
Saturday, February 18, 2017

This Week in Reading - February 19

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Occult and Battery by Lena Gregory - How can I resist murder at a haunted mansion?  Plus I just love that the main character is a former psychiatrist pretending to be a psychic.  (Blog Tour)

Lost in You by Jules Bennett - Bennett is a new to me author but the story involves a hero who gives the heroine cooking lessons AND a resort.  I'm a sucker for hotel type settings.  (NetGalley)

Bel of the Brawl by Maggie McConnon - A murder, a missing person all at a place called Shamrock Manor.  There's food and lots of talk about the luck of the Irish so I'm pretty excited about this one.  (Publisher)

Tightening the Threads by Lea Waite - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series and this particular story line dives into the backstory of antique dealer Sarah Byrne who I've been dying to find out more about since the first book! (NetGalley)


Reading:  Facials Can Be Fatal by Nancy J. Cohen and Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel

Listening:  I'm almost finished with The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware.  I've really enjoyed it but it'll be almost a relief when I'm finished with it because I keep catching myself holding my breath while listening!

Watching: We've been watching movies lately.  We went and saw The Lego Batman Movie which we enjoyed though we all probably liked The Lego Movie more.  Later we watched Man of Steel and then Black Mass with Johnny Depp as Jimmy "Whitey" Bulger.  It was good and Depp always amazes me with how he completely changes from role to role.

Off the Blog:

We have survived the Tornado's birthday party!  His birthday is actually at the end of December but with Christmas and school break and all the madness around that there's no way a party is happening.  We didn't have as many guests as I would have liked but all the kids who came were kids he really liked and they had a really good time.  I was pleased with the venue we had picked - one of those places with inflatables.  Basically all we had to do was get a cake, invite kids, and show up at the appointed time.  They did the rest and then when it's over you just leave and they take care of clean up and all that.  If we ever do another birthday party (doubtful) I'd definitely use them again.

The Tornado is going to Space Camp Monday!  It's a trial program for day camps but he's really excited and I'm really excited to hear about it when he gets home!  Living in a town that revolves around the space industry and having a father who is an aerospace engineer he's pretty used to space related things but this is something of his own.

Eleanor and her boyfriend adopted a Husky puppy a few weeks ago and it is the absolute cutest thing.  Right now she's only about 12 weeks old but she's just a giant ball of good natured fluff.  It almost makes me want a puppy - but only almost.  Luckily they don't live too far away so I can just get my puppy fix by visiting them.

I've been on a really great reading streak lately but it seems to be slowing down.  It's not that I'm reading bad books it's just that they're all only good.  All good books isn't much to complain about but there's something repetitive about reading the same quality of book.  I need to have to mix it up a little bit or switch genres because I can feel myself heading towards a slump.

Next Saturday is my 2nd 52 Pins in 52 Weeks linkup.  If you have any posts about Pinterest pins you've tried - wins or fails - I'd love for you to stop by and link up!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from Stacks - They'll All Get Read Right?
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Books I Loved Less/More Than I Thought I Would
Wednesday:  A Cast of Vultures - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  Facials Can Be Fatal - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with current book
Saturday:  52 Pins in 52 Weeks - February Edition and Linkup

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Occult and Battery- love that title. :) I like the sound of the Irish one as well. And the woman in Cabin 10 was a pretty tense read at times. Those inflatable places are so popular now, and it is nice you can just go and leave... :)

    Space Camp sounds great! Have a super week and good luck with your reads- hopefully the slump stays away!

  2. Space Camp sounds great and I'm sure it'll be a wonderful experience.

    I'm glad the party went well and it's a good idea to do it somewhere the kids can be entertained. My friends with daughters often do stuff at home and friends recently did a jewellery making thing, but friends with boys suggest parties which burn off a lot of energy and have ready-made equipment etc...

  3. I love the titles of those cozies...and the idea of a former psychiatrist pretending to be a psychic sounds like fun.

    Tornado's birthday party sounds like the best...especially the part about just showing up...and leaving the cleaning to them.

    Sometimes reading in the same genre, like many of us do, does lead to books that aren't as awesome as others we've read. When that happens, I have to mix things up and read a memoir...or a totally different kind of fiction, like "women's fiction."

    Have a great week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. The party sounds like fun. Spawn will be 10 this year and we didn't have a party last year. Can't dodge it this time but it's tempting to let someone else do all the work for sure - lol. Have a great week :)

  5. Glad that Tornado had a great birthday party!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  6. Enjoy your new books. Glad your son has a great party,I hope he has fun at space camp. I read so much of the same genre in January I think it helped put me in a reading slump this month so I switched up genres and it definitely helped. Have a great week.

  7. Glad the party went well! That sounds like a great way to do it, using a place that takes care of most everything and the cleanup. And aww, a husky puppy, that sounds adorable!

    I totally get you about the reading. I have that same problem a lot where I end up with a lot of books that are just good, and it's nice... but it's kind of monotonous and I want something great!

  8. Lucky Tornado! I would love to go to Space Camp! We can't have a dog (lanlord rules) and There was a pet shop down the street from where Baz did theater and I used to stop in a couple times a week for what I called "puppy therapy", ha ha, I really miss it. Yay for 52 Pins. I made cookies at the beginning if the month and I put one in the fridge to save for a photo, but I keep forgetting to take one. I am afraid that when I open it, it is going to be all shriveled up. XD Have a fabulous week. :)

  9. Wow.. Space Camp. Sounds fun. I hope the Tornado will have a great time.
    It sounds like you had a great venue for the party. Glad to hear the kids had fun. That’s the most important thing.
    I’ve been reading a lot of 3 stars book lately. So I totally get what you’re saying.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  10. Occult and Battery is such a great name for a book!

  11. Space Camp does indeed sound fun. Wasn't there a movie with that name several years ago (like 15 or 20)? I'll be interested in hearing what you thought about the Cabin 10 book and also ROANOKE GIRLS. I'm beginning to read reviews of that one and wonder about it - like whether I should actually read it or not. I understand what you mean about reading the same sorts of books. I'm feeling a little that way myself. Have a good week!

  12. I have Roanoke Girls to get to soon. I am so glad you are enjoying The Woman in Cabin 10. Oh those inflatable places are the best for parties because they do almost everything. Love that. Space camp sounds awesome!! Hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week!!

  13. I'm going to have to try the woman I. Cabin 10, it's been all the buzz recently so I just need to move it up the list. What a cool thing to do, space camp! My son would have loved that but they probably don't take 28 year olds now, lol.

  14. I knew you would get Tightening the Threads, I got it too! :) Glad your party went well, sounds like a nice place to have a kids party.

    It does sound like you need a genre change, I get that way some times so I have to read something totally different. Do you have a favorite series that you need to dive into and read next in series, that always help me.

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  15. I'm going to read Occult and Battery too. The series sounds so fun. You picked the perfect way to do Tornado's birthday. It's nice to watch them have fun and not have to clean up things afterwards. Enjoy those new reads.

    My Sunday Post

  16. We felt the same about the Lego movie too - much preferred the first one though still fun. We are currently planning our daughters birthday, something small so we'll see how it go s and, whilst everything will be done for us I still find it stressful,

  17. Someone else's puppy is definitely the way to go. All your books are unfamiliar to me mainly because I rarely read murder. Have seen a lot though about the Woman in Cabin 10.

  18. I'm going to be reading Occult and Battery too. I enjoyed the first book. Isn't Facials Can Be Fatal good? Hope you have a great week!

  19. I haven't read Bennett either but Lost in You sounds good!

  20. LOL only almost. Ha! Yes, that's how I feel about puppies, too. They are so stinking cute (a friend got a husky puppy last year) but nice to visit then go home :)

  21. All my books have been amazing! Hope you will have a run of great books soon.

  22. Space Camp sounds so awesome! And yes, having to do a minimal for a birthday party is so stressfree. Jellybean is going to a trampoline place for the first time next Sunday. She is excited.

  23. I've been on such a reading streak (in addition to work stress) that I've neglected my review writing. I've got catching up to do. Sounds like the Tornado had a great party! We always did our parties at the park, and in bad weather, moved them to our house. Huskies are beautiful, but they would be too hot here in Texas. Our new pup, Cera, is driving us up the wall with her accident antics.

  24. So many cozies! All your new books sound so good, Katherine. I hope you enjoy them. My husband really wants to see The Lego Batman Movie, but Mouse and I aren't convinced. LOL Maybe one of these days.

    I'm so glad Tornado's birthday party went well! We're getting ready for Mouse's in another couple weeks. I hope he has a great time at Space Camp! How fun! Huskies are such beautiful dogs (and beyond adorable at the puppy stage). Congratulations to Eleanor and her boyfriend on the addition to their family.

    I know what you mean about reading just good reads--while good, it gets old after awhile. Hopefully you'll read something outstanding soon to break out of the pattern.

    Have a great week, Katherine!
