
Monday, May 9, 2016

Clouds in My Coffee - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

Clouds in My Coffee (The Country Club Murders #3) by Julie Mulhern Rating:  Very Good
Source: NetGalley
Description:  When Ellison Russell is nearly killed at a benefactors' party, she brushes the incident aside as an unhappy accident.  But when her house is fire-bombed, she's shot at, and the person sitting next to her at a gala is poisoned, she must face facts.  Someone wants her dead.  But why?  And can Ellison find the killer before he strikes again?  Add in an estranged sister, a visiting aunt with a shocking secret, and a handsome detective staying in her guesthouse, and Ellison might need more than cream in her coffee... (from Goodreads)

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: I loved the previous book in the series and couldn't wait for this one!

My Impression:  I've been teetering on the edge of a reading slump for a few weeks now.  Pretty much every book I read was good but nothing special and nothing was really pulling me into the story.  Until I picked up Clouds in My Coffee and right away I was in Kansas City in the mid 1970s in the world of Ellison Russell.  I absolutely loved the previous book - Guaranteed to Bleed - and was thrilled to find out that I loved this one just as much if not more.

Ellison is just as easy to relate to as she;s always been and I really enjoyed seeing all the family bonds that were explored in this book.  While we still see her daughter Grace a good bit the focus is more on Ellison's relationship with her mother, sister and aunt and all the relationships in between.  I really enjoyed getting to know Ellison's mother better and getting to know Ellison's sister.  I could definitely see why they didn't always get along.

The mystery itself was page turning and entertaining.  It was also quite a bit different from the usual murder mystery.  While a body does eventually show up the main focus is on the narrow escapes Ellison is having.  Normally you know why someone is out to kill the main character but in this case no one - including Ellison - has any idea.  In the best possible way I had no idea what was going on or how it was going to be revealed for about 80% of the book and even when I did have a theory I was ended up being wrong!

This book is clearly taking place in the 70s and there are a number of cultural mentions which I was fascinated with but it's never overdone.  If you want a little help visualizing you can check out Mulhern's Pinterest page where she has a board for each book.  I also adored when Ellison's mother, Francine, tells her to not go into any out of the way places  or check her coat at a gala because she doesn't want Ellison to stumble over another dead body.

Overall, this is becoming one of my favorite mystery series.  It's entertaining and well structured and light without being fluffy.   I can't wait to see what trouble Ellison will get in next!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  Mulhern is on my auto-buy list

Would I Recommend this Book?: Definitely.  If you enjoy a good mystery you should not pass up this series.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today! I'm THRILLED you enjoyed Clouds!!!

  2. I finished Clouds last week and already want more!!

    1. This makes my heart SING! Thank you!!! Send in the Clowns will be available in October.

  3. This is a series I really want to start. LOVE the cover for this one too. Glad to see you enjoyed this one! Great review!

    1. Isn't the cover amazing? Henery Press did a phenomenal job with it!

  4. I agree, this series is great. And it feels a lot different than other cozies I've read, maybe it's the 70's setting but I love Ellison and her relationships too. Glad to hear her mother plays a big role, she's a hoot! And nice to check in with Anarchy and Tafft again. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Greg! Glad you're enjoying the Country Club up is more about Ellison's relationship with her father, and a murderous clown...

  5. How fun! I don't read many books set in the 1970s. I'm glad that this one sucked you right in. Reading slumps are NEVER fun!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Quinn! Hope you'll give the Country Club Murders a try!

  6. Okay, you've convinced me :) I see many other bloggers who love this series. I am old enough to find the recent past setting fun, and I like a good cozy. I believe this is book #3, The Deep End is #1. I have to get that one. I accidentally picked up Guaranteed to Bleed a month or so ago and realized it wasn't the first one so returned it. Now I'll start with book one.
    Thanks for a great review and a chance to win, Katherine!
    new blog title/address: View From My Book Journal

  7. Have added this to my TBR list and can't wait to read it.

    1. Thanks, Becky! Hope you enjoy the Country Club Murders! Book two is currently on sale for just 99 cents.

  8. Would really like to read. Sounds very entertaining from the review. Definitely adding to my TBR list.

  9. Would really like to read. Sounds very entertaining from the review. Definitely adding to my TBR list.

    1. I hope you'll add it to the TOP of your TBR list!

  10. I've loved all three books in this series. "It's entertaining and well structured and light without being fluffy" is a perfect description.

    Thanks so much for the link to Julie's Pinterest boards. They are fascinating 'reading'. Many memories. :-)

    1. I planned on setting the gala at Corinthian Hall but discovered there was no ballroom. Ergo, the benefactor party...I love the pictures from that beautiful home and am so pleased you enjoyed them on Pinterest!

  11. I loved the first two books and have to read this one too.

  12. Isn't it great when books have been good but not totally grabbing, and then one comes along. I like the sound of this one.

    1. Kathryn, I hope you'll give the Country Club Murders a try!

  13. I really enjoyed the first two books, and especially the character Ellison Russell. She felt like a real person whose fate I really cared about. I can't wait to get a copy of this one.

  14. Ohh great review! This is actually the first time I hear about this book and it really looks and sounds absolutely amazing and fantastic! Thank you for your awesome post.

    1. Thanks for taking time to comment Katiria!

  15. Sounds like an interesting series, and a time period that doesn't usually get much attention! (Cultural references from the '70s, hmmm. I wonder how many of them I would get? I was in high school in the late '70s.) And I'm glad it got you out of your reading slump, too.

    1. Lark, I was seven in 1974 but who can forget Tab with lime, Dr. Scholl's sandals, Watergate, or when fruit and marshmallows mixed in mayonnaise was called a salad? Hope you'll give the country club murders a try!

  16. You make me even more eager to give this series a try, Katherine. I am glad you enjoyed this one as well as the previous book. From the sounds of it this mystery has a lot to offer.

    1. I hope you'll give the Country Club Murders a try!
