
Monday, September 5, 2016

Every Frenchman Has One - Review

Olivia de Havilland is probably best known for her role as Melanie in Gone With the Wind but the movie that I really associate with her is a terrifying movie about a woman in a mental institution called The Snake Pit which still gives me the shivers!  In terms of de Havilland as a person I know almost about her so when I saw that her short tongue in cheek memoir that had originally been published in 1962 had been reissued and was on Blogging for Books I just couldn't resist.

I was a little worried this would change my opinion of de Havilland.  She's always seemed perfectly lovely and oh so lady like but what if she isn't?  Luckily, not only did this book not lower my opinion of her it actually raised it.  For not only is she perfectly ladylike but she also has the sly-est humor and the most delicate touch of snark.

This book is all about her observations of what it's like to be an American mother living in France.  She stumbles over Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions when her son has a fever and quite by accident learns the type of flowers you should never ever send a (living) friend.  She learns French though not without a few bumps and learns what you really ought to serve on Christmas day.  Her telling of her slipups are so funny and I have the feeling she'd be a wonderful person to share lunch or even a cup of tea with.

This is a small little book - only about 143 pages including a recent interview - and one I thoroughly enjoyed.  This is a book I found that is better sipped than gulped.  A chapter or two is absolutely delightful but trying to read it in one sitting feels a little tedious.  I will say next time I watch a movie featuring Olivia de Havilland I'll enjoy it even more after to getting to know her a bit in this lovely little book!


  1. I think she was in the Robin Hood movie from, I think, the 40s? I loved that movie. I'm glad you really liked this, and that it didn't change your opinion of her. Well, maybe it did but for the better.

  2. She won an Oscar for her role in The Heiress, which is definitely worth a watch!

  3. I'm afraid I am not too familiar with her, although I know her work. I am glad your opinion of her held up after reading this book. I think I might like her too. :-)

  4. I'm in total ignorance as I've never heard of her nor have I seen that classic movie. It is always fun to read a funny memoir. I need to read one after I get through this library stack.

  5. How interesting and sounds really fascinating. Love peeking into people's lives from books like this.

  6. I think I'd enjoy this book even though I only know her from her films.

  7. This sounds like a good biography or memoir. I knew you'd like it with the French setting!

  8. Oh! I really want to read this! And I remember the movie Snake Pit. It was a staple of those late night weekend movie shows back in the 70s, ha ha. Thanks for sharing your review. :)

  9. I don't remember this actress at all but the books sounds entertaining. Glad you enjoyed it.

  10. I am hearing a lot of praise for this one - so nice that it was reissued.
