
Saturday, November 12, 2016

It Happened One Autumn - Review

It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers #2) by Lisa Kleypas

Rating: Very Good
Source: Purchased

Description:  Four young ladies enter London society with one necessary goal: they must use their feminine wit and wiles to find a husband. So they band together, and a daring husband-hunting scheme is born.
It happened at the ball...

Where beautiful but bold Lillian Bowman quickly learned that her independent American ways weren't entirely "the thing." And the most disapproving of all was insufferable, snobbish, and impossible Marcus, Lord Westcliff, London's most eligible aristocrat.

It happened in the garden...

When Marcus shockingly—and dangerously—swept her into his arms. Lillian was overcome with a consuming passion for a man she didn't even like. Time stood still; it was as if no one else existed... thank goodness they weren't caught very nearly in the act!

It happened one autumn...

Marcus was a man in charge of his own emotions, a bedrock of stability. But with Lillian, every touch was exquisite torture, every kiss an enticement for more. Yet how could he consider taking a woman so blatantly unsuitable... as his bride? (from back cover)

Genre: Romance - Historical

Why I Picked This Book:  While I've reread the next book in this series several times I wanted to revisit this one where we first really get to see St. Vincent at his worst.

My Impression: It's no secret that Kleypas' Devil in Winter is one of my favorite books.  St. Vincent is one of the few villain to hero conversions that I actually believed.  But I didn't really remember the book where St. Vincent became a villain in the first place.  When I was picking a few books to reread this year this one jumped to mind.  This is the second book in the Wallflower quartet where 4 women who are outcasts for various reasons become friends.  In this book we don't see much of the friendship though the other women  are around.  The book really focuses on Lillian and Westcliff's growing relationship.  These two bicker and drive each other crazy and it's a whole lot of fun to watch.  Westcliff is super responsible, intensely logical, and tightly controlled and it's driving him crazy that this outspoken American is constantly on his mind.  The switch of the relationship from irritation to love is very quick but it works.   The reader sees what's going on well before they figure it out.  I loved. Seeing more of Westcliff's sister Olivia and it really made me want to go back and read her story.  Lillian is an interesting heroine.  She's intelligent and outspoken and struggling to remember all the rules in the much more regulated English society.  I've always been fascinated by the waves of American heiresses who were sent overseas in order to marry a title so I really enjoyed this fictional account.  And St. Vincent is such a charming villain!  While this isn't my favorite it was a really enjoyable read and makes me even more excited to reread Devil in Winter!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  Kleypas is one of my favorite historical romance authors.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you enjoy romance than Kleypas is an author you shouldn't miss!


  1. I've enjoyed a couple of Kleypas, but the contemporary ones though this sounds like fun. I like HF with main female characters who are intelligent and aren't afraid to show it!

  2. I read the Christmas novel in this series (Wallflowers #5) and loved it and can't recommend it enough. I always meant to read the rest of the series but it always got pushed to the bottom of the list. Maybe I can get the fist one from my library before the year ends and can give it a read. Glad you liked it.

  3. Oh I loved this one and listened to it on audio. It was excellent. Reading your review makes me want to go back and do a whole reread of the series!

  4. I liked this series. They are all wallflowers, girls who hardly got asked to dance at the balls and always saw one another sitting on the sidelines. That's how they became friends.

  5. Hello! Been too long since I've stopped by. *sad face*
    Can you believe I still really haven't delved into the historical romance genre? I obviously love romance, so this is like stupid of me.
    Glad you loved this one upon reread! I reread a lot but I do have that small feeling of what if I hate a book I use to love.

  6. I have so much love for this series. It is on my list of books that I plan to read again. I agree that St. Vincent is a great villian in this book and I totally bought his reformation in the next one. Kleypas is an amazing writer. Great review!

  7. I love a good historical romance and this book (and series) was so enjoyable.
