
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Things I've Learned From Television

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and The Bookish is a TV freebie in honor of all the shiny new shows about to start.  Now it's no secret that I watch a lot of crime shows and I've noticed that there are some themes that are repeated a lot so I thought it'd be fun to catalog them!

1.  It is never a mannequin, a pile of clothes, or trash. (All of them)

2.  Every crime can be connected to either the Navy or Marine Corps if you try hard enough thus making it under the jurisdiction of NCIS (All NCIS franchise shows)

3.  Sometimes the CIA calls in NCIS for retrieval missions in other countries (NCIS: Los Angeles)

4.  All you need to do is type in a few keywords and you'll discover all deaths and strange incidents at a residence along with any rumors of haunting instantly. Also, wifi is everywhere.  (Supernatural)

5.  Armored car drivers have the most dangerous profession on the planet.  From what I can tell in the average career span is about 6 weeks before you either become the inside man in a complicated robbery or are killed or in some way restrained by the inside man.  (Pretty much all of them at what time or another)

6.  DNA takes no more than an hour and is always obtainable.  (All of them)

7.  If you are walking your dog and then said dog suddenly runs into a wooded area and refuses to come out you're about to discover a body. (All)

8.  Just don't go jogging - no good can come from that. (All)

9.  It's not the first scare that gets you it's the second.  If your cat knocks over something on a table and it startles you when you look up from cleaning up whatever it is there will be a serial killer standing there to grab you.  (Criminal Minds)

10.  All forensics experts also carry guns and investigate murders - after they get their results from the DNA matching which took about 20 minutes of course.  (CSI - all franchises)

What has television taught you?


  1. Lmao! This is the BEST list! You're so right - I especially love the forensic details. So easy to get, takes no time, and of course forensic experts are totally gun welding bad asses, not sciencetists that prefer the lab :)

  2. LOL this was so funny- and so accurate. The dog walking one never fails!

  3. Ha ha so true! Especially #9- cracked me up. They're ALWAYS there just waiting for you to look up from the first noise. And how is it that everyone's practically a hacker level computer analyst and can find anything with just a few keystrokes?

  4. Perfect! And very well done! I watch most of those shows and agree totally!

  5. THIS WAS SOOOO FUNNY!!! wha ha ha ha!! Gosh I agree. We should make a combined effort on Ten people you don't want to know (because there's bound to be a murder): Jessica Fletcher. Hercule Poirot. Miss Jane Marple.... AND yes! Jogging is really really bad for you. No good can possible come from that. Here's my TTT:

  6. LOL! Love your take on this Katherine! Also love NCIS though we still haven't picked the show back up since Ziva left. The dog one is especially true and most of these would apply to my favorite crime show...Law and Order SVU. :)

  7. Haha! That is awesome! I love how they always get the information they need in 2 minutes. That cracks me up so much!

  8. ::snort:: Pretty much. The dog one. That's no joke. Goodness but they're always finding bodies that way around here or at rest areas like that. It gave me the biggest creeps when I was traveling with dogs and always stopping at them. lol

  9. Heheheheheh, I knew this was going to be another good one. XD

  10. Hilarious as always! Your first one made me laugh out loud. I'm so glad you pointed out how dangerous jogging is. It's a good reason to stay clear.

  11. This is funny and so true but I can't help loving my crime shows! :)

  12. LOL I love crime shows but sometimes OMG they are so not factual. I love how on Medical Examiner shows, the M.E. goes out and does all the investigating. They have the M.E. actually doing the interrogations. HAHAHA. And on CSI, the forensic team does everything. And the DNA is ready w/in minutes. At least Law & Order has the lawyers do the trial and the police do the police work and even a psychologist do everything related to mental illness. But the DNA will still be in w/in hours or days. LOL.

  13. This was humorous. There are some things that just as a general citizen I know are not possible, but having a glimmer of knowledge from the man, I know a little more. It's funny how easy these things are on TV but not IRL!

  14. OMG I LOVE HOW YOU DID THE PROMPT!!😂 So much perfect. And yes, of course there is WiFi everywhere. And like ALL news and info about murders/creatures are online. So handy. :') And yes nothing good comes out of jogging. Either you find a body or you become the body. 😂

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

  15. Bwahaha..this is brilly and #7 is why I do not have a dog :)

  16. I needed a good laugh this morning. :-) Thank you for that, Katherine. Such a fun post! I've found that no one tells the complete truth when being interviewed by the police the first go around. Nearly everyone is always hiding something.

  17. This is hilarious! It is always a little too convenient to be real on TV...but entertaining nonetheless.

  18. I love NCIS lol
    My ttt

  19. Haha I love this! Definitely agree about the jogging!

  20. On historical mystery dramas set in England, you know a dead body will be discovered by the maid when you see her carrying the breakfast tray upstairs. She always drops it and screams upon discovering the body.

  21. I knew there was a reason I didn't jog!

  22. This is fantastic!!! Yes, everything IS under NCIS jurisdiction.... we should be so lucky if Mark Harmon ran the United States *head smack*

  23. LOL! This whole list made me laugh all the way through. The second scare, the jogging, the dog in the woods...

    So you asked what I've learned from crime shows. In my case, they're mostly British mystery shows:

    1. Sylvia's right: if the maid delivers the morning tea tray, she will find a dead body.
    2. If you see a little, dithery old lady knitting, someone is going to be killed. Better leave the area immediately, or it might be you.
    3. The butler is almost never the murderer, regardless of the cliche.
    4. It's always possible to solve crimes with minimal clues using logic and a keen understanding of human nature. Forensics are rarely necessary, beyond an autopsy and possibly some fingerprints, footprints, or tobacco ash.
    5. If you're falsely accused by the police, you'd better have a good amateur or private detective in your corner.
    6. Most people have a double somewhere.
    7. Where there's a will, there's a murder. Especially if it involves a tontine.
