Guess I should pick it up again if it's so cleverly done.

  5. Before the Fall and Mr. Penumbra's sound really interesting to me. I think I'll definitely have to give them a try at some point. I tried to do Cinder but unfortunately I couldn't get into it and gave up about 50 pages in. I might try to come back to it though now that I've seen several different reviews on it.

  6. Yes, Alice made my list as well, and I never even got to Through the Looking Glass, and never will because I'm finished with it. I have several retellings to read but I find I like them much more than the original. Cinder was a great book and I wish I could find more time to finish the series.

  7. Oh yeah, I liked Cinder so much more than I was expecting. I loved Everything, Everything, though. I understand why it didn't work for you. I'm pretty excited for the movie, though.

  8. Funnily, I actually felt the opposite about Cinder. Everyone loves it so much, so I had high expectations going in and found it kind of disappointing.
    My TTT:

  9. Mr. Penumbra's- great pick! I remember that one. Great setting. I've seen mixed things about Everything, Everything. And I think I'd feel the same way about the Good Mourning book. I was involved with two funerals in the last year and you're right, no one wants to think about $ but both funerals were around $10k so if she thinks people are being cheap I beg to differ!

  10. I've still not read cinder but I've heard so many amazing things about it! Glad to see that you liked it, just another reason for me to pick it up!

  11. All your books that you enjoyed more than you expected are ones I am dying to read. I think I have all but The Light of Paris on my TBR pile of your first five.

    I saw a movie trailer for Everything, Everything and heard it pretty much gives the entire book away. I will probably give it a try at some point given how much I loved The Sun Is Also a Star, but, to be honest, Everything, Everything doesn't appeal to me as much. We'll see. I know you weren't taken with it.

  12. Agree completely on Alice and on Sedaris' consistency. I listened to the debut of the Santaland Diaries years and years and years ago on NPR and have loved SOME of his books.... Alice is so over-rated imho. I loved the audio of Mr. Penumbra! It was a great one to listen to--like INKHART was. Same vibe.

  13. I haven't gone back to read the books I read in school, but I should because I think I would have a better understanding of those classics. Cinder looks like a good one! Hugs...

  14. Haven't read any of these BUT I have The Light of Paris so I'm glad you liked it!!

  15. I also loved Cinder and MUST get around to read the other books in the series! Thank you for sharing your list - I found it really interesting.

  16. I have only read one book on your list! Cinder :)

  17. Yay for Neil Gaiman. I love his books so much. Also glad you enjoy Cinder so much. Great list!

  18. I really need to read Cinder and more Neil Gaiman. I am pretty sure that I would hate Alice in Wonderland. I have the audio and might try that at some point but I usually fall asleep when watching that Disney movie.

  19. I like your list, but I wasn't crazy about Cinder when I read it.

  20. I have never been a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland. Like ever. I am glad I am not alone!

  21. I've got Cinder here now. I just need to give it a read.

  22. I've only read Cinder from your books listed above, but you reminded me I wanted to read Mr. Penumbra. And I've seen various versions of Alice-- but never cared for it-- too over the top for me.

  23. This is a great list. I love the Lunar Chronicles and Before the Fall.

  24. Ah yes Cinder was wonderful and was more than I expected too. I must get on to Scarlett as well.

  25. Great list. The ones I have read are Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and Everything Everything and I basically felt the same way as you. I quite enjoyed Everything Everything, but I didn't love it the way so many others seemed to.

  26. I feel you on Everything, Everything - though I did like the reveal at the end. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  27. I'm always happy to see Cinder on your lists! I hope you enjoy Cress (: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore is on my TBR, I'm really excited! It's been so long since I've read Alice, I can't remember if I enjoyed it more or less than I thought I would haha.
    Great list, Katherine!

  28. I don't know why, but your thoughts on Alice in Wonderland did make me chuckle! You've also reminded me to see if my library holds Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. Thanks for sharing!
