
Thursday, December 29, 2016

2017 Library TBR

Yesterday I talked about the 10 books I hope to read off of my physical TBR shelf.  In 2017 one of the things I'd really like to do is make better use of my library.  I have a great library within just a few miles of my house.  It's little but the children's section is amazing and the variety of available books is pretty impressive.  Not to mention the people are so nice.  Because it's a branch in a much larger system I also can go online and find just about any book I want and have it delivered to my library.  While I really enjoy having all of that available other than the children's section I rarely end up using it.  This year I'd like to make more of an effort to get more use out of it instead of just thinking about it!  Here are 10 - 5 print and 5 audio - that I plan on checking out from the library this year.


1.  The God of the Hive by Laurie R. King - I love this mystery series that I've been sadly neglecting for far too long.  I read The Language of Bees in 2016 and really enjoyed it.  This is a continuation of the larger story of that book and I can't wait to find out what happens.  Plus, anytime spent with Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes is time well spent!

2.  A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn - Raybourn is one of my favorite authors because of her ability to create a world that her characters inhabit.  She always pulls me in and it's almost a shock to look up from the book and realize that I'm in my very own bedroom and not the one that she has so richly drawn.  This is the first in a new series and looks really intriguing AND the cover is gorgeous!

3.  And Only to Deceive by Tasha Alexander - Apparently I'm in a historical mystery mood!  This is a series I've been hearing about since I started blogging but haven't managed to read yet.  This is the year!

4.  First Women: The Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies by Kate Andersen Brower - The Residence by Brower was one of my top ten reads of 2015.  I loved her ability to really take a look at the experiences of the staff in the White House and focusing on the humanness and the history without really getting into politics.  I'm hoping the same for this book.  I'm planning on getting it in book form for the photographs as I felt like I missed out a little in the last book.

5.  The Hollow by Ransom Riggs - I really enjoyed Miss Peregrine when I read it years ago and meant to pick up The Hollow when it first came out to find out what happened next.  Of course I needed to get it in print because all of the weird photographs are half the enjoyment of the book.  For one reason or another I never managed to pick it up


1. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again by Frank Cottrell Boyce - I'm not going to lie - the main reason I'm really looking forward to this one is because David Tennant is the narrator!  I listened to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang last year and loved it partly because the story is just so fun and partly because I could listen to Tennant read a phone book (which I know is out of date but you know what I mean) and be fascinated.  I'm a little worried that this is not by Ian Fleming who is the original author but I figure it'll still be fun!

2.  The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin - This has been on my radar for awhile but J and I watched the movie Infamous about Truman Capote a few weeks ago and I was so intrigued by Capote's "Swans".  

3.  A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman - This book has been on my radar for ages and I'm finally going to listen to it this year.  I've heard some mixed reviews on it which is why I'm thinking I'll go audio.  I tend to be braver about books I've heard mixed things about with audio than print for some reason.

4.  Seinfeldia by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong - J and I are big Seinfeld fans and references to that show frequently find their way into our everyday life (and I may have texted that entire car rental scene EVERY time I rent a car because it's still same).  This book looks really fun and since I don't know much about it other than the topic I'm really looking forward to it.

5.  Faithful by Alice Hoffman - Hoffman has been on my radar for ages and she's always been one of those authors that I knew I should read but just hadn't been inspired to do so.  However, this book has been recommended to my by a number of people including several bloggers who I really trust so I'm thinking now is the time!

Do you use your library as much as you'd like?


  1. I'm amazed at how the selections have changed over the years. When I first started reading erotic romance, there were none of the authors that you can find there now. I like that they have this interlibrary loan that lets you get books from other libraries outside of where your card covers. You have a good list there! Hugs...

  2. A Man Called Ove and Faithful are on my library list as well. I love to get most of my audios through the library and have a lot of memoirs lined up that way for 2017. Hope you get to all of these!!

  3. I got A Man Called Ove on audio in the Black Friday sales, so I am looking forward to checking it out in 2017, too! Alice Hoffman used to be an auto buy for me, but I didn't like a few of her books and then she sort of fell off the list. I need to get back to her because her last few books, like Faithful, have sounded really good. There needs to be more hours in a day, right?

  4. Hope you love Faithful!! A Man Called Ove is on my list as well for next year.

  5. I love my library system! I used to drive 35 minutes once a month to use the countywide main library that I now am only 10 minutes from, plus I have a bonus city library 3 minutes away (this wasn't planned when I moved) ☺

    After years of having no useful library nearby, I've incorporated borrowing books this past year. I recommend any library to readers -- get to know all they offer...

    I've had Seinfeldia on my kindle for a few months because my husband was bingeing through the series in past couple years. Haven't read it yet, but I offered it to him in the meantime.

    I've loved (most) of Hoffman's magical realism books since book one came out. Only missed a few of the recent titles, but I really enjoyed Faithful. An old title by her I recommend is Turtle Moon.

  6. My library is wonderful! They have everything I need and want.

  7. Such a good idea. I go in and close my eyes most of the time because I know there are books I want to read. Like you I order online from other libraries through our library. In fact..... first book of the year is obtained this way! I think you will enjoy Faithful and the Backman book is on my radar by audio. But don't think our library has it. So Audible it will be.

  8. I SO need to use my library more. I just got Overdrive and am figuring that out- isn't it sad? Get with the times Greg! I hope you enjoy the Tasha Alexander books- I really liked And Only To Deceive with the emphasis on antiquities. And my library has some that I haven't read yet- sigh. What am I waiting for??

    I remember Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (the movie) from when I was little but hardly remember the details.

  9. Ha ha, that is the reason I love listening to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang too! David Tennant is awesome! Great list!

  10. I use my library for eBooks, graphic novels and some audiobooks. I never go in and just browse but I browse the website and then reserve from there.
    I loved A Man Called Ove - had a bit of a slow start for me but ended up being one of my favorites the year I read it!

  11. I love the library! I have read A Curious Beginning & And Only to Deceive and enjoyed them both. I have the audio of A Man Called Ove and hope to listen to it in 2017 as well.

  12. #1, #2, and #3 were all wonderful, so if the others measure up to those, you're in for a great year of library reading!
