
Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Obsession

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you always put a book cover in a post when you are mentioning a book or just text?

My Answer:
It depends.  If I'm just mentioning a book I usually don't but if a large chunk of the post focuses on the book (like this one!) I do.  Covers tend to be one of the major things that grabs my attention so I like to show them off!

Every year Nora Roberts comes out with a new stand alone romantic suspense title and every year I know I won't be able to resist picking it up.  This year's book - The Obsession is no exception.  I've actually been in line for the library's e-copy for ages but when I saw the print copy sitting on the new releases shelf I couldn't resist snapping it up.  I'm not very far in yet but so far I'm really enjoying it.  It's fast paced and twisty and everything I've come to expect from one of Roberts' stand alones.

The Beginning:
She didn't know what woke her, and no matter how many times she relived that night, no matter where the nightmare chased her, she never would.

My Thoughts:
Well that's an ominous beginning!  It definitely sets the mood for what happens next.

The 56:
"And when he'd finished with her, he'd have gotten another.  Who knows how many he'd have killed."

My Thoughts:
I've read and watched enough serial killer books/shows that this is a familiar sentence.  This is basically the sentence the entire Criminal Minds franchise is based around - not that I'm complaining, I love that show!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Is there an author you can't resist if you see their newest on the shelf?


  1. I am super excited for this book!! I like you have it on hold at the library for the ebook copy. Hope you enjoy!

  2. I usually include the cover if I'm talking about a book. Especially in a review, or if I'm only talking about that book. I agree, those covers are eyecatching. Sometimes if I'm talking about a lot of things, I won't have all the covers because that's too much.

    I've heard really good things about The Obsession. I've been rereading so many NR books this year and loving it. I've mostly been sticking to her contemporaries. Have you ever read Hidden Riches? I used to love that one. I think it's more romantic suspense, but not tooo dark either.

  3. I haven't read Nora Roberts in ages. But I am on an apocalyptic kick right now with Justin Cronin! Usually I put the book cover i unless, like yu said, I am dong a update on several topics.

  4. I loved this one...and I always have to grab NR's newest romantic suspense books, too. I might not read anything else by her, and haven't done in a while...but those suspense books keep me coming back. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I'm always stuck between a rock and hard place when it comes to Nora Roberts. I tend to hit one and miss one.... Please send me a few of your favorite titles so I can check them out?? I've read the In the Garden trilogy and loved it, but the ones with the witches, didn't like it at all...... But keep reading this one!!! And let me know your thoughts. Agree with your Book blogger hop as well!! Hope you will have a stunning weekend. Here's my Friday Meets:

  6. Sounds like a good one, I haven't read near as many of her books as I need too!

    Friday Memes

  7. I enjoyed this one. Roberts is so good at writing friendships and relationships. I am spotlighting City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong this week. Happy reading!

  8. I haven't read anything by Nora Roberts yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about her novels. Enjoy the book! :-)

  9. I love Nora's stand alone romantic suspense books - they are great! I will need to add this to my list. Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  10. It's been a while since I've read Nora Roberts, but I always enjoy her books, I'll look out for this one. Thanks for sharing and for the visit today.

  11. Creepy teaser "when he was finished with her..." I have never red any Nora Roberts, a situation I need to remedy.

    My Friday Quotes

  12. So intense and intriguing! I would definitely read it! Happy weekend!

  13. I would keep reading... I need to check out Nora Roberts work, in fact I'm a little embarrassed to say I haven't ready any of her works! I hope you enjoy the book!

    Regarding the blog hop question, I'm very much the same as you - I include the cover when it is playing a focal role in the post.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend :-)

  14. That is certainly an ominous beginning! Sounds like a good suspenseful read. the best kind! I do have a few authors that are must- buys- always great when they put something new out.

  15. I listened to the audio recently--it definitely held my attention. Hope you enjoy it.

  16. Of course there are books I can't pass up...Sue Grafton, Anne Rice, Starhawk, Anna Fisher Kruse, Megan Kruse, Jan Karon...and more..and more

  17. I have this on my list. Nora Roberts is pretty solid. Enjoy!

  18. Hmm, if I'm doing a list of highlighting a specific book, than yes! Otherwise if I'm just casually mentioning, than no. I'm usually to lazy haha.

    I still haven't read any Nora Roberts, eep!

  19. Well that 56 is pretty thrilling. I'd never want to go toe to toe with a killer. Happy weekend!

  20. Your answer to the Book Blogger Hop question is a very logical one. (You've made Mr. Spock VERY happy, lol!) You've also made a great point! I, too, sometimes merely mention books in my posts, and don't necessarily put up their book covers. Book reviews and blog tour posts, on the other hand, definitely need to have book cover images in them. Otherwise, what would be the point? Sometimes, blog hops and book memes on one's blog also need to have cover images. It all depends, however.

    I haven't read a book by Nora Roberts in years, would you believe? It looks like I'm really missing out, too, although this one doesn't capture my interest that much. I don't like the whole serial killer angle. However, I do like suspense in romance novels. Paradoxical, right? Lol. So it looks like I'll have to take the serial killers right along with the suspense. I might borrow this one from the library.

    Thanks for sharing all of your bookish thoughts on these Friday memes!! Thanks as well for dropping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! Hope you're having a GREAT Saturday!! :)

  21. As a fan of Criminal Minds, I may want to try this! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  22. My answer for the blog hop question this week is similar. :-) I came close to getting a Nora Roberts novel when we were at a used bookstore this past weekend. I couldn't remember which one I wanted to start with though. Next time maybe I'll go more prepared. :-) Have a great week, Katherine!
