
Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday Linkups: Murder in the Mews

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Are the giveaways on your blog publisher-sponsored giveaways or giveaways of your own books?

My Answer:
I don't do a lot of giveaways because I worry about dropping the ball on it and never actually completing it but several of the blog tour companies I work with do giveaways where you just have to include the rafflecopter link so I do always include those.

This week I'm back to Agatha Christie!  It's been a few books between this one and the last one and I'm starting to miss her!  This week's book is Murder in the Mews which is actually 3 novellas.  Agatha Christie does the best short stories and novellas and while I've read this one before I remember NOTHING about it.  I'm really looking forward to settling down with this on.

The Beginning (from Dead Man's Mirror)
The flat was a modern one.  The furnishings of the room were modern, too.  The armchairs were squarely built, the upright chairs were angular.  A modern writing table was set squarely in front of the window and at it sat a small elderly man.

My Thoughts:
I love that despite the short sparse sentences I still have a very clear idea of what this flat looks like!

The 56 (still from Dead Man's Mirror): 
The Colonel dropped into his chair, shook his head, sighed and said:
"Terrible business, this, Riddle."

My Thoughts:
One of my favorite things about Agatha Christie's books is there's always a character who is so calmly resigned to whatever chaos is going around them and it's usually an old Colonel - normally one who has spent most of his life in India.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I don't do many giveaways. Most are publisher//Tour company sponsored. You always make me want to pick up Agatha Christie. It has been too long.

  2. I really like that cover of Murder in the Mews. There are so many covers of her series it's fun to see all the different ones! And I like that opening- I agree, it gives a good sense of what she's seeing. lol about the Colonel and the India connection. Nice to have that familiar element, she must have liked it too!

  3. I do love a good mystery, and I always enjoy books in which I can "see" the surroundings through the author's descriptions. Like a movie playing before my eyes.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “ECHOES OF FAMILY”

  4. I don't do many giveaways because they're always books or items I've bought personally and then have to pay to mail, but I'm doing a holiday one now.

    I haven't read Christie in so long because I thought it was a bit "quiet" for me, but you have such love for her that I feel that I need to see her work with fresh eyes. Sometimes I think a certain way about an author and its not realistic. I think I've grown as a reader and my reading has expanded along the way.

  5. Yet another Agatha Christie book I haven't read. This one sounds great. Thanks for mentioning it. :-)

  6. I should really pick up another Agatha Christie book soon. Thanks for sharing!
    Here's my post:

  7. I've never done giveaways. My blogger hop post will go up tomorrow, though. I haven't yet read any Agatha Christie, but it is interesting to me how authors sometimes repeat character types. Here's my Friday 56 and Book Beginnings if you're interested.

  8. How can you go wrong with Agatha Christie! I'd love for you and your readers to check out my 56 & BB ...

  9. I also mostly do the publisher sponsored giveaways too sine I rarely have books to giveaway.

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. Love when Agatha Christie books are making the rounds! Happy weekend!

  11. Every time you put Christie on your blog it reminds me I need to read her! :)

  12. I love Agatha Christie's books! I haven't read this one yet though...

    Here is my 56:

  13. It's nice to have a Christie read every now and then. Enjoy!

  14. Most of the Giveaways are from the Author's, Blog Tour Hosts, and Publishers. I am not a writer I am a reader.
    Book Blogger Hop: Nov. 11th
    Here's my full answer

  15. I get nostalgic when I read an AC review!

  16. My giveaways are publisher-sponsored giveaways, but I choose the winner via and make the giveaway form in Google Docs/Forms.

    I hope you are having a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  17. I need to read more Agatha Christie! :)
