
Sunday, July 24, 2016

This Week in Reading - July 24

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

When All the Girls Have Gone by Jayne Ann Krentz - I requested this though I really had no expectation of getting it.  I figured that the worst thing that could happen was a denial.  I was fully expecting the denied email so I just about fell off my chair when the email said approved.  I'm so excited!  (NetGalley)

All the Little Liars by Charlaine Harris - So right after I had picked myself off the floor after getting the last book this one came through and I was right back down!  I really loved this series by Charlaine Harris and is definitely more of a straight up mystery than a lot of her others.  Can't wait to get the next chapter in Aurora Teagarden's story! (NetGalley)

Sun, Sand, Murder by John Keyse-Walker - There is one thing I love more than a missing persons case and that is a case with a very real body and identity that doesn't belong to them.  Add in a setting in the British Virgin Islands and I couldn't resist this one! (NetGalley)

A Killer Closet by Paula Paul - A cozy mystery that involves a vintage consignment store.  (NetGalley)

A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon - Cahoon's South Cove series is one of my current favorites so I couldn't resist this first book in her new series involving a writer's retreat hosted in a big blue Victorian bed and breakfast!  (NetGalley)

Michelangelo's Ghost by Gigi Pandian - a ghost story, art theft and murder and an Italian Renaissance masterpiece.  Yes please!  (NetGalley)


Reading: Silk Stalkings by Dianne Vallere and Hometown Girl by Mariah Stewart (I put this down when I got Roberts' The Obsession but now that I've finished that I'm back)

Listening: Still podcasts though I'm sorting through my audio books to pick my first one for the school year.  I've really been enjoying True Crime Garage.  The beginning is kind of weird but I love how in depth they get with mysteries - some solved some cold.  And of course my usual loves especially Super Serials podcast (loving the camp books they're talking about this month) and Stuff You Missed in History Class

Watching: We've finished the first season of Northern Exposure and absolutely loved it.  It's so quirky and different and other than some wardrobe choices it doesn't feel dated at all.  I just picked up season 2 from the library and we're looking forward to diving in.  In the meantime we're watching Major Crimes on TNT which has been an old favorite though I did burn out on the Rusty subplot.  He's kind of whiny but we discovered we like the show way better if we just fast forward through his angst-ing!

Off the Blog:

First off, if you follow me on Pinterest let my just apologize for the huge dump of clothing pins (and if you don't follow me on Pinterest you should - link is to the right and I'm almost done with all the clothes pinning).  I just set up my Stitch Fix account and have become obsessed with my clothes pin board.  My first fix will be here on the 28 and I can't wait!

This week has been busy but really mostly for the Tornado.  He had the last week of summer camp and also VBS.  Both had a Star Wars theme so he was absolutely delighted and had such a great time with them both.  His new school posted the teacher list so I'm having to come to terms with him starting a new school with a longer day and bigger classes.  Next week will be school supply shopping and the week after school starts!  I can't believe how fast summer flew by!

We've had some bad news in that Paul is coming home soon on medical discharge.  From what we've heard he's okay but we haven't heard all that much.  Everyone will be very glad to see him though!  After that is just figuring out what happens next but I have complete faith that it will all work out.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Death at the Day Lily Cafe - Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Things Books Have Made Me Want to Learn About or Do
Wednesday: Love Blooms on Main Street - Blog Tour Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Silk Stalkings - A Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Linkups with current book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - July Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Wow some good pickups this week. When All The Girls Have Gone has a nice cover, and Sun, Sand, Murder (love that title) and A Sotry to Kill both sound great. I love the idea of mixing up murder and a writers retreat.

    I need to get back to Super Serials, I would imagine if they're doing camp books that should be a riot.

    Sorry to hear about your son, hoping everything is okay. Best wishes to you and your family for a quick resolution!!

    1. I'm really excited about my books this week! I'm looking forward to the Super Serials camp books. I'm behind on my podcast listening but there are so many great ones!

  2. Oh no, I'm glad to hear Paul is ok but I imagine that must still be stressful and worrisome for you to not get all the information. Best of luck to him and your family and getting it sorted out.

    As for Pinterest, I have totally gone on crazy pinning sprees. Like, often lol. But hey, if people are following me, that's their choice, so either they accept my pinning sprees or not!

    And wow, I can't believe summer break is already gonna be over! I'm not in school anymore and don't have kids so it doesn't actually affect me, but it seems like summer break just started. Crazy how time flies. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! He's home now and doing good. Just need to figure out the next step. Our summers start in mid May so they go back pretty early. Still can't believe it's over though!

  3. Yay! Glad you got the books you were looking forward to. Hopefully they're good. Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about Micheal. My son's friend had planned to go to the Air Force and was so excited (life-long dream), but she just got back because they did a medical discharge. I can't remember what it was, but it's something so minor and lame.

    Have a nice week, Katherine

    1. That's the thing with medical discharges - they're frequently for nothing that effects your day to day life. Hopefully your son's friend is doing well.

  4. LOL about all the pins. I am following you. I will be reviewing Krentz's book too..I love her :) Bummer about your son. I will keep you in my thoughts. In the meantime enjoy your new books.

    1. There was a bit of an outfit explosion but I'm done for awhile! I'm so excited about the Krentz book! So much dancing!

  5. I'm glad the Tornado enjoyed camp etc!

    Oh, I envy you the Jayne Ann Krentz - I haven't read any of her books for a while but used to be a huge fan!

    1. He had such a good time! I'm so glad I signed him up! I'm so excited about the Krentz book. Her books are always so entertaining.

  6. Hi Katherine! Your Magic Words post is doing the rounds hey!! YEAAAAA!!! AND yes, I've also used it. Gosh, you received a few nice titles from Netgalley, can't wait for your reviews. Here's my Sunday Post:

    1. I know! I'm so excited! I had a good NetGalley haul this week. Now I just have to get them read.

  7. Delighted to hear you got the books you requested from Netgalley - I recently have had some approvals I hadn't expected, also:)). Hope all is well with Paul and that his health issues aren't too serious. There is a real time lag with the summer holidays regarding the children - our two are just at the start of their long summer break and I'm in granny-mode for a couple of weeks starting on Wednesday. Have a great week.

    1. It's so funny how different time lines are for different areas. We get out in mid-May and have some long breaks mixed in so we go back in early August. Enjoy Granny mode!

  8. Oh my you got some good ones this week and we got a couple of the same ones. :) I haven't read the Aurora Teagarden ones but I would like to as I really enjoy the movies on Hallmark. :)

    That is a bummer about Paul, but hope he is okay. It sucks when what you wanted to do with your life throws you a curve ball. Hope you all can figure out where he goes from here.

    Happy reading,

    1. If you like the movies I think you'll really like the books. They're a little weirder but also better. I think Paul is going to be find though we will be scrambling a bit.

  9. I got the Jane Anne Krentz book as well and was shocked too!! I thought for sure I would get denied!! Hope your week is good!

    1. Oh me too! I almost didn't even bother but I'm so glad I did!

  10. I'm going to read A Story To Kill also. And a few people have recommended Charlaine's Aurora series so I'll be picking up those also. Used to read Krentz and should try some of her books again.

    My Sunday Post

  11. I'm so sorry for your family and Paul! I know he wanted this to happen, and now it won't. This door closed, but a window will open... so just stay positive! Good luck with the back to school grind-- it'll go by as quickly as the summer seemed to.

    On the bookish front, I love your titles this week. I want that Jayne Ann Krentz-- lucky you! And I love missing persons, consignment shops, B & Bs, and museums!! Sounds like I should be scribbling down all your titles ;-)

  12. Oh, I am so excited to find out about Jayne Ann Krentz's upcoming release! I love her books.

    I also enjoy Major Crimes, and what a good idea to fast-forward through Rusty...LOL. He is annoying, isn't he?

    Sometimes those medical discharges turn out to be a blessing...especially if the medical issue is not life-changing. Just military changing.

    I hope all is well.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  13. That is quite the haul of books. Enjoy!

    Sorry to hear about Paul. Hopefully everything works out as it should!

  14. Good for you, asking for and receiving a desired book! I'm too reluctant to ask often; we need to get over that.

  15. Great week you had! All of those books sound pretty interesting! Here’s my Sunday Post!

  16. Look at all those mysteries and boy did you get some good ones! I can't believe Tornado starts school in 2 weeks, wow. I'm sorry to hear about Paul; I hope it's nothing too serious. That must be hard, not knowing anything, but you'll be so happy to see him again. Have a good week and take care!

  17. I loved Northern Exposure and read a book a few weeks ago that reminded me a bit of it (and noted in my review). I can't believe school begins so soon!

  18. I will be waiting to hear about Paul. Sending good energies your way. I am excited for another 52 Pins post! I am also curious what you have wanted to do/learn after reading books. Have a wonderful new week. :)

  19. I need to brand out on more Charlaine Harris books, I've only read the Sookie Stackhouse ones. She is going to be at the NOLA Story Con in September too, so can't wait to meet her either. I've got to get on Pinterest again, but I tend to spend too much time on there whenever I do. :-) Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier!

  20. I can't believe that time is already here. I saw people buying backpacks and small items for school last week. It's too soon! I hope everything is alright with Paul. Have a great week!

  21. I hope Paul is okay; just hearing medical discharge is scary. It is crazy. Target is already selling school gear because some schools start mid-August. We don't start until the end of it. You know, I haven't read Jayne Ann Krentz for years. I guess I had read so many of her works at a time that I got tired of the predictability. How do you like her? Has her style changed over the years?

  22. I always love Jayne Ann Krentz's books. I hope you enjoy this one.

    Have a great week!

  23. So sorry to hear about Paul, I hope that everything is ok; faith is great comfort in times of uncertainty. I am just getting ready to do my evening prayers and will include him.

  24. Aw hope things work out for the older kidlet! Very exciting on the books!

  25. YAY for all your new books, Katherine! I hope you'll enjoy them all.
    I hope everything is fine with Paul, sending positive and healing thoughts his way!
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. (I deleted my first comment. Filled with spelling errors and I hit post before I corrected.)

    You have a lot going on. Soon your Tornado will be in school, it will fly by. Sorry to hear about Paul but you know, depending on the nature of the medical discharge he can still join again, (Marines, Army Navy or whatever he likes). My son was chaptered out of the Army but it was Honorable and he can still reenlist. As long as his weight is where it needs to be.

  28. I had completely forgotten about Aurora Teagarden. I think i read the first three or so. Thanks for reminding me as I enjoyed them.

  29. Look at your deliciously good sounding new books! I want to read them too. :-) I hope you enjoy them. I remember watching Northern Exposure when it was on--at least some of the show. I really enjoyed it. I may have to go back and watch the entire show and catch the episodes I missed.

    I am sorry to hear Paul's news. I imagine he isn't thrilled about the turn of events. I am glad he is okay, but imagine you are anxious to find out more. I hope it's nothing serious.

    Tornado's school year starts so soon! Mouse won't start until the end of August. That already seems too soon for me.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine. Happy reading!

  30. I'm really sorry to hear about Paul being medically discharged. I hope it's not a serious problem. Good luck to him. I'm sure it must be a let down for him.

    I'm really excited there's another Aurora Teagarden book. I'm pretty sure I've read them all. I own a few of them. I think I will read them again since I can't remember them.

    I hope you have a good week and have shopping for school supplies.

  31. Did it hurt falling out of your chair lol! So fun to get something we are not really expecting.

  32. Its always wonderful to ask for a book and receive it when its one you really want and feel you might not be granted it. Hope its good!

  33. Oh nice list of new books! Hope you enjoy them all. :) Do hope you have a great week!

  34. Sorry to hear about Paul, what an anxious time, I hope all is okay.

    I'm a Pinterest addict and I believe more is better!!! So pin away!

  35. Lol I know the feeling with NetGalley emails - I always think "I'll never get it" then have a super excited moment for the ones I do get! :D It looks like you got some fab books! :)
