
Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday Linkups: Thornyhold

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you have a photo in my profile?

My Answer: 
Yes!  I've had the same picture for awhile and I've thought about changing it but there really aren't that many pictures of me so I haven't.

This week's book is Thornyhold by Mary Stewart.  I read some Mary Stewart in college and enjoyed her books and always meant to read more.  However, this was before Amazon was really a thing and I was very broke and relying on my used bookstore for books.  Their Mary Stewart selection wasn't large.  So when I was making up my Classic Club List and was thinking of authors and books I really wanted to read Mary Stewart came to mind.  Now I know that some people would argue that she doesn't qualify as a classic and her books really haven't been around that long BUT she's an author I've been wanting to read and Thornyhold sounded interesting so that's all that really matters right?

The Beginning:
I suppose my mother could have been a witch if she had chosen to.  But she met my father, who was a rather saintly clergyman and he cancelled her out.

My Thoughts: 
I really like the nonchalant tone of the narrator discussing her mother witch possibilities.  Right away I feel like the narrator is someone I will enjoy getting to know.

The 56:
I lay quite still, listening.  Bats? I knew nothing about them, but imagined them as silent creatures, hanging in their shelter.  In any case, surely they would be out in the night, and flying.

My Thoughts:
This is so me.  If I wake up in the middle of the night I always end up lying there listening for noises that shouldn't be there.  I could definitely see myself trying to decide if there was a non-scary reason for a noise I was hearing.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What do you consider a classic?


  1. I've only read one Mary Stewart novel, but it was a winner. This sounds really good!

  2. Now I am very curious....I haven't read this author, either, but I love the cover and the excerpts. I am freaky scared of bats, ever since two (on separate occasions) swept through my A-frame house.

    I like the sound of that narrator, too. Enjoy! Here's mine: “THE EXIT”

  3. Oh, it's been years since I read this. Now I want to read it again.

  4. My photo was six years old, and I decided it needed to be changed. :)

    Happy Reading and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  5. I've read and enjoyed some of Mary Stewart's books. I really like the look of this one and I'd definitely keep reading. I'm adding it to my TBR list. I think it's quite difficult defining a classic - one definition I like is that it's a book that stands the test of time. In which case I'd say her books are 'classics'.

  6. This is an author I'd love to sample. Hope you enjoy the book.

  7. Not read this author, so I need to check her out.

    Friday Memes

  8. I haven't heard of Mary Stewart, but this books looks very interesting. Enjoy! :-)

  9. I think I'd keep reading, it looks on the mysterious side! :) And Mary Stewart wrote some Arthurian stuff if I remember, although I've never read it. I used to see them in used bookstores as a kid and was always curious. She's probably written a lot more stuff than I realized...

  10. I love your picture. Very pretty!
    Haha! I totally wake up in the middle of the night(or as I'm trying to sleep) and do the same. I always think I'm hearing raccoons running around on the roof or even attic. Apparently I'm the only one hearing them though... :/

  11. I do that too. I'll wake up in the night, wondering and listening for what woke me up! Love that gothic cover and been a long time since I've read this author. Good choice:)

    My Friday 56 from Headed For Trouble

  12. If this is Mary Stewart who wrote The Little Broomstick - which I think is one of my favourite all-time children's books that is not just for children - then oh YESSS I definitely want to read on! I love that opening! Thank you for sharing and have a great week-end:)

  13. I love your pic! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

    Kristine @ The Writer's Inkwell

  14. This is new to me but looks like my kind of book to read. Looks good. Hope you enjoy it. Have a great weekend.

  15. Oh my gosh, I love that opening line. I'm so intrigued! Hope you enjoy and have a lovely weekend.

  16. Definitely keep reading! Mary Stewart was a great writer and is credited with being the developer of the "romantic mystery" subgenre. One of my favorite books by her is The Ivy Tree - I sure wish Amazon had it on Kindle! Thanks for visiting my Friday meme earlier

  17. Great opening line! I'd love for your readers check out mine ...

  18. It's been a long time since I read Mary Stewart. This sounds really good.

  19. This author is very popular at my library. Happy reading!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  20. I love that first sentence! Thornyhold sounds like a good read. I hope you enjoy it!

  21. Hi Katherine,

    I too, read this particular book many years ago, probably when it was first published, so can't really remember much about either it, or the author, about whom I had completely forgotten.

    The witch and the clergyman - now there's an interesting thought !

    We once stayed in an authentic Scottish castle and were given a room in the turrets. One evening during our stay, there was a great noise and commotion and upon enquiring, we were told that the local bat preservation group were carrying out a count of one of the largest colonies of bats in the country - right above our heads in the belfry - how much sleep do you think we got that night :)

    Thanks for sharing and for re-igniting past memories :)


  22. I've just checked out your photo in your "About Me" page. Unless this picture is several years old, I can't believe you actually have a 19-year-old daughter! You look SO young in this picture! WOW!! I really envy you!! Lol.

    I LOVE your book selection this week! I read "The Moon Spinners" years ago, and greatly enjoyed it. I would really like to read more of Stewart's books. I did start reading "The Crystal Cave" about two years ago, but found it disappointing. It wasn't as full of magic (this book is about the early life of Merlin the Magician) as I thought it would be. Oh, well.... "Thornyhold", though, does sound like it will deliver on that suitably creepy cover! Hope you enjoy it! I'm adding it to my Goodreads shelves!

    Thanks for commenting on my BBH post!! Have an AWESOME weekend!! :)

  23. P.S. In light of the bad experience I had on Twitter, you might want to reconsider having your personal photo on display on this blog. You just never know.... Take care!! :)

  24. I never really thought about what I consider a classic before. Hmm... I will have to think on it. :)

  25. I'mm so intrigued! I really love that beginning! Happy weekend!

  26. What a funny, odd statement. My father cancelled out my mother. I will think on this today.

  27. I like opening lines like that. Makes me intrigued! :)

    Sya @ Bookish Sya

  28. I am intrigued by the excerpts. Sounds like an author I would like. Enjoy!

  29. I also have a photo of myself on my about me profile. Thank you so much for stopping by my Blogger Hop.
