
Sunday, July 3, 2016

This Week in Reading - July 3

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Flower Arrangement by Ella Griffin - You guys I could not resist this cover!  And it's set in Ireland.  I absolutely couldn't resist this one! (NetGalley)

Only one this week!  And this one doesn't have a pub date until October so it really doesn't even count.  I do have a few requests pending and a few that are on their way from paperbackswap but since they didn't get here in time they don't count either!

My reading has slowed to a crawl so I'm not making nearly as much progress in the stacks that I usually do and I'm trying to focus on getting some ARCs I've had for far too long read.


Reading: A Most Curious Murder by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli and finishing up Finidng Fontainebleau by Thad Carhart.  After that I'll be starting The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown which I'm really looking forward too.

Listening: I'm still on audiobook hiatus but I'm not sure how much longer that's going to last.  I miss them!  I'm doing okay filling my time with podcasts.  Lately I've been listening to Super Serials, Read it and Weep, Stuff You Missed in History Class, and The Readers.

Watching: Not much of anything right now.  We're still recovering from vacation!

Off the Blog:

We are back from vacation and all survived - well all except Paul's car.  It decided to stop running about 2 hours away from home so J had to go pick Paul and his friend up and then drive back adding 4 hours to his driving time!  I'm not sure if it's dead or just injured but we will find out soon.  Other than that we had a great time.

I joined Litsy!  I haven't messed around with it too much but I've loving what I've seen.  It's crazy addictive because you can search by book title or author as well as by username.  If you're on Litsy let me know so I can follow you.  My username is LivinginaLibrary.

Paul is leaving for bootcamp on Tuesday but will be leaving for Nashville to go through his final physicals and all that tomorrow.  We got the date and everything so fast that I haven't really processed it yet.  He of course is super excited to be going and taking this next step.  We're going to meet him up in Nashville to see him off.  I'm planning on visiting Anne Patchett's bookstore Parnassus Books as a reward for not crying because I'm NOT going to cry.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Me Before You - Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Need a Little More Love on Goodreads
Wednesday: Finding Fontainebleu - Nonfiction Review
Thursday: Lowcountry Book Club - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Linkups with Excerpts from Current Book
Saturday: Caught Bread Handed - Foodie Cozy Mystery Review

For those in the US happy 4th!  Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I hardly read last week either... don't know why, maybe the nice weather. I need to up my game this week maybe... :) Glad you guys had a good vacation (minus the car trouble)- and best of luck to your son. A bittersweet moment I'm sure but you must be proud. :)

    Happy 4th of July!!

  2. Sorry about the car trouble! Glad the vacation went well otherwise. I'm sure it must be hard for you with your son leaving for boot camp, but yes, rewarding yourself with a visit to the bookstore is a fantastic idea :-)

    I don't know what Litsy is but you're the second blogger I've seen mention it, so maybe I'll have to check it out! Have a great week :-)

  3. Oh, that must have been exhausting to have to add four hours to the driving time home from vacation! I get tired if I have to do more driving the day after arriving, so I can't even imagine the same day.
    Your new book looks great, and I wouldn't have been able to resist the Irish setting, either :)
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  4. Is the bootcamp to enter the military?

    Glad you survived the holiday but bummer re Paul's car!

  5. I am glad you had a great vacation despite the car breaking down. I hope everything goes well with you sending your son off to bootcamp. Be brave and even if you cry go to the bookstore and cheer yourself up. :)

    Week in Review

  6. Hm. I'd visit the book store even if you shed a few tears - because you need some book therapy, right? It sounds like a momentous time in your household just now - I always bless the fact I'm a rabid reader and addicted writer on those occasions... Have a great week and hope your 4th July celebrations are good ones. This is my Sunday Post

  7. Hi Katherine! I've linked your Top Ten Tuesday Post to my Sunday Post! Please have a look! Happy reading this week and your featured cover really is beautiful.

  8. I agree about the cover - delightful. And set in Ireland is a selling point for me as well. Have you read Pomengranate Soup? It had a Sarah Addison Allen vibe, 3 sisters from Iran open a bakery in Ireland. Absolutely delightful, and there is a sequel.

  9. I hope everything goes well with Paul's departure and boot camp! I am sure it will be a huge adjustment!

  10. Oh, that is a gorgeous cover on The Flower Arrangement, and I LOVE books set in Ireland, too.

    I will be watching for your review of Eleanor Brown's The Light of Paris.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. Bummer about Paul's car but yay! for his new adventure with the military. Have fun in Nashville and at Parnassus. Books that haven't arrived yet definitely don't count! :D

  12. Cars are really a big nuisance. I'm glad I now have a new car. But still, there always seem to be something.
    Paul is a brave guy. I know you're proud of him. Just think about the book store. I'm sure that's what Paul would say too.

  13. I love the cover and blurb for The Flower Arrangement also, and the setting in Ireland! Hope you enjoy it!

    I brought in a lot of books in the past two weeks, but haven't been reading much, ironically. I've been binge-watching tv with my son who is visiting for a few days, and doing some summer clothes shopping with my daughter. Oh well, the books will still be there-- waiting for me!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. It's symbolic that Paul is leaving to serve his country on July 4th. I know you will cry--who wouldn't-- but wish him well from all of us! And have fun in that bookstore, lucky you!

  14. Love the cover of that book! That sucks about your car. Cars get to be such a pain. I have signed up on Litsy, but haven't had time to really do anything with it. I may have to make the time. Have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  15. So far I have resisted Litsy. Maybe I should take another look! The Flower Arrangement came out here last year and I did enjoy it. I do like the cover too.

  16. It's seems like you had a great time on vacation except for the car trouble. I have never heard of Litsy before so I might check it out!

  17. Sorry to read about the car trouble. Glad though you were all safe and well otherwise. Good luck to your boy. I joined Litsy but am not on it much. I am vigilant about logging onto GR so I'd rather just stick with that.

  18. Car trouble stinks! I had several of those days and finally had to say enough. My reading has slowed dramatically as well. Good luck to Paul on going through his pre in-processing. I remember when I saw both of my brothers off. Nothing as nice as Nashville, though!

  19. The Flower Arrangement does sound good. I hope you enjoy it! I am hoping to spend some time reading this evening. We've had a busy day despite our plans to have a relaxing one. I hope you like The Light of Paris! I've been curious about that one.

    I was sorry to read about Paul's car, but am glad you all survived the trip otherwise. Hopefully the repairs won't be too costly. I am glad you had a good time!

    You'll definitely have to buy yourself something at Anne Patchett's bookstore Parnassus Books. By then you'll have earned it. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way and safe travels for your son. This is such a big step for him, but I know it's not easy on you and his dad.

    I hope you have a great Fourth of July! We will be catching a minor league baseball game and seeing the fireworks. It should be fun. I hope Mouse doesn't get too bored though. This will be her first game. From what I remember, there are lots of kids activities to help keep them entertained, but we may take her tablet just in case. Have a great week, Katherine!

  20. Don't be afraid to cry! It's healthy,and it's better to let your emotions out then, rather then hold them all in and explode later. Tell Paul good luck for me. :)

    It sounds like you had a fun vacation! Except for the car. But it sounds like an adventure, and you'll most likely remember it for a long time. Have a good week!

  21. I haven't even heard of Litsy before. Hmmm. I will have to check it out. Too bad about Paul's car - not a fun way to end a vacation. I think that you deserve a reward even if you do cry! Have a great week!

  22. The Flower Arrangement looks really good. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week!

  23. I am so sorry Paul's leaving came up with such short notice. I am sending all the hugs. Have a wonderful week and a happy Fourth. <3 <~~~~ mom to mom heart.

  24. I'm sending you hugs and a pot of tea because I know you will miss Paul. It's always bittersweet when they leave (or you leave them at college, as the case may be.) But I'm sure he's excited. Sorry about the car trouble, though -- that's frustrating.

    I heard about Litsy but I can't join because I have no smartphone. And I can't keep up with my existing social media, so I really shouldn't take on another. But I hope you'll post a review or something; I'd like to know more about it.

    Have a wonderful week, enjoy the bookshop, and stock up on great reading for the summer!

  25. I'm Bookfanmb on Litsy! Sending good wishes to your son and all of you ((hugs)) too.

  26. When our son went into the Army it was a mixture of emotions. Pride, missing him before he was gone, worry he'd get hurt.....I know you are so proud of Paul!
    Ok, what is Litsy? I want to know!! If you don't want to answer in comment,please email me!
    Tmculbertson AT gmail DOT com

  27. Sorry to read about the car trouble. That always sucks.. Especially when you’re already so close to home.
    Love that cover of ‘The Flower Arrangement’ too. I can definitely see why that one grabbed your attention. Can’t wait to read your thoughts about it.
    Good luck with Paul leaving. And have a great week ;)

  28. Nightmare on the car. Hope it gets sorted. Love how you don't count the book because it's not due to be published till October. It's a "cheat" I might steal 😄

  29. That cover is lovely! I can see why you couldn't resist it :D Oo on the car. Ah! Hope this week behaves a little better :)

  30. I love the podcast Read it and Weep!
