
Saturday, February 25, 2017

52 Pins in 52 Weeks - February Edition

I absolutely love Pinterest! My current pin count is just under 10,500 and I have dozens of boards. I alternate between pinning from the tons of food and craft blogs (I have a different system for book blogs!) and pinning after mindlessly scrolling through the "Everything" option where I can see all the pins that have been pinned and repinned recently.
 In 2015 I realized that while I relied on Pinterest for all kinds of things a lot of my boards were being seriously neglected and even in the boards I did use regularly there were still plenty of pins collecting dust. And that's where 52 Pins in 52 Weeks came from. At the first of the year I make a board called 52 Pins in 52 Weeks and fill it with 52 pins that I want to do over the course of the year. I've tried to include a good mix of food, holiday, and craft pins and push myself to step a little out of my comfort zone. I pin my results on my 52 Pins in 52 Weeks Results board. Some pins are wins and some are most definitely fails but it's always interesting to attempt them! 
 This year I hope you'll share your Pin Wins and Fails with me and link up below! The format is totally up to you. Just post about the pins you've tried over the month (it can be multiple posts) and link up here! The link up will the the last Saturday of every month and I can't wait to see what everyone is doing!
Not quite as decorative as I would have liked!

Week 5:

The Basic Idea:This is a selection of kid friendly Valentine's day recipes.  I used the calzones

My Results:  This was fun and pretty tasty.  My only problem is that it was a little harder to make them shaped unless I had a really big cookie cutter.  All of my regular cutters were to small to put filling in the dough and then crimp the edges  Next time I'd roll out the dough a little more carefully and then maybe cut a design into the top of the dough.  Other than that it was tasty and super easy to customize for picky eaters.
Chocolate Cream Pie Perfection!

Week 6: 

The Pin:Chocolate Cream Pie from Something Swanky

The Basic Idea: A rich creamy chocolate pie with a whipped cream topping

My Results: I cheated and used a purchased pie crust but other than that and using Special Dark cocoa powder I followed the recipe exactly.  Other than some stirring it was super easy and the results were amazing.  I'm thinking about making another one this weekend because it was so good!

Week 7:

The PinDisney's Baked Ravioli from Plain Chicken

The Basic Idea: Baked ravioli in a hearty meat sauce

My Results: I'm not sure how much this tastes like the one from the restaurant at Disney World but it was pretty tasty!  It was a little more complicated than my usual baked ravioli recipe because you make the red sauce from scratch but it was delicious

Week 8:

The Pin:How to clean the gunk around the sink drain from Ask Anna Moseley

The Basic Idea: Drop a denture cleaning table into the sink to clean the drain.

My Results: This was simple and the supplies were cheap.  I have a marble countertop/sink and there are tiny cracks right around the drain that get a little bit of grunge in them.  I thought this might be an easy way to fix it.  I think this might work great for soap scum for for cracks or small dents I didn't notice any difference.
Not photogenic but it sure was tasty!

Week 9:

The PinTwo Minute Thai Peanut Noodles from Favorite Family Recipes

The Basic Idea: Dressing up regular Ramen noodles with peanut butter and Sriracha

My Results: These were unexpectedly good.  I've never really eaten Ramen noodles before so I don't know how they taste normally (I lived off Snickers bars in college) so I was very suspicious of these but I was pretty pleased with the results.  This definitely isn't a serve to company dish but it's a pretty good late night snack or guilty pleasure meal!

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. I just saved the chocolate pie and the noodles recipes. They looked good and glad they came out good too!!

  2. I am bad (good?) about pinning but find I don't often go back to them, so this is a great idea.
    I hate cleaning the underside of the sink drain so now I just pour vinegar and baking soda and let it soak.

  3. The peanut noodles look good, yes, it is a good photo! I would love some.
    You are so good about pinning and actually making.

  4. I need to make calzones again, you reminded me of how good they can be.

  5. I might try that dental tablet trick. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  6. OMG, chocolate pie, I love chocolate pie!!! Sighs, now I wish I had

  7. That chocolate pie looks amazing. It's my favorite kind of pie.
    The peanut butter noodles look like definite guilty pleasure food. ;-)

  8. What a successful month. I've heard about use the dental tablet trick in mugs that have been stained by tea, but never thought to use them in a sink. Great recipes too.

  9. I agree the chocolate pie and the noodles are "must tries".

  10. I will have to make that chocolate pie for the next special occasion that comes up!

  11. It looks like you tried some great recipes this month! I could use a piece of that chocolate pie!

  12. I might give that chocolate pie a go. It looks yummy! When Sebastian was a baby, and I was worn out, I discovered the wonder that is store bought pie dough. I haven't made my own crust in almost 25 years! I buy air-dried ramen noodles in bulk from a local Asian market and make my own ramen flavoring from ginger, garlic powder, sea salt and pepper. I add cashew butter instead of peanut because it is less sweet. Of course Baz loves the packet ramens, but he can afford to eat the high fat fry-dried supermarket version. Ha ha. :)

  13. I'm going to be making that chocolate pie this weekend!
