
Sunday, May 8, 2016

This Week in Reading - May 8

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Wages of Desire by Stephen Kelly - I love a World War II setting and this mystery involving murder and old secrets sounds wonderful!  (NetGalley)

Engaged in Death by Stephanie Blackmoor - This is a new to me cozy mystery author the main character inherits a house described as a "ramshackle mansion" and I can't resist those things!  (NetGalley)

Only You by Denise Grover Swank - A new contemporary romance series from a new to me author.  (Publisher)

Hearse and Gardens by Kathleen Bridge - I've been wanting to try this series for awhile and finally bought this one in a fit of pre-orders last month.  (Amazon)

Irish Stewed by Kylie Logan - Another pre-order and another author I've been wanting to try.  I couldn't resist the title and the series sounds like it will be fantastic!  (Amazon)


Reading: Prayers the Devil Answered by Sharyn McCrumb and Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Listening: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Watching: J and I are still watching The Blacklist and enjoying it.  I'm still watching Supernatural though I haven't gotten much watched this week.  

Off the Blog:

This week was my birthday and I had a nice time.  We had a massive dinner at the Melting Pot which is a fondue restaurant and I think I'll be full for days but it was so tasty.  The rest of the family insisted on the meat course but I would've been happy with just the cheese and chocolate courses.

The Tornado and his class had a field trip to the public library this week.  They went to the branch that we usually go too that's right near our house and then after the story time we took the kids to the park that's next door and had a picnic and let the kids run around on the playground for awhile.

I'm still walking with friends and have been enjoying it.  We've been walking about 4 to 5 miles 3 times a week and I'm back to tracking my calories.  After 2 weeks I'm not sure if I've lost any weight but I feel tons better and my clothes seem to fit a little better.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Clouds in My Coffee - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - My Top Ten Non-Bookish Websites 
Wednesday: The Crossing Places - Mystery Review
Thursday: TBD but probably a review for Prayers the Devil Answered
Friday: Linkups with excerpts from current book
Saturday: Cookies and Cups - Cookbook Review + Recipe

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Well done on the walking. I need to start some exercise as well Katherine.

    Oh and happy belated birthday. It sounds you had a nice dinner out though I would definitely have gone for just the cheese and chocolate fondues!

  2. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a good week. The Melting Pot sounds great, there's a fondue place around here but have never tried it. Heard good things though. The Wages of Desire has an interesting cover, and a WWII mystery does sound good.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on Clouds in my Coffee as I haven't read it yet.

  3. Happy Birthday, Katherine! I love fondue, too, but like you, I actually prefer the cheese one - but we only have that in winter here, as the hot cheese warms us up too much in the summer...
    I hope you're enjoying Me Before You.
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  4. Happy birthday! I've been to The Melting Pot a couple times, but I also actually own my own fondue pot, and let me tell you, it is a lot of work doing all that stuff yourself lol. So I've used it literally twice, I think. It's so much fun though!

    And that's great that you've been doing all that walking :-)

  5. Happy Mother's Day! And Happy Birthday too! I am glad you had a nice birthday. :-) I am glad you have been able to walk with friends. That seems to be a good way to stay motivated--or at least it would be for me. Tornado's field trip sounds like fun. The Wages of Desire sounds like a good one.

    I am sorry I haven't been around. I haven't been on the computer much unless it was for work. I hope to be around more this week. Have a great week, Katherine!

  6. Happy (belated) birthday. And well done on the walking. It sounds like you’re doing great. Exercising really does make you feel more healthy doesn’t it?! I’ve been trying to do it more too, and I definitely feel great.
    Looks like you’ve got some nice new books. Have a great week and Happy Reading! ;)

  7. You got some great books, was tempted to go get one from netgalley but I am really trying to resist. :) Happy belated Birthday, glad to hear you had a good time. I need to get back into walking as I have been slacking lately but now the weather is so nice I really have no excuse. I have lost 25 pounds so far with Weight Watchers so need to keep it off, that is if I don't gain it all back at BEA and Chicago foods! :)

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  8. Happy Belated Birthday! Great job on the walking! I run so I know that it's hard sometimes to get out there. Have a great week ahead:)

  9. Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday!!! Can't wait to see what you think of Me Before You and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. I find when I am walking more I always feel better and a little more trim even if it isn't much on the scale. Hope you have a great week!

  10. Happy birthday! Fondue is a lot of fun...I remember when we first had those Fondue parties in the 70s...and then I didn't see them for a long time. Now they seem to be back in fashion. I love the chocolate ones, too.

    I am eager to get Clouds in My Coffee...loved the first two books.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. Happy Belated Birthday! I'll get to a Melting Pot one of these days and have a feeling the cheese and chocolate courses would be just right for me, too! I remember loving The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society in print. Bet it's great on audio, too.

  12. Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day, Katherine! Lots of fun sounding cozies and light mysteries came your way. Hope you are having a blast walking with your friends. I don't have any friends out here but my best friend (my hubby) is going to walk with me every morning when we finally move into our new home end of this month-- I can't wait. Please note my new address--- a spin-off from my last blog, lol.

  13. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a great reading week. :)

  14. Happy Birthday...used to love The Melting Pot when we lived in the states...bringing back memories. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I have never been to The Melting Pot, I hope you enjoyed it. I really need to make a trip one day but the only one we have isn't very close by.
    I need to get back to walking, it's been a long time.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

  16. Happy Birthday!! My oldest son gave me a Melting Pot gift certificate for Mother's Day one year and hubby & I went. We didn't really like it. It wasn't bad, but not something we'll probably do again.

    Great job on the walking! *two thumbs up* Hubby and I need to come up with an exercise plan. His schedule is wacky, so it'll take some finagling but we'll get there. At least our meals are resulting in excellent sugar readings for him, so yay!

    Don't you hate when you have to leave the boys hanging? I know I do. I didn't get to watch them at all this week. *major pouts*

  17. Happy Birthday and Mothers Day! <3
    ME BEFORE YOU! You're loving it right? I know you are! This is your first Moyes book too right? You'll be hooked now.
    What a fun little field trip for the kiddies. I assume it was a nice day too.
    Walking is so good for you. I'm glad you're keeping with it. :D

  18. Happy Mother's Day and belated birthday wishes! I will be stopping back around for your country cooking post that I didn't get to last week. I miss class field trips, they were always so much fun. Have a wonderful week. :)

  19. Very curious about Irish Stewed :) Happy Birthday!

  20. Happy belated birthday - it sounds like you had a lovely day!

    That's great about the walking, and doing it with friends is probably really enjoyable I imagine. I used to do a lot of walking when my toddler was a baby, but now that his out and about here there and everywhere I do a lot less long distance walking as I'm not just plopping him in the buggy but relying on him walking. It's fun watching him explore though!

    But yay for feeling better in yourself! It isn't all about numbers on a scale after all.

    The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a book I've had on my wishlist for a while now - I hope you're enjoying it.

    Reading With Jade

  21. Great job with your walking! That is something I really need to do more of!
    I love the Blacklist! Can't wait to see what happens next...
    Happy Reading! <a href="”>Dani @ Paulette’s Papers</a>

  22. Congrats on the weight loss! Even though you may not feel it or see it, your body redistributes your weight. If clothes fit better, you've been losing some inches! I need to start walking every day. Happy belated birthday, and mother's day!

  23. Happy late birthday! Cheese and chocolate sounds pretty good to me :D Hope you have a great week!
