
Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Linkups - Key of Light

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How do you feel about books with multiple narrators?

My Answer:
It depends on how it's done.  Some of my favorite books have involved multiple narrators but if the different voices aren't clear and easy to keep track of I'll most likely DNF it.

This week's book is a spur of the moment library pickup as I'm trying to keep myself from sliding into a reading slump.  I've been reading a lot of cozy mysteries lately and while they've all been good books there's a certain repetitiveness that happens when I read too many of one genre.  I thought I'd mix it up a little and grab an old favorite from a trilogy I've been thinking about rereading - Key of Light by Nora Roberts.

The Beginning:
The storm ripped over the mountains, gushing torrents of rain that struck the ground with the sharp ring of metal on stone.  Lightning strikes spat down, angry artillery fire that slammed against the cannon roar of thunder.

My Thoughts:
I love a good thunderstorm as long as I don't have to be out in it but this one sounds a little to strong even for me!

The 56:
Moe immediately dropped his heavy head on her knee.  "Could you call off your dog?"
       "Not as long as you've got cookies."

My Thoughts:
I had forgotten about Moe and I just about squealed with delight when he showed up on the page.  He's such a great dog who regularly forgets how big he is.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What books do you reach for when you feel yourself sliding into a slump?


  1. I like multiple narrators most of the time. Sometimes it doesn't work though. I still need to read Nora Roberts. When I am in a slump I got for something short and fluffy. It usually works!!

  2. I do like multiple narrators, especially in audio. That being said, I like it better when different people do the narration, rather than one person changing their voice. KEY OF LIGHT! I love that trilogy. It's been quite a while since I reread it. And I often read an 'old favorite' when I'm having trouble settling to a book. Often. Good luck!

  3. I love Nora Roberts. She's a good "slump buster" for me too. I have a thriller this week - Signature Wounds by Kirk Russell. Happy reading!

  4. I like mixing things up, too. With Nora Roberts, I gravitate to her romantic suspense...but some of her trilogies definitely capture me, too.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “HEARTBREAK HOTEL”

  5. Sounds like a good one, I haven't read a Nora Roberts book in a long time! :)

  6. That does sound like quite the storm! And I agree about the narrators- depending on how it's done, I don't always mind. I did read a YA book that had a TON of narrators, some were just one- offs to provide a certain perspective, and it didn't bother me but I know a lot of reviewers HATED it.

  7. Great answers. I hope you enjoy your current read.

  8. Moe is a dog? I never thought Nora Roberts wrote books in that vein, haha.

    I am absolutely the same way. As long as it works, I don't mind it! If the narrators don't have a distinct voice, what's the point of using that technique?

  9. I prefer one or two narrators - I like to really get a feel for them and when there are too many and I cannot bond with them, then I find myself pulling away. And I HATE books where I'm in the head of a serial killer - but I'm aware that is a personal foible and doesn't mean it's a bad book.

  10. I have to mix up genres for the same reason. I would definitely keep reading :) I don't have a slump often but a historical romance will always put me in a good mood.

  11. I'm like you in that I life multiple narrators from time to time, but when the voices of the characters sound too much the same, then there's a problem.

    I like to change up genres to avoid burn out too.

  12. LOL @ the 56! Good dog! Happy weekend!
