
Sunday, June 19, 2016

This Week in Reading - June 19

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Queen's Accomplice by Susan Elia MacNeal - This is a series that I've really been wanting to read.  I got the last one but didn't end up getting to it and since the reviews were on the mixed side I didn't try very hard.  However, this has a Jack the Ripper copycat and I couldn't resist!  (Publisher)

Always a Cowboy by Linda Lael Miller - I read the first one in this new series back at the beginning of the year and was really fascinated by the main character's brothers - one of which happens to be the hero in this book!  I always enjoy a Linda Lael Miller book so I'm looking forward to this one. (Publisher)

Lowcountry Book Club by Susan M. Boyer - This is one of my very favorite cozy series and this newest one has a book club in it!  I can't wait to read it!  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Field of Graves by J.T. Ellison and The Language of Bees by Laurie R. King (Still - it has not been a good print reading month)

Listening: I'm still catching up on podcasts.  I've really been enjoying Stuff You Missed in History Class and I've got a few crime ones I'm trying out.

Watching: With summer I haven't been watching that much TV.  J and I need to find a new series to watch together now that we've finished The Blacklist.  I've heard recommendations for Hannibal and Bloodline but haven't made any decisions yet.  I'm finishing up 1-800-Missing on Hulu that came out in 2006ish and was loosely based on a Meg Cabot series.  Then I'm switching back to Supernatural.

Off the Blog:

It's been a fairly quiet week here.  The Tornado had his second week of summer camp and I crossed a few things off my to do list but nothing really earth shattering.  We finished the redo on the master bathroom and it looks fantastic!  I'm so excited.  Of course now the bedroom looks kind of sad so we're going to start on that soon.  Nothing too massive - mainly a fresh coat of paint and some new curtains.  Oh and new lamps because I really dislike 2 of them.

J and I were standing in the bedroom discussing what we needed to do in there and talking about cleaning out stuff.  While we were talking he glances over at my bedside table which is actually just a half bookcase.  It's gotten super crammed and the books have spread between the bed and the bookcase, into under the bed boxes, around the under the bed boxes, under the bookcase, etc.  Now J is a serious minimalist and clutter hater and has done really well about not complaining too much about the book creep.  Though he has switched from calling the bookcase a bookcase to "that thing you call a bookcase".  So he says very causally "Maybe you can get rid of a few books that you didn't love." And I reply with "I haven't read any of these."  I'm sure this shocks none of you but his eyes went about as big as dinner plates and his jaw dropped.  He was literally stunned that books kept coming in when there were so many left to read.  I spent 2 days giggling about this and would randomly say "You thought I had read all of those!"

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stacks - My Life as a Reader
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Favorite 2016 Releases So Far
Wednesday: Riverbend Road by RaeAnne Thayne - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: TBD but maybe Field of Graves Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - June Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That's funny about the books! There's just too many lol. I seriously think book addiction might be a thing, how else to explain need for new books?

    I really like that style of cover on The Queen's Accomplice, I've seen a few covers like that (probably that series but I think a few others) and they do stand out on the shelf.

  2. I want to catch up on The Blacklist and just started the next season or Orange Is The New Black. Nice books this week. I had to laugh about not having read the books. Poor guy! LOL Reassure him by telling him there are many people out there just like you. Mine are all over the place and many haven;t been read, yet!

    My Sunday Post

  3. I had no new books arrive this week Katherine and was slightly relieved about that and then felt guilty about it! I've not even unpacked my previous pile of books (which I opened when away).

    Perhaps he'll be inspires by your TBR bedside table pile to build a TBR bookshelf?

  4. I couldn't resist The Queen's Accomplice either. I'm a couple books behind in the series, and have to decide if I'm going to catch up before I read the new one or not. Your current reads are both ones I want to read. I am so glad you got the master bathroom finished! That's quite an accomplishment. We don't have a door separating our master bathroom from our bedroom and I've suddenly got it in my head I want a barn door type sliding door of some sort . . . Now to convince my husband! Speaking of my husband, he just shakes his head when more books make there way into the house that I need to read (or show up on the Kindle--why do they have to show up on everyone's Kindle associated with my account? I can't hid anything.)

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  5. That story about your husband and the bookcase is so cute! My husband is really good about the books. He figures it's a better addiction than some I could have! (He supports my yarn addiction, too.)

    I got the new Susan Elia MacNeal, too. They very sweetly sent me an email with the link, because I had downloaded the previous two ARCs. Now I feel incredibly guilty because I haven't read the last one yet -- it got buried in a bunch of other books at the time. Obviously, I'm bumping it up the TBR list now!

  6. I love the story about "the thing you call a bookcase" and how surprised he was lol. Too funny! That's great that the bathroom is finished though! And I'm sure a fresh coat of paint, new curtains, and new lamps for the bedroom will probably make a lot more of a difference than it seems like they would :-)

  7. The Queen's Accomplice has a very haunting looking cover, it makes me look twice and I know it's one that I'd like to know more about. I loved the Stuff You Missed in History Class podcast too, I tend to pick topics that interest me and listen to those rather than listen in chronological order.
    And too funny about the unread books. I know that look all too well! :D

  8. That cracks me up with your husband!! Mine did something similar and I just laughed at him. I am in need of a new show as well - I was thinking Bloodline but haven't decided yet. Have a great week!

  9. That's so funny the comment your husband made. It's the same here with more books coming in before I've had a chance to read the ones on the shelf. Or on the living room table. Or in the den, Lol!!

    I've never heard of a the show Bloodline but I remember Supernatural.

  10. Another 52 Pins coming up! I am excited to see what will be in it. Where did the month go? Most of my unread books are on my Kindle, so Sebastian is none the wiser. Ha ha. Have a wonderful week. :)

  11. I am struggling with longer print works, too.. If not for comic books I would really not be finishing anything. Just a mood... Hope it passes soon!

  12. Congratulations on getting to grips with the redecorating - our place is looking very tired and a bit battered, but every time I think about the mess and upheaval I shudder... I'm frankly relieved I'm not the only one who KEEPS collecting books that I just don't get the time to read! Yet... Have a great reading week.

  13. Laughing at your husband's comment... my hubby thinks he's the only who suffers like that ;-) Lowcountry Book Club loos good. I haven't read a cozy in a few months now. It may be about time!

  14. Oh,I laughed at the book convo with J. Poor man. :D Congrats on getting the bathroom done. I bet you feel accomplished when you look at it. :) I'll have t check out 1-800-Missing on Hulu. It sounds vaguely familiar though I didn't realize it was based on a book. I've been binging on home shows on NetFlix - Tiny House Hunters, HalfPrice Paradise, Mega Mansions, etc. :D

    Have a great week!

  15. LOL, I loved your husband's reaction ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) to your bookcase! Mine is a minimalist too. We got rid of so much stuff before we moved and he still wants to get rid of things sometimes. I added that Maggie Hope series to my TBR.

    1. Oh and I will check out that podcast. It sounds interesting. Have you ever listened to 99% Invisible? There are some good ones and they're short.

  16. You made me laugh with that story about J. Lol, a non-bibliophile would not get it, but it made sense to me!! Tell the hubs you need a bigger bookshelf when you redecorate the bedroom next. My hubby is the opposite-- he holds onto everything so between the two of us we can never have enough closet and garage space, sigh...

    I just added book 1 of Lowcountry Boil to my look-for list. Thanks for sharing a new-to-me series. I love to find more, and hope I get the book and enjoy it.

    I also like Jack the Ripper tales-- I complain about the violence in some of my books, then make a statement like that; I even cringe during Criminal Minds show, which I happen to love, but get creeped out by! A Ripper story is good if it is well-written, not over the top, and emphasizes the scenario, the setting, the characters. It was a fascinating time in London then. Did you see a few years ago that author Patricia Cornwell spent much time and millions of her money to investigate and write a book called Case Closed about his true identity? Then many folks disproved her, so I don't know... I didn't read it but here's the GR link.

  17. I love the story about your husband and the bookcase. People who do not obsessively read as we do just don't understand, do they?

  18. The anecdote about your bookcase made me smile. Only other book lovers can understand this, I guess. is what it is.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  19. I am laughing so much about the creeping book sprawl and know what you mean. I thought he might say "I'll build you a bigger bookcase," but no! Keep them all I say. I am not sure about the next Linda Lael Miller book, although I liked the first one.I have creeping books syndrome too!

  20. So many great books on your list to read and great series on Netflix to watch too. Hope you have a great week!

  21. The book creep thing made me smile. We have his and her's bookcases and recently his has been creeping over to mine. I read more on the ereader anymore, but still have a nice collection of paperbacks. I guess this is one of the wonderful things about marrying a man as obsessed with books as myself. :) Good luck and tell him you need a bigger bookcase.

  22. You got some good books and that made me chuckle about the books cause I could totally picture the shocked

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  23. Jack the Ripper re-tellings are always a buzz word. Just something fascinating about it... Obviously we are morbid humans. Lol
    I don't watch much TV. But definitely even less in the summer. Well besides Netflix. But I feel like that's a given. Were you a Lost watcher/fan? I think that's on there still. And that show is my favourite of all time.
    Haha. Oh, J. Non-readers certainly do no get having a massive TBR. That's part of our life. Unread books on our shelves/floors/tables/beds/any bit of space is a book nerds life.

  24. LOL, too funny, that thing you call a bookcase! It's true though, it's like books multiply just by being there, stacked!

  25. That's hilarious! The man is the same way when he say my overflowing bookcase. I told him the top two shelves were books I hadn't read yet and he just stared. It's so nice that your husband is working with you on these projects. I would love to do little things like that...but you gotta buy a house first! :)

  26. That is so funny I just had the "books" talk with my husband. My books are in clear plastic bins since I don't have room for a bookshelf. They are now 3 stacked bins high and some are signed copies that I never plan to touch. But my husband also asked if I could get rid of the books I already read. It's funny because I have been doing giveaways on my blog so what I still have are books to read. They don't understand our passion lol. Have a great week and happy reading!!

  27. Bwahahaha! I, either unfortunately or fortunately, live on my own so there's no one but me to encourage keeping the book creep in check. AKA, there is no one here to keep the book creep in check. Unread books cover half the walls of my apartment, a few conveniently placed flat surfaces, and certain portions of the floor. I may have a problem, but I'm glad I'm not alone!

  28. Oooooh! I love Supernatural and I'm SO far behind! I really need to catch up on some reading... I hope you enjoy all your new books and have a great week!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  29. LOL at the book response. ::snort:: Yay for the Linda Lael Miller read. I do enjoy her. It's been a while since I picked one up though. Must fix that. *nods*

  30. Nope, non-book bloggers don't get it, haha. I have the LLM book - liked the first one so I'm hoping for as much with this one.

  31. I started laughing about the books and my husband wanted to know what was so funny, so I read it to him and he started laughing. Because, you know, we totally don't have that problem here. *snorts* Like I could even type that with a straight face. :D

    Supernatural!! We're *finally* on episodes we've never seen! Woot! Our next watch will be NCIS. Been dying to watch that and now it's on Netflix. Another one we want to watch is Criminal Minds. You guys seen Longmire? It's pretty good. Or Murdoch Mysteries? Psych is funny if you haven't seen it. Um, that's all I can think of for now. :)

  32. Loved to read that bedroom discussion. And how familiar it is.. Most man just don’t get us book-loving woman. LOL!!
    Always a Cowboy by Linda Lael Miller sounds like a good read. I’m definitely going to put that first book on my TBR.
    Have a great week and happy reading ;)

  33. That's pretty funny about the bookcase. My boyfriend hasn't really said much about the amount of books I have, I'm generally very good about cleaning out books I lose interest in or didn't like enough to keep. Of course I still have a ton, and the only thing he says about them is that when we move I have to move all the books myself, lol!

  34. Susan Boyer is a local author for me and she is just as nice as you think she'd be. I'm hoping to go to the launch of her newest book.
