
Saturday, November 12, 2016

This Week in Reading - November 13

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

NOTHING!  Seriously - not one single book!  I'm actually pretty excited because I really needed an empty week.

I do have a few pending requests and a list of books I want to get that's about a mile long but I managed to bring nothing new into the house.  Now I just have to see if I can manage to get caught up on the ones I have.


Reading: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.  I'm really enjoying this one but it's going to take me awhile to read it.  Murder in the Mews by Agatha Christie and The Christmas Town by Donna VanLiere

Listening: I finished the Moonraker by Ian Fleming (so good!) earlier this week and am planning on starting Matilda by Roald Dahl tomorrow.

Watching: Lately I've been catching up on Blindspot which is entertaining but doesn't quite pass the "oh this makes sense" test.  I've also been catching up on NCIS and it's franchises.  Next weekend we're probably going to watch Moonraker which I'm a little nervous about.  I loved the book but I heard the movie is terrible so it'll be interesting to see what's different.  I'm betting most of it!

Off the Blog:

My Grandfather - Picture taken in Korea
The Tornado had Friday off of school for Veteran's Day so on a whim we took off Thursday to head down to south Mississippi to spend some time with my favorite veteran - my Grandfather who is a WWII/Korea veteran.  I'm writing this on Wednesday but it's safe to say we're having a good time.  I'm a little nervous because this is the first time on a trip where it's just been the Tornado and me.  J has missed a few of the trips but I usually have at least one of the older kids with me.

It's been a fairly quiet week around here - or the half of the week so far.  We spent all weekend last week cleaning and de-dust miting the bedroom and we did just about everything on the tip sheet (except replacing the carpet with wood - that will take a bit!) so hopefully it's helping.  My eyes are definitely a lot less itchy and I'm sleeping better but it's also November and things seemed to have stopped blooming or dying or whatever that puts out the stuff that makes everyone sneeze!

Between some internet issues and being out of town I've been a no show but I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone as soon as I get back!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Life She Wants - Review + Q & A
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Movie Freebie
Wednesday: Grape Olive Fig - Blog Tour Nonfiction Review
Thursday: The Christmas Town - Fiction Reivew
Friday: Friday Linkups + Teasers from Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. It sounds like you've been busy Katherine. I watch Blindspot as well and don't mind it though I know what you mean about the realism! I was starting to get a bit tired of it in season one, so am glad they've mixed things up a little.

    And I've had less books arriving recently so know what you mean about the slower weeks allowing you some breathing space. I feel a little more on top of my reading and reviewing. (Not much, but a little!)

  2. Ha I love that empty bookshelf pic! I didn't buy anything this week either- it's a miracle lol. I'm so glad Moonraker was good, maybe I should try Ian Fleming one of these days. I've only ever seen the movies. And I still haven't caught up on Blindspot yet...

    Hope you had a great visit and a good weekend so far. :)

  3. I love weeks with no books, it's such a welcome relief! Murder in the Mews sounds fun and yay for your allergies been a bit better.

  4. What a wonderful way to spend Veterans Day. I really enjoyed The Woman in White but there is something about shifting to the different writing style that takes time to get into I think. Hope,you enjoy it though. Have a good week. Emma

  5. I need a week with no books!! I can't seem to help myself though so good on you! Hope you guys are having a great trip - love that picture of your grandfather. Have a great week!

  6. I know what you mean. I like having weeks when I don't pick up any new books. Don't we all have piles to read anyway? I hope this gives you a jump ahead of your pile.
    I have to get around to The Woman in White. I really should add it to my short list. I look forward to seeing what you think of it in the end.
    Happy Veteran's Day to your grandfather. How wonderful that you were able to visit him on VD.

  7. That's a lovely picture of your grandfather!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  8. Not one single book...I couldn't help but smile at your excitement. Sometimes nothing is a good thing.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  9. Yes - I need a few weeks with no incoming books! I hope you have a lovely break visiting your grandfather with the Tornado. I loved The Woman in White, but was shocked and a bit depressed at the double-standard regarding men and women's behavour, which I felt was well highlighted by Collins - and credit to him for doing so in an age where most people accepted the prevailing climate. Have a great week:).

  10. Hope you had a great trip and make it back safe and sound. I did pretty good on the book front this go around no review ebooks but I did get a couple of audios, but no bought books and only a couple freebies. :) I was very surprised at

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  11. Hope your weekend away was a lot of fun!

  12. Lovely pic above, and you are blessed to have a grandparent alive to share with your children. All mine had passed before my kids were born, and now my parents have been passed on for years, so I have been diligent about sharing family history to my kids whenever possible so they know where they "came from".

    Glad you have an empty mailbox this week for your sake :) I don't receive books anymore unless I win a giveaway, so I have only myself to blame for the books that have been steadily trickling in this month!

  13. Empty shelves are never a back thing as long as you don't leave the empty for to long. I am also trying to read what I have but I seem to keep failing at that so good for you!

    I hope you are all having fun visiting family!
    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

  14. What a fantastic way to spend Veteran's Day, I hope you had a wonderful time!

  15. A road trip! Such fun, and how great you got to visit your grandfather.

    I could use a trip up to visit old friends in the northern part of the state.

    Enjoy your week, and that empty mailbox is kind of welcome, right?

    Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  16. Have a lovely time with your grandfather. I've been reading away lately too.

  17. I hope you had a great time on your visit. I have been thinking about giving Matilda a reread soon. I hope you can finally replace the caroet with wood because it does do wonders. My ex's alergues, while inside, calmed way down when we moved from a carpeted house to an apartment with all wood floors. I am really looking forward to everyone's movie TTTs. Have a wonderful week. :)

  18. What a week. Hope you had an enjoyable trip. Lucky to have a grandfather.

  19. Oh, Moonraker. Well, it's a Roger Moore Bond so you already know going in that there's a high cheesy value to it. My allergies are so much worse in the fall than they are any other time; even though I'm enjoying the warm fall, part of me is looking forward to a hard freeze. I have learned, with allergies, that I need to make sure to cover my pillows, wash my pillows, and change them out fairly often. Dust allergies suck!

  20. Hope yall had a great time! And woo! on the no books! That's stunning. I'm not as good as you. lol
