
Monday, July 4, 2016

Me Before You - Review

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Rating: Very Good
Source: Library
Description:  Lou Clark knows lots of things.  She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home.  She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.  What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.  Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live.  He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.  What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour.  And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time. (From Goodreads)

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  I'm not going to lie.  While this book has been on my radar for awhile I wasn't really interested in it until I saw the movie trailer!

My Impression:  It's been a few days since I put this book down for the last time and I think I've cleared my head enough to actually be somewhat coherent about what I thought of it.  For starters I loved Lou.  She has so much on her plate and so much responsibility she is trying to shoulder all the while being pushed to the side or viewed as second best by the people who should value her most.  However, Lou is still very much Lou and keeps going forward and trying hard to do her best.

I don't think I realized how guarded Lou was until she started working with Will and their friendship began to develop.  Lou gives as good as she gets and seeing Will startled by that was pretty funny.  I loved the way their friendship developed.  It wasn't easy and it wasn't quick but it rang so true and authentic.  I loved how they both push each other to do more, to want more, and to not give up.

One of the primary issues in this book is the right to die.  I don't think I realized going in just how big of an issue it was going to be.  I was a little worried that this would push the author's feelings on the issue and I'd feel like I was being lectured which is most definitely something I don't enjoy. However, Moyes was amazing with how she handled this.  She shows the reader so many different stories and perspectives that it really made me think about it not necessarily differently but with a much wider view while never once making me feel like I was getting an agenda one way or the other pushed at me.  My heart broke for everyone involved regardless of my thoughts on the situation.

I also really loved Lou's relationship with her her sister Treena and how it evolved.  So often sisters in books are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies with just about nothing in between.  But here they are both.  It's a complex relationship with hidden resentments on both sides but also a strong connection.  Moyes is a magician when it comes to making relationships feel completely real and perfectly balancing love and conflict.

The only thing that didn't really work for me was the sudden and kind of random feeling head jumping.  We are in Lou's head for 2/3 of the book and then all of a sudden there's a short chapter from Nathan's POV and then Stephen Traynor and then back to Lou and then over to Treena.  That really threw me at first and I had a hard time switching gears.  I actually really enjoyed hearing from all the different POVs but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it had happened throughout the book instead of just the end.

One of the things that had me hesitating on picking up this book was I had heard it called an ugly cry read.  Now at the best of times pretty crying is not my super power so I wasn't sure I wanted to dive into the book that made normal people cry ugly.  For me, while I definitely did cry it didn't turn into full Marley and Me level sobbing.  A fact which I'm sure my family is very grateful for since I finished this in the car while heading off on vacation.  I did sit very quietly for awhile pondering and trying to feel a bit less shattered.

This was my first Jojo Moyes book and it definitely won't be my last.  I was worried she wouldn't hold up to all the hype but not only did she live up to it but she surpassed it.  I will definitely be reading more from her.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely.  I loved Moyes' writing and am looking forward to reading more of her work.  It's going to take me some time before I'm ready to pick up After You though!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  I was afraid it was going to be too sad but it's such a great read!


  1. I loved this one too! I did ugly cry though. I liked After You as well but had a bit of a different vibe but I loved more Lou. If you want more Moyes I suggest The Girl You Left Behind. Great review!!

    1. I will have to check out The Girl You Left Behind. I will probably wait awhile to read After You but I really want more Moyes!

  2. I didn't know this was a movie. Ok, Marley and Me was given to me after we lost our 14 year old Chow Sally. We were devastated as we loves her so much. But th book was actually helpful and yes, I cried very much on that one.
    I think the publicity Brittany Maynard got over her choice to end her life on her terms has brought this issue to light more.

  3. Ive been hesitant to read this book because of the trailer and what I had heard about the story. It sounded too soupy and goody two shoes. But given your review maybe I'll give it a look!

  4. I have this on my TBR and am looking forward to it after enjoying The Girl You Left Behind last year!

  5. I've never read Moyes but maybe I should. I"m glad to see the sister bond is portrayed more realistically than it usually is. I'll add this to my wish list.

  6. I've got this one stacked up by my bed, waiting for me to dive into it. I'm waiting to feel a bit more emotionally strong... Thank you for the review - it is definitely encouraging me to givie it a go - and yes... I love Moyes, who was recommended by one of my creative writing students:). Thank you for sharing.

  7. That's it! This is the review that will make me read this. I was really hesitant because I might cry (or definitely will) but EVERYONE agrees this book is amazing. Great review! You totally convinced me to read it.

  8. Yeah, this one made me think. I've said before how easy it is for us to judge others but this book really gave insight into why someone would want that right to die.

  9. My goodness, this sounds like a powerful read! I love a book that takes time to develop a relationship, instead of delving in so quickly. Ironically, the right to life topic just came up when I watched Marlee Matlin on an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims, and even watching that had me blubbering. (lol) Still, even in books, life can't always be tied up in a nice bow, but I like the fact that it makes us think about things we haven't considered, making for good conversation. Fantastic review and Happy 4th! Hugs...RO

  10. I didn't experience the head jumping quite like you since I listened on audio. I am glad you enjoyed it. I never did watch the

  11. Great review! I had about a couple of years before the follow-up was published and that was perfect. I enjoyed it in audio. Another of her books I loved was One Plus One.

  12. I really enjoyed this one and like you will be reading more by her. In fact I did read After You and liked it, although not quite the impact of Me Before You. I listened to one of hers on audio One Plus One for my very first try of her and it was fabulous. She did get into different 'heads' but it was throughout the book and it was narrated by different narrators and was very good.

  13. Great review! I have had this book on my radar for a while but I hesitate to pick up something that I know will leave me in tears. I actually feel better about it after reading your review. I may squeeze it in soon.

  14. Oh, I TOTALLY ugly cried. I really liked this, but didn't "omg love it!" Glad I read it, though before the movie.

  15. Oh I'm scared of this one and the ugly crying. lol I know a lot who have loved it. One day maybe :)

  16. I'm happy you finally got to this one. Not only because of the book because you've finally read a Moyes book. I love her. One of my favourite authors. If you want to hold off on After You, I would recommend The Last Letter to Your Lover. It's probably my favourite of her books and would be right up your alley. It's historic and contemporary and just lovely and emotional.

  17. So much to think about in this one. I did ugly cry - for Lou who finally found someone who appreciated her but who didn't love her enough to make it worth living, for Will who knew how much he was loved but even so could not bear the thought of living, then back to Lou who had to set aside her own wishes to give the person he loved what he wanted. Oh, my heart aches just thinking about it.
