
Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday Linkups: Bay of Sighs

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hope Question:
Your New Year's Resolution is to read a classic novel that you have never read before. What book will it be?

My Answer:
It's hard to narrow this one down!  There are so many classics that I have yet to read but are on my TBR.  I'm thinking Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.  While I have read pretty much everything else Steinbeck ever wrote I somehow missed his masterpiece.  Runner up is Portrait of a Lady by Henry James.

This week's book is one I've really been looking forward too so I figured it'd be a great last book of 2016.  I had spent the last few years being seriously underwhelmed by Nora Roberts' trilogies so I was pleasantly surprised when I read and thoroughly enjoyed Stars of Fortune which was the first in The Guardians Trilogy.  This is the 2nd book - Bay of Sighs - and while it is about the characters I was the least interested in the first book there are a number of challenges that I'm really curious to see how Roberts pulls off!

The Beginning:
The story was told, generation by generation, in song and in story, until time misted it into myth.  But some believed, as legends brought comfort.
And some knew the story was the truth.

My Thoughts:  
I'm always a little nervous when Roberts starts a book when this kind of sing songy myth type language because she's started a lot of books like this and one of my biggest problems with the last trilogies is that they've felt repetitive.  However, since this is the 2nd book and I loved the first book I'm all about it!

The 56:
"We're all afraid, Anni."
Surprised, she looked up at him.  "No one seemed afraid but me."

My Thoughts:
One of the reasons I don't like Anni who is part of the main couple in this book is because she's so oblivious.  The reasons for that make sense but I thought it might be irritating as the focus of a book.  However, so far I've really enjoyed it as she comes off as more vulnerable and eager than purely oblivious and I think this snippet shows that pretty well.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What classic have you not read that you really want to read?


  1. Like you, the trilogies haven't really grabbed me...I usually stick to the romantic suspense. But...maybe this one is different. I'll wait for your thoughts afterwards....and I do love the titles of the books in this trilogy so far.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  2. I do like her books. Just reading so many series already. Lovely cover.

    My Friday 56 from Guarded

  3. I've never really been able to get into Roberts writing. I hope you'll love this one as much as the first. I'd love for you and your readers to checkout my BB & 56 . . .

  4. I'm glad you posted this, I think Henry James needs to go on my 2017 list.

  5. I'm fascinated by legends, so the opening appeals to me a lot. I've read Roberts' romances and enjoyed them, so I'd probably like this story too.
    My Friday post features Náápiikoan Winter.

  6. I am curious about that series, glad you are enjoying it and hope you like the second book! :)

    Week in Review

  7. I loved East of Eden if you're looking for Steinbeck read...and I really need to start the Stars of Fortune series!

  8. Sounds like you have kind of torn about this book. I hope it pulls together for you. I think it is difficult for authors to provide enough of the familiar for long term fans, but also change things up to make it seem fresh. It's a hard thing to balance.

  9. I haven't read Nora Roberts' books in such a long time. I'm not sure this is one that grabs my interest though. I'll have to check out the first book in the series.

  10. I've read Bay of Sighs and loved it. But like you hate those sing songy beginnings. I just skip 'em!!

  11. I've always thought of Nora Roberts as a romance novelist (or romantic suspense) but a clip like that almost sounds like she does a little paranormal too? Or maybe that's just how it sounds. Anyway it does look good- nice cover!

  12. Nora Roberts can be good but I don't think that I have ever been blown away by any of her books. I am interested in this trilogy though so I look forward to your review.

  13. It's hard to keep up with all of Nora's novels, and this trilogy wasn't on my radar screen. Now I want to know more about it.

  14. All these classics I keep hearing being mentioned are ones I had to read in high school.

    I am not in the habit of reading them. LOL!!

    Happy New Year!!

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  15. Those are two GREAT classics choices!! I might have read "The Grapes of Wrath" in high school. Not quite sure.... I know it's a very depressing book, so maybe that's why I don't remember whether I read or not. But that means I must have read it, right? Lol. Anyway....if I DID read it, I definitely have to reread it, because I don't remember much of the plot.
    I do remember reading "Portrait of a Lady" in high school, but don't remember much of the plot, either. I'm sure it went over my head. So I would have to reread this one, as well.

    As for your book pick for the other two Friday memes, I LOVE it!!! I just happened to be looking at this trilogy at Barnes & Noble the other day, and want to read it myself. I read my first Nora Roberts book before Christmas. It's titled "The Christmas Wish", and it's actually an edition containing two of her previously published Christmas romances. I thoroughly enjoyed it, so I would certainly love to read more of her books!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my BBH post!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! <3 :)

  16. I haven't read The Grapes of Wrath either. I might have seen the movie though. Hope this second book works out better for you. Happy Friday!

  17. Lovely cover - I enjoyed Obsession, but haven't read a lot of her books. This one sounds interesting, though. As for a classic I haven't yet read - I haven't read Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner and she's an author I think I'd like. Happy New Year:)

  18. Does it make me a bad person that I've never heard of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck ?

    Shelley @CGBG

    Here's my Book Blogger Answers

  19. great plan! My favorite by him is East of Eden. I have another on by him for my Classics Club Challenge: Travels With Charley

  20. I love Nora Roberts, so I'd keep reading.

  21. I hope you enjoyed Bay of Sighs, Katherine! I chose a rather sad book for my final book of the year--The Story of a Brief Marriage, of which the title kind of gives away the ending.

    My book blogger hop question this weekend was pretty easy seeing how my choice is the first book I plan to start in the New Year. :-) I meant to read it last year, but it didn't happen.

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  22. You had me with that cover! Wishing you the best in 2017!

  23. This novel has been hugely popular at my library - happy reading!
