
Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Foodie TBR

It's not really a secret that two of my favorite activities are cooking and reading so when I find a book that combines the two it's automatically going to end up on my TBR.  The problem is that there are a LOT of books that combine the two which has my shelves overloaded and books shoved into corners.  To keep books I really want to read from getting lost in the piles I try and rummage through every once in awhile and pull out a few that I really want to read soon.  This time I ended up with 4 nonfiction and 6 cozy mysteries.  Some have been out ages and a few are new releases.  Almost all of them feature recipes which makes me super happy!

1.  The Kitchen Counter Cooking School: How a Few Simple Lessons Transformed Nine Culinary Novices into Fearless Home Cooks by Kathleen Finn - Kathleen Finn is an author I've been wanting to read since pre-blogging days and this was the first book I got.  I've managed to read (and love) 2 other books by her but somehow this one has been sitting on my shelf untouched for years.

2.  American Pie: Slices of Life (and Pie) from America's Back Roads by Pascale Le Draoulec - Not only does this involve food and books but it also has a road trip!  Plus lots of pie recipes.  I know nothing about this one other than the title and blurb but I'm looking forward to it!

3.  The Soul of a Chef: The Journey Toward Perfection by Michael Ruhlman - I've seen Ruhlman's name as a co-author on a number of cookbooks plus he's worked with Michael Symons who is one of my favorite chefs!

4.  Consuming Passions: A Food-Obsessed Life by Michael Lee West - I remember absolutely nothing about this or why I got it which means I have had it for far too long without actually reading it!

5.  Pies and Prejudice (A Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #1) by Ellery Adams - Ellery Adams is a cozy mystery author I really haven't read which is weird because she has tons of books in multiple really great sounding series.  This one has pies!  And recipes for pies!

6.  Death by the Dozen (Cupcake Bakery Mystery #3) by Jenn McKinlay - Murder and cupcakes - what more could I want?  Other than a cupcake to eat while I'm reading about cupcake bakers solving murders.

7.  Irish Stewed (Ethnic Eats Mystery #1) by Kylie Logan - I'm so excited about this one!  I love the idea of exploring different cuisines with a good dash of murder.  I peeked at the recipe for Irish Stew in the back of this book and it sounds amazing!

8.  Death al Dente (Food Lovers' Village Mystery #1) by Leslie Budewitz - Budewitz has a series set in a spice shop that is really calling my name but I was able to get my hands on this one first.  This takes place in an old general store turned boutique market during a pasta festival!

9.  Death Eat Street (Biscuit Bowl Food Truck Mystery #1) by J.J. Cook - Food trucks!  I love food trucks and just the title of the series has me wanting biscuits.

10. Murder on the Rocks (Mack's Bar Mystery #1) by Allyson K. Abbott - So this one is more drink than food but there are plenty of times where a good cocktail is as neccesary as a good meal so I'm saying this one counts!

Any foodie books coming up for you?

I'm linkup up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. I don't really know if I have anything that would count as a foodie book. I guess that is a genre that I don't really read. lol

  2. I agree I love cooking and reading and coming the two is great. I want to read The Coincidence of Coconut Cake soon. Happy reading!

  3. The cozy mystery titles always have me howling. Some are bad puns and some are so creative. I am thinking of reading Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential again. Also, I have some Peter Mayle books which feature food in France.

    And........don't throw a rock at me....Carol Drinkwater's Olive Farm series 😘

  4. I love your book list, especially the cozies. I just love the names of the food cozies as they are always so clever. I also see a few books on your list I'd like to read, so thanks.

  5. Love this list! I too have a bunch waiting in the wings. Now I have more. ;p

  6. I'm amazed at how many classic mysteries include quite a few descriptions of meals that the detectives eat as they work through the who-done-it-and-how faze! But I haven't read a single one of your selections!

    best... mae at

  7. I love that combination myself, and have read some of those series and want to try the rest! Right now I'm reading a foodie type memoir by Padma Lakshmi, Love, Loss and What We Ate, which is really good, and originally interested me because of her marriage to Salmon Rushdie. An author I hugely admire, but can't seem to finish.

  8. There are some interesting titles here and some fun ones. I haven't been reading many food memoirs. I have a knitting one lined up. Haven't read for a bit now.

  9. I looooooved The Kitchen Counter Cooking School. She shares a recipe for alfredo sauce in the book that I made after reading it, and it's the only alfredo sauce I've ever made since. SO yummy and perfect.

  10. I just cook to eat and don't worry after that! However I have a couple of sisters who love food and cooking and buy cook books mainly!!

  11. I loved Consuming Passions, actually wrote about it a few years ago. Maybe this will encourage you to read it!!

  12. I really liked the Flinn book. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  13. Murder on the Rocks sounds great, and I liked the Budewitz book I read. It was her series set out west. And Jenn McKinlay's books always look interesting.

  14. What a great idea for a post! I have American Pie and On the Rocks too, but both on Kindle. It would be nice to have the paper copies :-)

  15. Great bunch of books, especially the cozies! You so need to try Pies and Prejudice! :)

  16. The first book sounds wonderful! I don't ever remember reading a foodie novel. I think I have a couple backlist review books from Netgalley. I will have to go look at my shelf and see what they are. Great post!

  17. Fun theme! I recently read Relish, which was fun. And I know I loved Omnivores' Dilemma when I read it years ago.

  18. Katherine, you REALLY must read Recipes for Love and Murder by Sally Andrew! I think you will love it. AND then you will have few well known and delicious South African recipes as well. Double bonus. Lovey post!

  19. You got some interesting titles there. I don't really look for food in the books I read. Pies and Prejudice is really creative. Happy reading and eating!

  20. I really liked The Kitchen Counter Cooking School - in fact, I keep it in with my cookbooks, as much as a reminder to be creative in the kitchen, make use of what I have, and do thing from scratch as for the actual recipes.

  21. I was lucky enough to receive a review copy of Kathleen Flinn's book when it was published. I bought both of my daughters copies for Christmas that year.

  22. I loved Kathleen Flinn's book. You have a great list of books.

  23. Oh yes. I love when there's food involved in my reads. Maybe not a foodie romance exactly but when they're involved in baking or cooking it just makes me happy. A lot of those sound very good!

  24. Pie and roadtrips! What could be more perfect than that. I loved Kitchen Counter Cooking School and keep meaning to read more by her!

  25. These sound great, Katherine! The Kitchen Counter Cooking School and American Pie books sound really good. I love the idea of the road trip in American Pie. I hope you get some of these read!

  26. Mmmmm, foodie books are always good, will check some of these out!

  27. You have a great list of foodie book there--I wrote down several to read. I really liked The Kitchen Counter Cooking School. Kathleen Flinn writes food so well. ;-)
