
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ten Things I'm Loving Right Now

I started to title this post Ten of My Favorite Things but then the song came bursting into my head so we are going with Ten Things I'm Loving Right Now.  This post came from my thinking about bullet journaling partly inspired by this post from Trish at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity.  I started thinking about what I would want to make lists of that might entertain me years from now looking at back and this is one of the subjects I came up with.
1.  Out of Print shirts - I've been looking at these bookish tshirts for ages but finally gave in a couple of months ago and bought myself a few and I love them.  They're super soft and hold up really well.  I've worn mine countless times and there's no fading or pilling.  I have The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Secret of the Old Clock, A Choose Your Own Adventure (that has choices on the back!!), A Wrinkle in Time, The Great Gatsby, and Curious George (picked by the Tornado).  I did make a rule that I had to have read the book and liked it before I can buy the shirt which is pushing up a few books on my TBR.  I do recommend going up a size when buying.  I normally where a small in tshirts but I got a medium in all of these and they fit really well.

2.  Filled Twizzlers - Twizzlers are one of my favorite snacks for road trips and the last trip I accidentally bought the Filled Twizzlers and became obsessed.  Like trying to come up with excuses to go to the grocery store so I could buy more kind of obsessed.  They're the perfect combination of sweet and tangy and I could eat them by the packful.  I'm trying to work on restraint but it's so hard!

3.  Raw Whole Almonds - Deep in the throes of my Filled Twizzlers addiction I read an article about someone trying all the Victoria Secret Angel tips and tricks.  One of them was snacking on raw almonds and the author was pretty complimentary of them so I thought I'd give them a try to see if that helped me manage my sweet tooth cravings and so far I've been really surprised.  When I'm feeling the need to eat 3 cupcakes for a snack I'll go and grab a couple of almonds and the craving will become manageable.  I'm not sure if it's placebo or not but whatever it is it's working!

4.  The Farmer's Market - One of my favorite things this time of year is the Farmer's Market.  We have several in the area but my favorite one is downtown on Thursday afternoons.  They always have a bunch of vendors and the selection is always great.  Plus there are several bakeries that have booths that are absolutely amazing.  If I'm being fully honest that's probably why I like it!

5.  Wingers Sticky Chicken Fingers Recipe from Creme de la Crumb- This chicken is so good and so easy!  It was one of those recipes that the first time I looked at it I wasn't sure it was going to work.  Baking breaded chicken and then rolling it in the glaze just seemed like asking for trouble and I just didn't see how the ingredients of the sauce would actually end up working.  I was so so so wrong!  It really reminded me of chicken wings but easier to eat and better for you.  Dip it in ranch or blue cheese and you've got a tasty dinner.

6.  Dr. Teal's Bath Salts - I'm definitely a bath girl.  It's my favorite way to unwind in the evening and  relaxes me like nothing else.  My very favorite thing to put in the bath is the Dr. Teal's salts.  I buy the big bags from the grocery store and will dump in a cup or two.  You get the benefits of epsom salts, it smells amazing (my favorite currently is the ginger and clay) and doesn't leave a mess in the tub or make it all oily like so many products do.  Plus they're pretty cheap and easy to find.

7.  Tocca Hand Creams - I love these hand creams and have tubes hidden everywhere.  I have super dry hands and not great nails and these really help.  I love that they do really seem to moisturize but the don't leave my hands greasy.  Plus they smell amazing!  I have Giulietta in my desk drawer which smells like Pink Tulips and Green Apple and Cleopatra next to my bed which Grapefruit and Cucumber.

8.  Romantic Suspense Books - When the temperatures start to rise and the humidity is so high that I just feel like the air is sitting on my there is nothing I want to read more than romantic suspense.  Something about the danger and the banter and all that keeps me turning pages when I can't seem to focus on other genres.  Some of my favorites are anything by Heather Graham, Nora Roberts suspense titles, Jayne Ann Krentz, and Lauren Griffin.

9.  Tomato Sandwiches - My absolute food in the summer is a tomato sandwich - toasted bread, a dash of mayonnaise, some bacon if I'm feel decadent, a drizzle of balsamic if I'm feeling fancy and most importantly lots of fresh sliced tomatoes.  I absolutely love getting them out of my own garden and going right in and making a sandwich while they're still warm but tomatoes from other peoples' gardens are okay too.  Just as long as they're not the forced ripe things they sell at the grocery store that pretend to be tomatoes.

10.  Mario Kart 8 - It's summer and school is out which means later nights and lazy mornings but also there's a lot of free time and time to fill.  Lately the Tornado and I have been playing some serious Mario Kart tournaments and we're having such a good time.  I like that it's something we can play together and we don't really get stuck at levels like we have with some of the other games.

While there isn't much cooking in this list there is a lot of food so I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads.


  1. I love this kind of post! And I pretty much like *everything* on your list. I have been doing a faux-bullet journal since the beginning of the year, but starting on June 1 I graduated to the real thing. I'm still playing with my format, my tracking pages, and my collections -- but I'm loving my BuJo!

  2. I'm with Beth here, love everything on your list. I have kept a journal since about 6th grade. It evolves and becomes subject focused and now I have one that encompasses books I want to read, foods we are eating, movies and books currently watched and that.

  3. What a fun post to read! You make me want to eat some sticky chicken fingers and grab a romantic suspense novel and several other things like thinking about my own list of favorite things.

  4. I love these kind of posts-- I'm a person who lives by lists!

    I'm going to consider buying a t-shirt or two from there because I can always use a comfy one for summer and the graphics are cool.

    I'm with you on the romantic suspense being a good fix for "beachy summer reads". Or "pool" "back deck" etc.

    I love hand creams, but only if they are absolutely not greasy and heavy. My SIL has gifted me with several tubes of Evelyn and Crabtree hand lotion a couple of years in a row, because I raved over their lightness and nice scents.

    And tomato sandwiches... when I was a kid there was no A/C, and in the summer my mom would sometimes make lettuce, tomato and mayo sandwiches for us on lightly toasted bread, with iced tea and cubes of cheese. You just reminded me of it, thanks!

  5. Awesome post! Although I haven't tried out of print clothing, I'm obsessed with redbubble. I need all my favourite fandom and just all the things, tshirts. Lol
    I love the strawberries and cream twizzlers. They are my crack. It's near impossible to not eat the whole bag in one go. Even when my teeth hurt.
    Tomatoes are definitely something I link with summer too. Mmmm...

  6. This is the third post I've seen today on bullet journaling -- and I hadn't come across it before this morning. It sounds compelling, though definitely not for me. I view blogging as a substitute for all the notebooks I used to fill with thoughts on what I read, talked to people about, what I ate or saw in museums, etc. But I can see how it's good for those who are more organized in life than I am!

    I haven't thought about "The Secret of the Old Clock" in a long time. Your book shirt collection sounds like a very intriguing reading list.

    best... mae at

  7. Girl, I'm right with you on those filled Twizzlers! They are seriously addictive. Then I have the nerve to try to be healthy by snacking on some yummy almonds. (lol) Love your post and happy Saturday! RO

  8. I think I'm afraid to try those Twizzlers. Fear of addiction has kept me out of a lot of trouble :) But thanks for the link to Out of Print Shirts. A few of those have my name on them. The order form that is.

  9. What a fun list! I do like Out of Print t-shirts and have bought several. Raw almonds are the best, too. Haven't heard of filled Twizzlers and they sound dangerous. :) Now I'm craving a garden fresh tomato sandwich.

  10. I need some new tees. I do like the ones with retro, old school graphics. I have this lightweight tank that has cassette tapes on it. Since you mentioned tomatoes, I have always been curious about fried green tomatoes. I wonder if firm red ones could be used too?

  11. I love the sound of the Choose Your Own Adventure shirt (with choices!). How awesome is that? Looks like fun shirts! And yes to both farmers markets and tomato sandwiches- love a good BLT (minus the L lol). Just toasted bread, bacon and juicy fresh tomato (the lettuce can be on the side for a nice salad). Ha ha now I'm hungry. :)

  12. What a fun post! A few years ago I used to do a "Things I Am Loving This Week" post on my blog with 2-4 things on there but got out of the habit. You make we want to go back to it. Love the Out of Print tee-shirts--I may need to own a P&P one. I adore Dr. Teals--the Soothe & Sleep is my favorite and I also like Relax & Relief when I have a cold or feel cruddy. Guess I need to find the ginger and clay one now! Actually your whole post pretty much makes me want to hang out with you! ;-)

  13. My current sweet obsession is Chocolate Fish - they are shaped like a fish covered in chocolate and are pink marshmallow in the middle -- a real old fashioned Kiwi treat (Kiwi as in New Zealander not the fuzzy fruit). Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  14. This is such a fun post, I love it! I pinned the wingers chicken recipe, I'm going to make it when sons come to dinner.

  15. Almonds and tomato sandwiches - yum!!

  16. Oh, I love the Carolyn Keene T-shirt...and you made me hungry for tomato sandwiches! As well as raw almonds, which I took for granted growing up as we lived on an almond ranch. After I was gone from there, I truly missed them. They are a great snack.

    Thanks for this post!

    1. Oh, and I almost forgot: I love romantic suspense and have that Deep Dark novel just waiting.

  17. What a fun list! I would love some of those t-shirts. I keep eyeing them... but I already have about 6 "geeky" t-shirts from TeeFury, and I'm having a hard time justifying getting any more. Almonds are yummy, and I'm on a romantic-suspense kick myself right now, reading Nora Roberts' "Stars of Mithra" trilogy.

  18. Sebastian has the habit of changing into his sleep pants when he gets home, but he doesn't change his t-shirt and it bothers me. I don't care if he has been inside all day, but wearing something that has been worn out and about to bed really bothers me. Ha ha. I got the brilliant idea to buy him t-shirts he would feel weird wearing out of the house, so he would have some dedicated sleep shirts. For his birthday I bought him the Goodnight Moon and Where the Wild Things Are t-shirts from Out Of Print, and paired them with color coordinated Hanes sleep pants. My plan failed because he thinks the shirts are cool and he wears them out of the house! I am waiting for another BOGO sale to buy some for myself. I am glad to hear they hold up well. I love the farmer's market! It is my favorite place next to a bookstore. We used to have some Menonites who brought the best baked goods, but they are not back this year. Their pies were to die for. So now I have the sads. :(

  19. What a fun list. I am with you on Tomato sandwiches. Tomato anything is my thought.

  20. And meanwhile I have a couple of tomatoes on my counter from my next-door-neighbor's garden that I have no idea what to do with because I'm not a tomato fan! But I do have some bacon that needs to be eaten, so maybe I'll test them. BUT...we have so many rabbits that we have to pick the tomatoes when they're just barely starting to turn red, so no hot freshly picked tomatoes here.

    Bookmarking the Sticky Fingers--though I'll have to play with the spices as I think the buffalo flavor will be too much for the littles.

  21. I love baths, too! And salts are the best since they smell good but don't leave a mess. I'll look for that brand.

  22. Tomato sandwiches in summer (hold the mayo for me) are amazing! I like doing just a little butter with the tomato or a slice of cheddar cheese and tomato. Noms!

  23. Those Twizzlers are the best right! I can't keep them in the house, the go so fast (you don't get as many in the bag x my kids absolutely love them = they get eaten in about an hour)
    I love this idea, I might borrow it (with a link back, of course)

  24. I've been eyeing the Out of Print tshirts - I need to get one! :)

  25. I haven't caved into Out of Print yet, but there are about 10 of them that I want.

  26. I will have to try the almond trick . . . :-)

  27. Awesome post! This post reminded me that i should buy the new mario kart!
