
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Closed Casket - Blog Tour Review

About Closed Casket

• Hardcover: 320 pages
• Publisher: William Morrow (September 6, 2016)

"What I intend to say to you will come as a shock..."
With these words, Lady Athelinda Playford -- one of the world's most beloved children's authors -- springs a surprise on the lawyer entrusted with her will. As guests arrive for a party at her Irish mansion, Lady Playford has decided to cut off her two children without a penny . . . and leave her vast fortune to someone else: an invalid who has only weeks to live. Among Lady Playford's visitors are two strangers: the famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, and Inspector Edward Catchpool of Scotland Yard. Neither knows why he has been invited -- until Poirot begins to wonder if Lady Playford expects a murder. But why does she seem so determined to provoke a killer? And why -- when the crime is committed despite Poirot's best efforts to stop it -- does the identity of the victim make no sense at all?

Purchase Links

HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

My Review:

I don't think it's a secret that I'm a HUGE Agatha Christie fan and so when I heard Sophie Hannah was writing more Poirot books I was more than a little nervous.  What if they weren't good?  What if she didn't understand Poirot?  Or even worse - what if she made him a figure of mockery?  I felt a little better when I read how closely she had worked with the Christie estate - including Christie's grandson, Mathew Prichard.  I did pick up The Monogram Murder and while it wasn't my favorite read - the end especially felt a little convoluted - I did enjoy it and felt that Hannah caught the basic personality of Poirot.  

So when Closed Casket came around I had no hesitations picking it up and diving right in.  I have to say - I was not disappointed.  We catch up with Inspector Edward Catchpool who met Poirot in The Monogram Murders and is a wonderful combination of Inspector Japp and Captain Hastings.  He's a solid investigator with good instincts but lacks a bit of imagination and frequently has no clue where Poirot is going when he goes off on his tangents.  As well, we're treated to a classic Christie setting - the house party.  My problems with her first book were basically gone.  Poirot felt much more like Poirot and I loved how the ending was straight-forward yet wonderful complicated in true Christie fashion.  At the same time Hannah brings a bit of her own to the story.  The atmosphere is more suspenseful and I ended up flying through this one - especially the last 200 pages when I had gotten all the characters straight.

I really enjoyed this new Poirot mystery from Sophie Hannah.  I was very pleased with her portrayal of Poirot and found this new mystery completely engaging. I'd love to read more books by Hannah and hopefully there will be more Poirot books as well!  Rating: Very Good (4 Stars)

About Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time, outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare. Her books have sold more than a billion copies in English and another billion in a hundred foreign languages. She died in 1976. Learn more about Agatha Christie through her official website.

About Sophie Hannah

Sophie Hannah is the New York Times-bestselling author of numerous psychological thrillers, which have been published in 27 countries and adapted for television, as well as The Monogram Murders, the first Hercule Poirot novel authorized by the estate of Agatha Christie. Connect with Sophie Hannah through her website, or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.


  1. So glad to hear this didn't disappoint! I'll keep it in mind for when I run out of Agatha Christie ;-)

  2. I have had very mixed feelings about Hannah's continuation of AC's series. I don't automatically 'hate' that, as some do, but's AC. Think I'll try this one at some point and skip the first perhaps. Not right away, but at some point. LOL

  3. I'm so glad this worked out for you. I would be nervous, too, about a new author taking on a beloved character. You know, one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes is the one with Agatha Christie as a character. You've seen that one?

  4. I am glad you liked this one. I still haven't read her fist book, but I'm looking forward to giving this series a try.

  5. Nice that she captured Poirot and the general atmosphere of a Christie. I'm always a little conflicted when I see someone tackle these classic characters, like Poirot or the Jane Austen continuations/ reimaginings that are all over now. It would seem so daunting to capture the right tone, and how would you possibly please all the fans (of course you can't). so if they get it right that's awesome. Nice review. And a house party is always great for a murder lol.

  6. I love Sophie Hannah's books, so I'm definitely curious about her Agatha Christie Poirot books. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad you are enjoying them. Adding them to my list!

  7. I am not a big fan of other authors continuing a series but I am relieved to hear that you thought she did a great job with it. Great review!

  8. I haven't read any AC, but that's cool that someone took over writing the books. And that it's good!

  9. Fan fiction at its best by the sound of it. Very brave to take on a fav author and her characters. Glad it worked.

  10. It's always so interesting to me seeing a series go on after the author has passed. That's really awesome she did such a good job with it :)

  11. I'm a big fan of Poirot so I'm excited to hear that this new adventure is so good! Thanks for being a part of the tour.
