
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My 2017 TBR List

Like pretty much every reader I have piles of books stuck in every corner I can find.  And probably like lots of you I tend to ignore the books I already own in favor of newer shinier review books that land on me through the year.  So last year I'm combed through my physical TBR shelf and came up with 12 I wanted to read and tried to get them all read.  The results?  Seven out of twelve read which I'm calling that a win.  For 2017 I made a list of 10 books I want to read this year.  I'm hoping to make another list of library checkouts as well and I also want to read the 5 books I didn't get to in 2016.  Plus 10 is such a nice round number!

1. Lost on Planet China by J. Maarten Troost - I've read 2 previous travel memoir type books from Troost and really enjoyed them.  This book set in China sounds really different than his previous books which were set in more tropical locations so I'm really excited about it.

2.  The Kitchen Counter Cooking School by Kathleen Flinn - This has been on my TBR for YEARS.  It was the first book by Flinn that was recommended to me and for some reason I've read the books on either side of this one but never this.  2017 is the year!

3.  All Facts Considered by Kee Malesky - This is a book written by the research department for All Things Considered.  I heard an interview about the book years and years ago and it sounded really interesting and now I'm going to get around to reading the book.

4.  The House on Tradd Street by Karen White - There's ghosts and houses being renovated all in Charleston which is one of my absolutely favorite settings!

5.  False Mermaid by Erin Hart - This is a mystery series with an archaeological spin that takes place in Ireland.  I read the first book or two years ago and really enjoyed them.

6.  Ghost Night by Heather Graham - This is actually the 2nd in a trilogy and the first was on my 2016 TBR list and I haven't read it yet.  So first I have to read that one and then I'll read this one but they both look like seriously spooky fun.

7.  Unhallowed Ground by Kate Ellis - I discovered Kate Ellis in a used bookstore pre-Amazon days and fell in love with the 2 books they had but wasn't able to get anymore.  I've acquired quite a collection and am looking forward to reconnecting with the procedural style mystery series.

8.  Untraceable by Laura Griffin - I love really suspenseful romantic suspense and I read the most recent book in this series earlier this year and loved it.  This is the first book so I'm looking forward to understanding the structure and the characters a little better!

9.  A High End Finish by Kate Carlisle - I love Kate Carlisle's Bibliophile series and I love home renovation so I'm expecting good things from this series about restoring old houses.  There's also going to be a Hallmark movie series on these books and I'm so excited I can barely stand it!

10. Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn - I reread the first book in the Bridgerton series earlier this week and remembered why I love them so much so I'm really looking forward to this prequel!

What are you hoping to read in 2017?


  1. Very nice! I've also read the first book in Erin Hart's series, but it's been a long time. I have not continued up to now, but want to. I also read the first few books in Kate Ellis' series and loved them. That was when I was still working at the library and our branch had a bunch of them. Now, of course, there are a bunch more. And I have never read any of Karen White's books, but have several of them. Yes, lots of fun for 2017. Good luck reading these and all the others you mentioned!

  2. Great list! I hope you get to them and love them all in 2017. :)

  3. Love this list! I reaf the first in the Kate Ellis series recently and liked the setting.

    Also I love Laura Griffin and after I read her newest I might re-read some of the series. I never got to Erin Hart, but her titles linger on my to-look-for list...

  4. #2 has been on my list for a few years now too!! Hope we get to all our top TBR picks next year!

  5. Yes we have these books hang around for so long! Mine too fall off the shelves, especially when I knock into them! I would like to try the Tradd series and the Tracer series by Laura Griffin. And.... I also acknowledge I have so many books to read and.... I want to read less in 2017. Savour rather than rush them is my new desire!

  6. Yay! I hope you enjoy Because of Miss Bridgerton! I'm excited for book two :)

  7. Sounds like a great list! I have GOT to try Heather Graham at some point.

  8. Lost on Planet China looks great! My aunt and uncle lived there for a few years and loved it, so I've always been interested. And Kate Carlisle's cozies always look so fun even though I haven't tried any yet...

  9. I've created two shelves in Goodreads; one is for books to read in 2017 and the other is to continue series I've started.

  10. All Facts Considered was calling to me the last time you posted about it. I don't know if I marked it to-read on Goodreads, or not. I will have to check. Great list!

  11. Not heard of many of them but I hope you enjoy them all! :)

  12. What a great idea! I haven't read any of these but hope you get a chance to read all of them. Enjoy!

  13. Kitchen Counter Cooking School lives on my cookbook shelf because of the great recipes but mostly because it is just chock full of great shortcuts and good reminders to use what you've got.

  14. I can definitely recommend The Kitchen Counter Cooking School. I bought copies for my daughters when I finished reading it.

  15. Good luck with working through this list of yours!

  16. Great list. I really need to make a list of 12 books I must read on my TBR in 2017.

  17. Oh, Because of Miss Bridgerton was just delightful!
